Alz Express Ohio Llc us dot 3628857

Discussion in 'Report A BAD Trucking Company Here' started by Mann4, May 11, 2024.

  1. Mann4

    Mann4 Bobtail Member

    May 11, 2024
    I worked with this corrupt company for a whooping 6 months and 1500 as an owner operator. I Quit months ago and still trying to collect 1500 of escrow they owe me or I should i say stole from me. watch out for recruiter Mike Jj JOHN English, Alz management. They're the biggest Liar, and Mr. Mason no help at all. All he does is lie and block your calls and send messages saying busy never hear back from him the owners don't pick up or return calls and lie as well said i own a broker then come back saying that they paid me for a load i didn't run also was a lie. Then once i called every broker i pulled for they told me i was clear i didn't owe anything and that Alz was lying i called them and told them and they then said i was clear that they were sending my money over but never did a couple of days later they said they sent it to an account that was closed then they said they zelled the money never got it then texted me 3 weeks and asked me did i received the money that they never sent because i asked what account did they send it to this time and no response until Friday 10 2024 tell me sorry about the delay of payment and went ghost again I've had nothing but back experiences with this company they lie to you about loads they lie to the brokers but you on a team load and give brokers a fake team name and come to found out you pay 350 for insurance that fake that does cover anything if something happens they can't get any loads because they lie to brokers and have a claim on them that a driver hit something at a receiver or shipper that they didn't that ova thousands of dollars but they trying to make driver pay because come to find out insurance wasn't real they make us weekly backfired on them i never made money with them and never got paid on time they always had an excuse as to why i had to get my money 2 or 4 later always told me you can't make money unless you run up north no brokers wants to use them because late loads lying and a major claim they say that you use your card anywhere a lie and once they dispatch you on a load you can only get 50 gallons of fuel and once you loaded it 50-80 gallons you or limited on fuel you have to keep calling to get them to turn the card on to get fuel I've got fuzz out multiple of time at gas pump because I'm holding the fuel line up trying to get fuel and getting card turned on they're clowns company they will call you and tell you do not pick up for the brokers if they call you they will tell you don't accept a load from the brokers they sit you at a truck stop for days say they are looking for a load and never hear back from them.
    -bad credit/factoring companies blacklisted them, they will also insist to pay you with EFS/comcheck/zelle or whatever will make you take their load. The goal is to just get your truck.i went out my way for this company and all they did was lie fxxx me over not they saying that they going to pay my 1500 like they took it out every week 250 a week and haven't received anything

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  3. Mann4

    Mann4 Bobtail Member

    May 11, 2024
    The worst truck company you can work for scammers take your money and lie to you didn't do anything but went into the hole with them

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  4. SpeedNGo

    SpeedNGo Bobtail Member

    May 11, 2024
  5. SpeedNGo

    SpeedNGo Bobtail Member

    May 11, 2024
    I've also had a bad experience with ALZ. Dealt with the same thing you did, but only once. Maybe we should get together on bringing this company down. I believe they are involved in double brokering!
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