All Freight Transport

Discussion in 'Report A BAD Trucking Company Here' started by TurkeyCreekJackJohnson, Feb 7, 2024.

  1. TurkeyCreekJackJohnson

    TurkeyCreekJackJohnson Light Load Member

    Feb 7, 2024
    South Western US
    Fall River, MA
    If you get to the point of being provided the onboarding documentation read that documentation (71 pages) VERY, VERY carefully. I CAN NOT recommend this company.
    Crude Truckin' Thanks this.
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  3. Crude Truckin'

    Crude Truckin' Alien Spacecraft

    Oct 22, 2016
    North Dakota, Eh?
    Off topic, but we're into the 4xxxxxx series of DOT numbers? Wowwww!!
    EurekaSevven and mjd4277 Thank this.
  4. mjd4277

    mjd4277 Road Train Member

    Oct 4, 2015
    And to think,some of us drivers were getting the heebie-jeebies when DOT numbers were in the 1xxxxxx range!:eek:
    Fall River? That pretty much says it all right there!!
    Crude Truckin' Thanks this.
  5. Crude Truckin'

    Crude Truckin' Alien Spacecraft

    Oct 22, 2016
    North Dakota, Eh?
    Well it was only 5 years ago or so when they rolled over to 3xxxxxx. Just shows the boom of numbers they issued. I work for a 4xxxxx company. I always watch for that number. Get a good idea how long someone has been in business.
    mjd4277 Thanks this.
  6. mjd4277

    mjd4277 Road Train Member

    Oct 4, 2015
    My company is in the 7xxxx range (old as dirt) so if that’s any indication it’s been around for some time!;)
    Crude Truckin' Thanks this.
  7. Lonesome

    Lonesome Mr. Sarcasm

    Dec 15, 2007
    Northern Indiana
    Care to elaborate? Yes, I'm in the process of copyrighting that statement...
  8. TurkeyCreekJackJohnson

    TurkeyCreekJackJohnson Light Load Member

    Feb 7, 2024
    South Western US
    BLUF: I am not here to trash acompany I chose not to work for. I am no expert and I know nothing other than what I saw. That being said I will tell you about my experience that mirrored the experiences some here have had.

    I learned heavy equipment and trucking in the Navy beginning in 1994. Retired EO since 2020. I consider myself an heavy equipment operator first with a CDL as a bonus to my resume. I don't have the time or miles to call myself a true OTR trucker, but I have not been able to penetrate the civilian construction sector. So a mans gotta eat! Since 2020 I worked for am semi large reefer company out of SLC UT for 9 months. Nice equipment & treatment, fair mechanics, but they couldn't keep me moving. I was hired away (my mistake) by a livestock hauler with a terminal in St George UT. Hard smelly work but consistent and higher (.62CPM vs .52CPM) pay. My dispatcher was awesome, shop was top notch. Owners/management refused to pay for CAT scales. The industrial pig farm "certified " scales (the farm could produce no such certification) and there was pressure from the farm and the management to run overweight. So after 6mos I left becauseno one puts my record at risk. Got hired on by guy with 3 trucks doing dry van and his brokers where also struggling to keep me moving. After 7 months the truck suffered major regen/emissions problems. Repair cost was too high as this guy is just a guy. So I'm without a truck and searching for work. I'm on websites and networking and researching, I get contacted by All Freight Transport on
    Their post claims OTR $40 Hrly pay & $3500 week (math doesn't add/red flag) New truck, and all sorts of bells and whistles the companyprovides. But they mentioned hauling frac sand. I do enjoy dump trucking/bulk materials/quarry work, so I reach out. They wouldn't answer basic questions until I sent a copy of my CDL/Med Cert, I missed this a flag. They send a 77pg on boarding file and said once I completed it then they would call me and answer all my questions. That red flag I caught. I asked for there DOT# to review as I reviewed their packet and they sent the FOT# along. Only 1 truck and driver. The packet wanted me to sign to agree to a pay ($1500 wkly) that was not on the job posting and that I would work for 4 weeks before seeing the 1st paycheck and the remaining 3 would be held for 6 months. Well I stopped right there and the company absolutely refused to answer questions until the document was signed completely & returned. So I professionally thanked them for their interest and that I would be seeking opportunities elsewhere. Afterwards I sat down with a critical eye on their documents there where numerous other things that set off my radar. Remember I'm no seasoned OTR trucker but when something reads dumb it probably is dumb. Hell they could be a good outfit. I don't know either way. But if they are they self-eliminated with their attitude, process and onboarding documentation. So like I posted originally, if you get to where I did... READ THOSE DOCUMENTS VERY CAREFULLY...and in my opinion (worth less than cup of coffee) look elsewhere. I hope this helps someone out.
  9. TurkeyCreekJackJohnson

    TurkeyCreekJackJohnson Light Load Member

    Feb 7, 2024
    South Western US
    Can you tell me more the significance of Fall River?

    Would I be correct in assuming DOT# are sequential and the high number means a newer company? Do they ever reuse/reassign DOT#'s?
    Crude Truckin' and Lonesome Thank this.
  10. Lonesome

    Lonesome Mr. Sarcasm

    Dec 15, 2007
    Northern Indiana
    Much better writeup! Thank You.
  11. mjd4277

    mjd4277 Road Train Member

    Oct 4, 2015
    Fall River is notorious for its corruption and high crime rate-they send a bit a business my wife’s way(It’s previous mayor Jasiel Correa was charged and convicted on fraud and extortion-he’s doing a 6 year sentence in Club Fed).
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