And away we go…another Walmart Transportation thread

Discussion in 'Wal-Mart' started by BreadMakesMePoop, Apr 17, 2024.

  1. rollin coal

    rollin coal Road Train Member

    Mar 29, 2008
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  3. rollin coal

    rollin coal Road Train Member

    Mar 29, 2008
    They don't micromanage and never have. Everyone knows what's expected. Do your job and you won't hear from anybody. I came to Walmart after 10+ years as an o/o who answered to no-one. Walmart is chill and laid back, no stress, easy.
    viper822004, braceface, 201 and 3 others Thank this.
  4. LTL Bull

    LTL Bull Road Train Member

    Mar 12, 2020
    Glad for you however threads on here would indicate the contrary. The input I had which was mostly Coldwater MI DC and a smaller DC out of the Romulus MI area is also contradictory to your experience. Had a buddy who worked in Washington Courthouse DC that only lasted 6 months till he moved on to Old Dominion that said management vs driver relationship was very toxic. So again, glad it’s working for you maybe it’s DC or region specific. Which DC are you out of, any of the ones I mentioned if you don’t care to be specific on your location. Still waiting on the OP to elaborate a bit
    viper822004, gentleroger and Lonesome Thank this.
  5. BreadMakesMePoop

    BreadMakesMePoop Bobtail Member

    Dec 4, 2019
    Seymour Indiana
    bryan21384 Thanks this.
  6. BreadMakesMePoop

    BreadMakesMePoop Bobtail Member

    Dec 4, 2019

    The plan is absolutely no outside carriers in any DC.
    The DCs with outside carriers are normally “run” by those carriers and the difference is very noticeable.
    Of course the veteran drivers will say Walmart is going downhill and not what it was once. Change is change. Happens.

    The system of slip seating works majority of the time if not around 99 percent but not all drivers follow the cleaning and leaving room for other drivers. Again, that mostly happens from the old timers whose entire truck set up for their comfort. Not alll trucks are used as slip seating but everyone is told they have to keep the truck cleaned and available for other drivers to use. Last truck I was assigned had to be the dirtiest and stinkiest one yet. No pet policy but smelled of dog and found some doggie biscuits and water bowl so…pretty sure it was an old timers truck. 36,000 miles and the inside looked like it hadn’t been cleaned since Sam Walton was alive.
    Could that situation be an outlier and not the norm? Leaning towards outlier as far as lack of cleanliness but the leaving room part is a problem once a month, IE a week outta the month you’re in a very cramped situation.

    The pay is good but the schedule, which, BTW, is the crux of the disappointment (along with substandard health insurance) isn’t consistent. What I mean by that is there’s a good chance what you get hired in on you will lose during rebid every April.
    Worked my first full weekend since the turn of the century. That was eye opening and there’s not much anyone can do if they decide to remove a ton of schedules to more or less make more drivers available for weekends.
    I understand it. Low man on the totem pole but when you have numerous drivers hired on with certain schedules and then all those drivers lose that schedule…makes for a tough time to enjoy the good things they offer.
    For example I made 510 Saturday and 567 on Sunday. That’s not bad at all. I’m pretty new (less than a year) and my daily pay is around 370. Not saying the money is bad. It’s not. It’s not a hard job.

    Inconvenient situations depending on your life? Yes.
    No micro managing at all but they are strict with order of operations and doing it the Walmart way up to and including the process of hooking up to trailers. The order of operations when going to a store. It’s very robotic. They do have office personnel who’ll drive around the DCs and watch drivers to make sure they are following procedures and you will get spoken with if you deviate from procedure at any point.

    Just from a personal standpoint, and maybe being older with kiddos, it might not be the end all. Trying to keep that part out of any conversation as that isn’t helpful for everyone.
    It’s probably the best of a dying industry.
    I took the job for a few main reasons

    1 if Walmart has major issues, worrying about freight lanes and pay and parking won’t matter one bit.
    2 the truck parking is almost a non existent issue and that is pretty awesome.
    3 the other benefits offered are pretty sweet. They offer some pretty cool benefits like paying for secondary education at a very steep discount.

    They have a lot of good they offer depending on your life’s situations and goals. Guess at my age, I’m done chasing money to the level of sacrifice time with family. Working full weekends isn’t ideal for most, but they try and ease that with better pay for weekends.

    Sometimes money isn’t everything.
    viper822004, Loudstacks and bryan21384 Thank this.
  7. LTL Bull

    LTL Bull Road Train Member

    Mar 12, 2020
    Sorry, but this is self contradictory. It is precisely micro management, just as UPS is “strict about procedures”. As long as the job is done safely in accordance with DOT regs and laws regarding CMV’s managing beyond that IS micromanaging.

    Your quote;

    No micro managing at all but they are strict with order of operations and doing it the Walmart way up to and including the process of hooking up to trailers. The order of operations when going to a store. It’s very robotic. They do have office personnel who’ll drive around the DCs and watch drivers to make sure they are following procedures and you will get spoken with if you deviate from procedure at any point.
    motocross25, Lonesome and Numb Thank this.
  8. BreadMakesMePoop

    BreadMakesMePoop Bobtail Member

    Dec 4, 2019

    Yeah that’s not micro management
    That’s installing a specific set of protocols that every single driver is required to follow. It’s a routine that they expect all drivers to follow. They keep an eye on things to make sure their way is done as close to 100 percent of time. Is it a bit much? Maybe. Is it hard to do and eat up your clock? Absolutely not.
    The routine is for the safety of the driver and the the upkeep of equipment. Mostly for the upkeep but that’s fine. Besides dirty trucks inside from time to time, the equipment, including the older trucks, are maintained very well.
    It’s corporate and they want to avoid lawsuits for things drivers or maintenance can catch before hitting the road.
    Safety is most important and profits are right next to it.
    I wasn’t around when this was the country club atmosphere.
    Not having to fuel your own truck…not having to unhook or drop trailers…just driving. The old timers say it’s definitely been more onus on the drivers. Still beats dealing with companies that try and micro manage with phone calls, texts, emails…got a hot load that has to deliver no matter what…telling drivers how to run their clocks…etc etc

    I start my clock and my day is done when it’s done. No pausing the clock to save time for whatever BS the company has up their sleeves.

    Maybe your definition of micro managing differs from my definition and experience, but they expect things done their way and that’s the way it is.
    I have yet to receive a single phone call from anyone ever in any department.
    You control your own clock. You control the time allocated for daily tasks.
    I’ll agree it is a very robotic system but it works extremely well for them,
    viper822004 Thanks this.
  9. Loudstacks

    Loudstacks Light Load Member

    Feb 29, 2020
    Wow that's a big one that was just mentioned and when studying ltl linehaul gigs I finally found out even sirh seniority you can lose a bid rub due to company expansion or something outside your control, what's the point of seniority if that doesn't guarantee you to run the scheduled you EARNED via seniority, money isn't everything you're 100 on that one and putting in years to get that perfect bud schedule and have it taken away due to hiring on more drivers, well that would be worth considering... is there a cap to annual raises better question are there annual raises & of so are you capped once a certain cpm is reached? My old reefer otr company was capped at .71 and had some vets sissy about that all the time with over 2 decades under their belts...
    Lonesome Thanks this.
  10. Lonesome

    Lonesome Mr. Sarcasm

    Dec 15, 2007
    Northern Indiana
    Yeah....^^WHAT HE SAID! ^^ Care to elaborate? Is Region 5 Alaska? New Hampshire? Perhaps Rhode Island??

    never mind....answered.
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2024
    Sirscrapntruckalot Thanks this.
  11. BreadMakesMePoop

    BreadMakesMePoop Bobtail Member

    Dec 4, 2019
    It’s still very much seniority based bid system. No way a newer driver will get a Monday through Friday schedule nor get one assigned truck.
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