Anybody in the oil field hear about or see the KW 963?

Discussion in 'Oilfield Trucking Forum' started by wanna_be_trucker, Jan 12, 2013.

  1. wanna_be_trucker

    wanna_be_trucker Light Load Member

    Jul 29, 2011
    Athol, Massachusetts
    This trucks just looks so awesome!!! how much are these things worth. As far as I can see, they are only used for the oil fields, obviously because of the size of it. I think it'd be awesome to own one of these bad boys lol. "The 963 offers a 30,000 lb. (13,607 kg) front axle and 90,000 lb. (40,823 kg) rear
    axle, while the Super 963 offers a 40,000 lb. (18,144 kg) front axle and 120,000 lb. (54,480 kg) rear
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  3. JPenn

    JPenn Road Train Member

    Mar 5, 2008
    Northern Tier PA
    Baker Hughes has one or two that look similar to this, rolling around NE PA. Don't see them much unless there's a rig move going on.
    wanna_be_trucker Thanks this.
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