Anderson Trucking Service. My true experince.

Discussion in 'Anderson' started by redeye7174, Jan 5, 2014.

  1. Slim one

    Slim one Light Load Member

    Oct 23, 2013
    Yes, correct. They said "slide your 5th wheel and tandem." And they approved me to go through scales. Unfortunately I followed that stupid instructions.
    My point is NEVER listen that unprofessional fleet managers from ATS. They will screw you up.
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  3. Bo Hunt

    Bo Hunt Light Load Member

    Aug 6, 2015
    You didn't go back and scale it again? It is 100 percent on you. Period. End of discussion. Pay your fine, learn not to be a super trucker, and keep in rolling. Your story keeps changing, that means you are lying. Have a nice day.
  4. Slim one

    Slim one Light Load Member

    Oct 23, 2013
    Where am I lying and where is my story changing?? Read what I wrote here first.
    My experience with ATS is 100% true story and I my point is DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME WITH ATS. Protect your CDL and your money.
    The only positive thing from ATS is training and manuals they give you. Good source of information about load securement. That's it.
    Overall if you don't want be treated like slave don't go to ats. No money at all.
  5. unholy7

    unholy7 Light Load Member

    Jul 31, 2014
    "hey dispatch. let me talk to safety on this one, and can you send me that go ahead to run through cali while im overweight on the qualcomm too? im assuming youre getting the permits? if not im taking it back to the shipper. and! while im at it! can i get another drive manager too?"

    tracking this cause ats is my next move after i get a year at prime. thanks for all the info guys.
    DarkhorseEnterprises Thanks this.
  6. Slim one

    Slim one Light Load Member

    Oct 23, 2013
    Oh yeah.. they'll tell you "don't worry we understand you don't have experience with flatbed. It's ok. We here to help you. Just send us pics of your load, how you secure it. We will let you know if something wrong"
    That's what I was said.
    So I secured my first load, sent them pics. No answer. Nobody care. At 5 o'clock they all go home. So I pull my load to find out later that I secured it wrong way. That could lead to serious problems. I could lose load and kill someone or in case of inspection got numerous points on my record.
    ATS absolutely do not care about new drivers, how they doing with loads and securement.
    So if you decided to go into flatbedding with ATS do really good homework before. Find someone experienced in flatbedding who can guide you and answer your questions. DO NOT RELY ON ATS FLEET MANAGERS couse they know nothing about securement and most of them never drove a truck.
  7. unholy7

    unholy7 Light Load Member

    Jul 31, 2014
    thats why i went with prime to get the flatbed training. 60k miles (trainer's and my miles) learning basic securement under someone else's liability with someone that HOPEFULLY knows a litte more than i do there. lol.
  8. Bo Hunt

    Bo Hunt Light Load Member

    Aug 6, 2015
    And I'm gonna call you a liar because nothing you have said is truthful. As to your story changing, you claimed you did not know you were not California legal, then claim you told them you were not legal and was told to adjust and run it.

    I received all of the support I asked for. As to your "they all go home at 5" comment, that is every company. For load securement questions there was 24/7 someone there to help. You didn't follow procedures. Your fault you were fined. You don't drive down the road unless you are certain you are legal. That is what being a professional is all about.
    nightgunner and Jilani Thank this.
  9. Slim one

    Slim one Light Load Member

    Oct 23, 2013
    You didn't read whole story dawg.
    When I picked up load I had spread axles and was legal and drove through entire country with no problems on WS. What I didn't know is that spreads on 53' not legal in CA. As I secured my load I sent them pics and I even stop by their terminal in Gary, IN requestin some help with tarping couse I was very concerned about flapping tarp. Nobody told me to close spread axles for CA. When I was sent for reweigh on WS in CA I called company and told them numbers from CAT scales and only then they said "oh you have to close spread axle" Then I said if I do so I'll be not legal for CA because I got overweight on tandems. That's when I realized problem. Fleet managers I spoke to about that gave me absolutely unprofessional instructions of sliding this and that and they authorized me to go through the scales again. As newbie in flatbedding I did expect some professional help from company instead of what happened.
    I had worked with different companies before and it was much more better experience, help and support.
  10. Bo Hunt

    Bo Hunt Light Load Member

    Aug 6, 2015
    First, I ain't your dawg. Second, they gave you a book at orientation that told you that has all of the weight requirements for each state. You should have known before leaving the first CAT scale that you were not legal. And yes, I HAVE read the whole story. It has changed on multiple occasions. "No one in Gary told me....", no one in Gary knew you were going to CA unless you told them. And how were they supposed to know your weights? You just want to put your failures on others, and that just isn't right. ATS provides all of the tools necessary, FOR FREE, to know how to do your job. It is up to you as the driver to make use of these tools.

    CA is not only state that has funky weight rules, I suggest reading up on them to avoid getting more tickets.
    redeye18 Thanks this.
  11. Bo Hunt

    Bo Hunt Light Load Member

    Aug 6, 2015
    There are your posts on the issue. Yes, I DID read it all. It wasn't until the last post that you gave any real information. You keep adding more and more to it. So suck it up buttercup and gp back to slamming doors, it seems to be more your speed.
    88 Alpha Thanks this.
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