Answers from a driver who stuck it out. 1 year with CRE

Discussion in 'CR England' started by 541johnson, Mar 3, 2012.

  1. Mrfasttrack

    Mrfasttrack Light Load Member

    Aug 12, 2010
    A CRE post that is some what positive..
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  3. 541johnson

    541johnson Bobtail Member

    Mar 3, 2012
    bend, or
    @obxbug stay away from the negitive people. Listen to the instructors, not the rumor mill. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. They do have a pretty decent driving school, and I do know a couple of the instructors in Burns harbor and they are top notch. Be prepared for some long days of classes, and make sure you study the materials they give you.

    Once you get on your trainer's truck if they tell you to do anything you aren't comfortable doing let them know up front. Be honest and get plenty of sleep. And above all if you get tired while you're driving PULL OVER, wake up your trainer and let them know. They may not like it but its the smart thing to do.

    If you have any questions, feel free to shoot me a message.
  4. papi27j

    papi27j Light Load Member

    Sep 7, 2010
    Thanks for the info 541johnson I'm just changing my CDL over to my home state and get started I have my CDL already just have no OTR just local driving.:biggrin_2554:
  5. JIMS2006C6

    JIMS2006C6 Light Load Member

    Sep 6, 2011
    I like that part about waking up your trainer if you don't feel safe. I still don't see how anyone can train while sleeping. I can see you driving with him in the buck after a few weeks but not right off the bat.
  6. RedDirtDriver

    RedDirtDriver Light Load Member

    Jun 8, 2010
    Oklahoma City, OK
    I truly don't understand the CRE training system as well as many of the mega companies' systems. I wouldn't feel safe in the sleeper behind ANY driver, much less a new driver. You have to appreciate the companies that have a true training system and where the trainer actually sits in the jump seat while the trainee is driving. Those companies are out there, one just has to look.
  7. Dewey120

    Dewey120 Road Train Member

    Mar 17, 2010
    Southern California
    It would be nice if England did not charge a trainer to have a student on the truck. This would allow the trainer to spend all his time with the student and not worry about making up miles to cover the cost of the student.

    CRE would have to implement a no sleeping while student is driving policy. I am sure even if CRE didn't charge for a student a trainer would still try and run that truck as a team truck.
  8. Emulsified

    Emulsified Road Train Member

    May 6, 2010
    Dallas, TX
    Wait a minute!
    CRE CHARGES a trainer to have a student on the truck?!
    I'd never heard that.
    Are you sure? That's crazy!
    It should be criminal.
    Southpaw7391 and Jarhed1964 Thank this.
  9. 541johnson

    541johnson Bobtail Member

    Mar 3, 2012
    bend, or
    No they don't charge a driver to have the student in the truck. But the driver is responsible for half of the student wage, or approx $34 a day. They consider all training trucks Team trucks bit the students are not expected to put in a full shift, and most don't. They are also restricted from driving between 0100 and 0400, though some trainers don't follow that. I know of three trainers that were given the boot for allowing their students to drive during those hours.
  10. corneileous

    corneileous Road Train Member

    Nov 19, 2009
    Podunk, OK
    Students can drive between those hours, they just have to talk to the nighttime safety guy first for approval so he can go over the signs and prevention of fatigue.
    Shockwave11 Thanks this.
  11. Shockwave11

    Shockwave11 Bobtail Member

    Mar 1, 2012
    Long Beach
    I'm hoping I can make at least $500/week as a company driver for 6 months or so. No else will take me due to not driving for a few years with little experience. I will tell them that I'll lease after a year but will end up going to a better company after I get my experience.
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