And away we go…another Walmart Transportation thread

Discussion in 'Wal-Mart' started by BreadMakesMePoop, Apr 17, 2024.

  1. J_D_Boss_Hawg

    J_D_Boss_Hawg Light Load Member

    May 25, 2015
    Mebane nc
    I worked there 3.5 years. I left. I couldn't handle all the cameras everywhere. Inside/outside the trucks on WM property. Office people driving around watching us. Safety man sending me msgs , "hey i audited your stop at store 6879, you did a good job there!" The dude watched the CCTV camera there to see if i was following protocols for backing in or not. They have a hyper-active safety culture there. Maybe that sounds good at first but I grew to hate it honestly. Why hire super experienced drivers if you're gonna treat them like swift drivers out of school? The pay was good, job was easy, I LOVED the PTO. I'm retired military so didn't need any of the insurances. But I left and am going back to flatbedding. I got fat at wm too since it's just vans (or in my case reefers since I worked a grocery DC). As far as speeding or anything, those stupid lytix cameras will catch the driver if we went 10mph or over the speed limit. Do it enough and safety man puts the driver on a step and takes the safety bonus. Those cameras were horrible. Ugh.
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  3. lual

    lual Road Train Member

    Oct 22, 2020
    SW Georgia
  4. BreadMakesMePoop

    BreadMakesMePoop Bobtail Member

    Dec 4, 2019
    Officially one year in.
    The health insurance is laughable, at best.
    That’s my only complaint and it’s a major one.
    If we are considered an extremely valuable assist, one would think top of the line for all things. The insurance borders on bare minimum and the companies tasked with claims and benefits and with pharmacy are two different entities. Makes for a frustrating situation.

    Other than that, would recommend.
    They still need tons of drivers.
    If one can qualify, fill out an application.
    Can’t hurt to try.
    If anyone needs any assistance or has any particular questions, please feel free to reach out to me.
    It’s definitely worth looking.
  5. rollin coal

    rollin coal Road Train Member

    Mar 29, 2008
    I kind of agree but to be fair if you ever need to use their centers for excellence to deal with a healthcare problem there is actually no-one out there that does what they do with that.
    BreadMakesMePoop Thanks this.
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