Any Questions about Roehl??

Discussion in 'Roehl' started by RangerdaRoehlRoadTrainer, Jun 5, 2010.

  1. Gemini31

    Gemini31 Bobtail Member

    Jul 26, 2016
    Can a cpap machine be plugged in inside a truck?? I have sleep apnea, and use a cpap.. Im looking around at info and complaints on different companies that help you get cdl and all and so far after looking at ENGLAND, SWIFT, AND ROEHL, sounds like roehl is def lesser of the evils..
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  3. TexasPhoenix

    TexasPhoenix Medium Load Member

    Jul 16, 2009
    I'm going to jump into the "which is better- manual vs auto" discussion. I drive a Volvo auto as an O/O. This is my second one. I learned on a manual at Roehl years ago. This last Saturday, this Volvo helped save my life from a centerline cross over down on US 35 in West Virginia in the 2 lane/55 zone. Going west just pass the XXX Arcade, I had a semi that was in a hurry traveling east bound riding on the back doors of the truck in front of him. A slight curve and I don't know if he drifted or was going to pass but he started over the line and heading directly toward me. Because I did not have to suddenly be grabbing gears as I tried to slow down, I could concentrate on what was unfolding in front of me, and a very serious fatality accident was prevented. I didn't know if he was going to strike me cab to cab or if I was going to catch the front corner of his trailer as he jerked it back over or if it was going to be the rear of the trailer in its swing. My truck did what it was designed and programmed to do. All I had to do was try to remain straight and not jerk the wheel. I was lucky. It was daylight, dry roads and my Roehl trainer taught me 10 years ago to run with a jake on which combined with the auto shift help slow me down. This could have turned out with multiple deaths/injuries. Several trucks and cars would have been involve in the mayhem as there were cars following both of us along with several trucks coming behind him. So to each their own. If you like a manual then drive a manual. Some of us do like automatics for a variety of reasons. It doesn't make you a "real" trucker. Its just there has not been any options until now. You had to drive manuals.
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  5. Texnmidwest

    Texnmidwest Light Load Member

    Mar 6, 2015
    The CPAP machine you buy from Roehl has a DC adapter that you use when sleeping in the berth. Works very well.
  6. 1278PA

    1278PA Road Train Member

    Dec 5, 2015
    Is there a $185 fee to pay when going through cdl training with roehl?
  7. Texnmidwest

    Texnmidwest Light Load Member

    Mar 6, 2015
    No fees. They pay YOU!
  8. 1278PA

    1278PA Road Train Member

    Dec 5, 2015
    I read other forum posts that when arriving you pay $185 but that was from 2014. Just want to know for sure that way i have the money to bring.
  9. Texnmidwest

    Texnmidwest Light Load Member

    Mar 6, 2015
    Maybe the marketing guy can chime in but last summer I was charged nothing to come in. Fed nice meals. Housed in clean nice hotel and paid to go.

    No worries. If you need fee money they would have told you. Good luck!
  10. hindsy

    hindsy Road Train Member

    Mar 23, 2010
    There were some costs that needed to be covered when I went thru the program, but tho it feels like yesterday it was over 6 years now.
  11. bri-wal68

    bri-wal68 Bobtail Member

    Aug 18, 2016
    Hello everyone. I have been considering applying to roehl. I was just wondering from some of the current roehl drivers how many miles are you averaging? I realize it going to fluctuate depending on the time of the year. Thanks
  12. Texnmidwest

    Texnmidwest Light Load Member

    Mar 6, 2015
    Really miles depends on your fleet and how hard you run. I am on a dry van dedicated fleet and average just under 3K per week. When I was regional van I averaged 2100 to 2400 miles per week.
    PizzaGuy805 and bri-wal68 Thank this.
  13. bri-wal68

    bri-wal68 Bobtail Member

    Aug 18, 2016
    Ok, sounds good. I was thinking national van fleet at least to start out. Getting my cdl and becoming a safe driver is my top priority and roehl seems like a good company to get started with. Thanks Texmidwest for the info.
    1278PA and Texnmidwest Thank this.
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