Another “the gps told me to go that way” fail

Discussion in 'Trucking Accidents' started by drvrtech77, Dec 9, 2023.

  1. drvrtech77

    drvrtech77 Road Train Member

    Mar 20, 2010
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  3. Arctic_fox

    Arctic_fox Experienced mx13 execrator

    Sep 16, 2016
    We actully have a place up near where i live like this. The GPS still shows a road that has been flooded out for almost 10 years now. To get to it you gotta go down a "private" road section which is directly infront of our farm since the actual county road got sold off to my landlord years ago and is now a driveway. There is a big dairy farm across the lake from us and about once every 3 or 4 months someone will go around the concrete barriers we have up trying to get down there and end up driving into a marshy swamp or in one case dude drove out onto the ice with a semi and broke through.

    We finally put in a gate on the road end saying end of road provate property with huge no trucks signs up and people will STILL try to go around them into the ditch and get stuck half the time because their GPS said so.
  4. buddyd157

    buddyd157 Road Train Member

    May 25, 2017
    under a shade tree
    i just laugh everytime i see this crap.

    i have no sympathy for the driver, or the company.

    i laugh at the huge recovery/tow bills too.

    this is what we have nowadays, STUPID steering wheel holders, living with no brains, no common sense, not knowing how to read a road atlas, and not even having a road atlas, cuz it'll fry thier brains to have to open one up, and READ.
    48Packard, Last Call, dwells40 and 8 others Thank this.
  5. aussiejosh

    aussiejosh Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2009
    Airlie Beach QLd
    Yeah know the feeling all to well, when I first started driving in the USA all I had was a Rand McNelly road Atlas and also relied on people giving me verbal directions which I found to be unreliable, so moved on to just getting print outs off Google maps which I found gave pretty good directions. In 12 months of driving, using only these methods I only got side tracked on 3 occasions. I remember like it only happened recently even though it was over 10 years ago, I was heading from Salt Lake down to Phoenix AZ my first trip down there it was to far to go to Vegas, or further and I was told to just turn off at Nephi just south of Salt lake and take Highway 89 down to Flagstaff. So turned off the I -15 drove for about 30 miles then got to the I - 70 was supposed to head west somehow managed to get onto the on ramp heading east, knew what I'd done should of tried backing back down the on ramp as there was very little traffic, however thought no I'll just head east then take the first exit go under the under pass than get back on I -70 heading west. The plan was good, the trouble was it was an isolated part of Utah with very few exits, must of gone about 40 miles before the next exit, anyway it was my first solo trip to Pheonix got there eventually, had a load of cheese going to Mac Donalds bulk storage.
  6. Kyle G.

    Kyle G. Road Train Member

    Jan 23, 2016
    Eastern Iowa
    Oh my... the blank confused stare on her face when he said he would give her written directions!
    201 Thanks this.
  7. JoeyJunk

    JoeyJunk Road Train Member

    Dec 31, 2010
    Washington, PA
    Ron: You didn’t pull the pin or anything did ya?

    Clueless broad: I don’t think so.
    Magoo1968, Numb, kylefitzy and 2 others Thank this.
  8. buddyd157

    buddyd157 Road Train Member

    May 25, 2017
    under a shade tree
    frankly, i skipped many minutes of the video, and not once had my sound on..that being said..

    i was right...they cannot handle something that does not TALK to them, such as the GPS.

    oh, they can read texting, and emails

    just not something as comprehensive as a road atlas..and now, simple written directions..???

    well you know, when all the companies lowered thier hiring standards, this is what they get.....MORONS.
  9. W923

    W923 Road Train Member

    Feb 28, 2022
    Well what else are they to do when suddenly they run out of road???!!. They don’t know how to back up and sure as hell can’t turn around without a half acre lot lol
  10. JoeyJunk

    JoeyJunk Road Train Member

    Dec 31, 2010
    Washington, PA
    She sounds exactly how you would think.
    bzinger and Kyle G. Thank this.
  11. Kyle G.

    Kyle G. Road Train Member

    Jan 23, 2016
    Eastern Iowa
    Also, when they make everything on the trucks automated and basically idiot proof, the idiots start lining up.

    I guarantee she doesn't even know how to get those stupid wheel covers off.
    Last Call, W923, Numb and 2 others Thank this.
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