The Physical varies from place to place depending on if they have a wellness clinic set up there yet.. Its pretty simple stuff- lift some boxes with weights in them the way they tell you to and you'll be fine.. They'll mnitor your heart rate, check you for a hernia, do some bloodwork etc etc basic physical we've all taken for years.. Some places will do a hair follicle for your pre employment drug test (mine does) but if its PepsiCo most likely its a typical 5 panel urine test,,
As far as the road test goes- again, varies by location… Mine did a VERY involved road test.. Tougher than the DMV test and yes, many guys fail it… It involved pre-trip, dropping a trailer as well as hooking back up, straight-line back, 90 degree backs (both sight and blind side, alley docks, stopping tests and peripheral vision testing.. If you made it thru that you then went on a 40 mile (minimum) road trip… After that you were also required to pass their 10 step drivers program that was taught to you in orientation… You did that in a van… Now, like I said, this was extreme, but PepsiCo is moving to this for all their places..
Pepsico has manuals and automatics.. If you're interviewing for a bay truck driver you'll test on an automatic- if its a bulk job (you couldn't be so lucky lol) it will be a manual…
Hopefully that answers your questions.. Anything else you're curious about just ask here- or PM me
Any Pepsi drivers out there?
Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by Sentinel, Mar 8, 2007.
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Hey thank you ill PM you.
I work at pepsi . You will be over worked the work is fast and hard, and when you do manage to start getting use to it, (say for instance they give me 15 stops in a day and each stop has an average of 75 to 125 cases to unload, I do this for 6mnths get use to it and start making my numbers look good, and then I start getting it done faster coming in at 2 or 3 pm after starting at 5am now, I am getting better the work is still hard but just when you think you got it down they give you more stops, and now of course thats more money but its like the first 6mnths all over again. If you have a cdl you shouldnt have to work this hard, there are easier jobs out there that pay better.
Jmelendez1223 and tommymonza Thank this. -
Hey i hope you are still on the forum here. I happened to see that you said your plant does hair follicle testing and some do not. Could you fill me in on what plants you know do the hair tests? Do you work for pepsi co or one of thr franchises like g and j pepsi? -
As far as the true Pepsico plants I don't think any of them do. The independent bottlers are hit or miss. Some do, some don't. You just have to call.
I'll tell you this, the hair test cuases major staffing issues- not so much for the drivers, but for the merchandisers. When you apply for the job they'll tell you almost immediately that you'll have to pass a hair test. They usually look back 3 months. If you don't think you can pass, they'd rather you not even come in. You don't have to tell them, just put it off.Pupdrivingman Thanks this. -
Pepsi is a good job after you get use to it, I started in March and the first day I went out with the guy training me it was an eye opener.
I started before it really got busy (summer time is crazy) so I basically trained with one guy for month, be started at 6:30 every day.
Then the next guy who I was with for a week started at 3:00am every day so it was an adjustment.
But they didn't just throw me into the fire they made sure I knew how to do the job and work the hand held. When I was on my own it was tough. I would work 10-12 hour days and I would be exhausted.
Then one day something just clicked and I just starting flying thru every thing no Matter how many cases i bad. Some days I have 13 stops 420 cases others it's 18-21 stops around 675-750.
I've had days where my truck wasn't loaded until almost 8am( I usually started at 4:45am) the route was 18 stops 670 cases i was back at the plant by 2:30.
My biggest complaint is management. We have three supervisors who do not communicate with each other.
Currently I'm on light duty I screwed up my shoulder. Have lifting restrictions so all I do is drive. It's extremely boring.Pupdrivingman Thanks this. -
I had an interview with PEPSICO in Fl on Sept 13. I accepted a bay driver position and took my physical and drug test last Tuesday. I am still waiting to move forward, I have heard it takes 3 to 4 weeks and of course the wait is a bit painful. The road test sounds pretty interesting, is that done at orientation? I was told the next step after this is to attend orientation.
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