Answers from a driver who stuck it out. 1 year with CRE

Discussion in 'CR England' started by 541johnson, Mar 3, 2012.

  1. 541johnson

    541johnson Bobtail Member

    Mar 3, 2012
    bend, or
    To answer coyote he is still running his lease and plans to lease a second truck this summer. The reason for the low tale home pay for him was probably due to 2 factors. The dedicated account only paid .84 cpm to the truck, from that he was paying me .15cpm, which means he was really only being paid .69 cpm to cover all his expenses. You then take out his .14cpm variable mileage payment, leaving him .54 cpm to cover fuel, taxes, title, registration, insurance, and his weekly truck payment. Couple that with two wet behind the ears drivers trying to learn the best way to operate for fuel economy.
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  3. Brownyjr36

    Brownyjr36 Bobtail Member

    Jun 26, 2011
    Coon rapids, mn
    I am sitting here at the WVC yard, waiting to go out with phase 1 trainer. I have been here since the 19th. In my two weeks here I have heard negative after negative. Also some positive. Before I came here I did do a lot of research. What I see is this: Most people come here thinking it going to be easy and they will be making big bucks right away. From reading a lot on this very forum, I kind of knew what to expect, from CRE, and the trucking industry in general. When you get your CDL and begin your career, you are in an ENTRY LEVEL POSITION. I you were to start on a construction crew, and you had never so much as swung a hammer before, would you expect to be paid as a foreman??? I'm here because the school was free, with a 6 mo. Commit( plus 50$ admin fee). CRE is a huge company, that has been around for 90+ years. They know what they are doing. They are making bank. They are not here to make your wildest dreams come true. If you accept that, you can get a start in this business, you just need to step very carfefully, and don't make mistakes and you will get that start. I have talked with people who are making a very good life here. It's just not that easy to get there.
  4. corneileous

    corneileous Road Train Member

    Nov 19, 2009
    Podunk, OK
    I'll admit, we coulda moved on after driving company and may have gotten in with a different company that probly would have paid us more for what we are worth, but since we only had 6 months, we decided to lease when they told us they were cutting back on company drivers. Not only that, but we could have just signed a 6 month demo lease and left with a year but again, we chose not to. We were still happy with CRE and signed a three year lease.

    With only 8 months left, do we regret doing it? Of course not. Sure, we could be making more somewhere else but we're fine with what we earn here. CRE has still been good to us so we don't see a reason to cut bait anytime soon.
  5. LSAgentOZR

    LSAgentOZR Road Train Member

    Nov 1, 2011
    Nashville, TN
    Glad to see some people on here with some positive comments about CRE. Keep up the good work fellas and maybe we'll see you out on the road.
    PSUMoose and corneileous Thank this.
  6. 541johnson

    541johnson Bobtail Member

    Mar 3, 2012
    bend, or
    I agree with this 100%, I will say this though I don't recommend the lease program. There are far to many ways to be successful on your own, without the hassle of their program. They are always "cutting back" on company drivers, but I am convinced this is simply a line to make the lease look better. In my experiance if you are not a pain in the butt to your dispatcher, don't run into or over anything, and deliver your loads on time you will have relatively smooth seas with England. Keep the doors closed, and the rubber on the road and you will do fine.
  7. 541johnson

    541johnson Bobtail Member

    Mar 3, 2012
    bend, or
    I will also point out that most of the successful CRE drivers will never be found sitting in the SLC terminal. The drivers that have the positive stories are usually on the road making money. I actually make it a point to stay away from all of the terminals as much as possible. If I'm parked at the terminals I'm not making money, and I could be home with my wife and kid and not making money, why do it there?
    corneileous Thanks this.
  8. Oi!

    Oi! Road Train Member

    Jun 20, 2011
    You must be the master of patience and determination.
  9. corneileous

    corneileous Road Train Member

    Nov 19, 2009
    Podunk, OK
    Agreed, to an extent, people just need to have more of an understanding on what they are getting into and most importantly, read the contract before you sign it.
    You may be right for the most part but I believe the number of company drivers they need at any given time depends on what the current freight situation is.

    But on the other hand, if leasing is strictly what CRE desires, they could be like those companies that only employ owner operators and lease operators.
    Funny thing is, if you can manage to accomplish this, you'll do fine..... Well, youll have a lot stronger of a chance of success.
  10. CajunTexMex

    CajunTexMex Light Load Member

    Nov 23, 2008
    StL MO
    Frankly I don't see how that's true. The numbers are making my calculator reboot. Even if he was getting huge fuel discounts, he would still be deep, deep in the hole every week with only 54cpm left to cover fuel, insurance, payment, taxes, etc. For most people that amount barely covers fuel. Are you sure there wasn't some kind of fsc on top of that 84cpm rate?
  11. Shockwave11

    Shockwave11 Bobtail Member

    Mar 1, 2012
    Long Beach
    Sure your not a recruiter??
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