Am I using the wrong cable?

Discussion in 'CB Radio Forum' started by NorthwoodsTrucker, Sep 10, 2024.

  1. NorthwoodsTrucker

    NorthwoodsTrucker Bobtail Member

    Sep 10, 2024
    Hello I have recently installed a cb radio in my Peterbilt 365 I got 2, 4 foot fire sticks the tuneable kind and a uniden pc78ltx radio. I hooked it all up and my swr is basically pegged along with the red antenna light on if I attempt to transmit. I am not using the radio I know I will fry it until I figure out the issue. I attached a picture of the cable that was already in the truck that I connected this connector does not look the same as what I'm used to could this be the problem or do I need to look into grounding my antenna mounts better? The antennas are what look to be factory mirror mounts. Mind you all this is a almost 20 year old truck. Should I get a new coax and just hook it up to one of the antennas and see if that helps?

    Attached Files:

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  3. NorthwoodsTrucker

    NorthwoodsTrucker Bobtail Member

    Sep 10, 2024
    Here's an update I bought a clamp on mirror mount and a new Wilson coax, the radio is now working and the red antenna light is gone. The old studs on the mirrors were badly corroded and the old coax is probably in the same condition. I can now hear people and they can hear me but my swr is still around 2.5 the mirrors are grounded but I'm going to try to add a couple grounds and see if it helps...
    rabbiporkchop Thanks this.
  4. Night Stalker10

    Night Stalker10 Road Train Member

    Jun 26, 2017
    Your on the right track. You need to buy an external SWR meter to check your antennas with. They are more reliable than the built in swr meter in the radio.
    That pl259 connector in the picture isn't a very good quality connector, it can cause problems too.
    As far as additional grounding, you need to use flat straps that are about 1 inches wide and 10 inches long. Here's a great website to help.

  5. NorthwoodsTrucker

    NorthwoodsTrucker Bobtail Member

    Sep 10, 2024
    Thanks for the reply I am using a external swr meter. It's a cheap workman model off Amazon. I setup my cb in my pickup truck when doing hotshot a few years ago with very good results with a cheap uniden radio and fire stick antenna mounted to fender. That's why I went with a nicer uniden and fire stick antenna again for my semi now. I had the mechanic add a ground strap on my down day today I'm going back out for a overnight run tonight at midnight when I park for the day tomorrow around 2pm I will see how the swr is now hopefully it's better. I think that coax cable that was in the truck was very very old. The fittings connected to studs on mirror were so corroded I couldn't even get the to loosen with vice grips. I feel lucky to be driving such a cool old peterbilt heck you could almost call it a classic but stuff like this is kinda the bad side lol. Just glad I get to grab my own gears before manual goes extinct soon..

    Will update tomorrow with swr readings maybe some pictures of what I got setup thanks!
    Night Stalker10 Thanks this.
  6. NorthwoodsTrucker

    NorthwoodsTrucker Bobtail Member

    Sep 10, 2024
    Am there update I added ground and needed to shorten antenna passed max adjustment on fire stick I read you can remove the adjusting screw completely if you need to shorten more, this worked for me. Not totally happy but have a swe of 1.6 on channel 19 now only thing I can think is to add more grounding throughout the truck at this's a new Wilson cable new antenna and new radio so I'd say that only leaves grounding. I did hear that tilting antenna can sometimes effect swr...this true?
  7. Night Stalker10

    Night Stalker10 Road Train Member

    Jun 26, 2017
    What's the shielding in the Wilson coax?
    You should use coax that has at least 95-97% shielding. I've always understood that if tilting the antenna effects the standing wave ratio, then you still have an RF ground problem. Although there are a few guys on the forum that tilt the antenna forward (around 20 degrees or so) with good success. It would be interesting to see the numbers of your antenna system on an antenna analyzer.
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