Anyone do orientation in Carlise, PA for Schneider?

Discussion in 'Schneider' started by hsingh_2, Aug 1, 2022.

  1. hsingh_2

    hsingh_2 Light Load Member

    Apr 6, 2021
    Just want to know if anyone has done the inexperienced driver orientation in Carlisle, PA, and what your experience was like. Also, if you have any advice or tips, please share as they are appreciated.
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  3. Terlingua

    Terlingua Medium Load Member

    Oct 24, 2021
    I went through it last year, but in Wilmer, not Carlisle, but they're probably pretty similar. First day is mostly paperwork and drug test. Next couple days are classroom, and then the days will be half classroom, half backing practice until the end of the second week. Third week is with your Training Engineer. The days run about 7am - 5pm M-F, with a half day on Saturday to finish up your computer based training modules. Make sure you're on-time to catch the bus from the hotel. If you will be late for any reason, make sure you call to let someone know. Don't let the instructors catch you messing around on your phone while they're teaching. You'll get tired of the same food options every day at the cafe, but it's free. Breakfast is provided at the hotel, but you're on your own for dinner. Overall, I thought the training was good, instructors were good.

    If you have any specific questions, I can try to answer.
    gentleroger and hsingh_2 Thank this.
  4. hsingh_2

    hsingh_2 Light Load Member

    Apr 6, 2021
    1. Do they accept your current Medical Card? I just got mine in May, when I got my CDL.
    2. When you're on the truck with the Training Engineer, during the third week, after finishing the driving day, do you sleep in the same truck or in a hotel?
    3. When you stay at the hotel, do you get your own room or share a room with another person?
    4. As far as backing goes, i didn't learn the 45 degree or 90, because they don't teach that where I went to school, and I didn't get tested on it either. Is that something I can learn here? Or do they expect me to already know how to do it?
    5. How many people are in the classes?
  5. lual

    lual Road Train Member

    Oct 22, 2020
    SW Georgia
    I started out in trucking with Schneider orientation--but at their Atlanta location, instead.

    The Carlisle, PA terminal is a MUCH NICER facility--congrats!!! :hello1: :occasion5: :newb:

    At that time--I shared a hotel room with another student.

    He was a seasoned businessman, and very mature--so we got along just great.

    Fast forward to now--in a world gone covid mad, it may (or may not) be the same.

    The training engineers are GREAT people--and are some of the most professional you will probably ever meet in the trucking industry.

    Learn all you can from them while you can--your time with them will be short.

    Not sure if they will take your current med card now--it depends on several factors: where you got it, how old it is, any other health conditions they may think you have, etc.

    They may want you to get a new one with a doctor they have on site, or nearby. If so--I think they will pay for it.

    Don't worry about what you were (or weren't) taught in CDL school--Schneider will teach you what they want you to know.

    gentleroger Thanks this.
  6. Terlingua

    Terlingua Medium Load Member

    Oct 24, 2021
    1. They accepted the medical card I already had. I had over a year left. Some people had to retake the physical, but I think those were the ones that may have had less that one year left.

    2. My TE was female and I'm male, so we alternated who slept in the truck and the other one got a hotel for the night. Schneider has strict rules about opposite sex TE and students not being in the sleeper at the same time. If you are both same gender, you would most likely both stay in the truck.

    3. I had a room to myself, but I think that was because of COVID rules in place at the time. I saw someone report recently that they had to share a room, so I'd expect to have a roommate now.

    4. I didn't do those backs in school either, and Schneider doesn't expect you know it coming in. During the first two weeks, they only teach the 45 degree back and that's what you'll be evaluated on. If you want to practice the 90, you can ask your TE to work with you on it. I asked an instructor why they didn't teach the 90 and he said it was because the 45 is more difficult and once you get that down, it's easy to adapt to a 90. Two weeks is a short time, so they expect you to pick it up quickly, but they were willing to put in extra time with students who weren't getting the backing quite as fast.

    5. There were about 20 people in the inexperienced class and another 20 in the CAT program (new drivers that don't have a CDL yet) that started the same week I did. Classroom time was all together. For backing and driving practice, we were divided into groups of 2-4 students to one instructor/truck. I think about 13 or so of the group of 20 in the inexperienced class made it to the end. The others dropped out for various reasons-failed drug tests, personal issues that came up, catching covid, etc. I don't remember anyone being let go due to trouble backing.

    Hope that helps.
    hsingh_2 Thanks this.
  7. John Joel Glanton

    John Joel Glanton Light Load Member

    Sep 22, 2021
    I was there in January. Overall it was a good experience. Hotel room by myself. Bus picks us up in the morning. It's sink or swim and a lot of people were dismissed for being bad drivers or being too fat. Maybe 30 people in the class cut down to 20 in the end. They will give you time to practice backing but it's not much. Luckily I had this down from my CDL school.

    I shared a truck with my trainer OTR which was the worst of it. Not so bad but I wasn't thrilled to be camping in a parking lot with some random dude. 5 days and you're done. Home for a few days then you get your own rig. It will be an old clapped out Cascadia but if you prove yourself they will upgrade you. Went from a 2018 to a 2021 which was nice.

    I did six months on a dedicated account and it was great. About to transfer to tanker. Learned A LOT in the past six months. Good luck. Stay safe out there.
    cdubose, Munch75 and hsingh_2 Thank this.
  8. hsingh_2

    hsingh_2 Light Load Member

    Apr 6, 2021
    They can dismiss you for being too fat?

    Im currently in the process of losing weight and getting back in shape.

    Which dedicated account did you do if you don't mind me asking?
  9. Terlingua

    Terlingua Medium Load Member

    Oct 24, 2021
    I didn't see that in my class, and there were a few big guys, but if you're over a certain BMI, they will require that you do a sleep study to see if they think you need a CPAP.
    hsingh_2 Thanks this.
  10. hsingh_2

    hsingh_2 Light Load Member

    Apr 6, 2021
    What would that BMI be? I am around 280 right now, but like I mentioned I am eating healthy, doing cardio, and in the process.

    What are the chances of this happening?
  11. Terlingua

    Terlingua Medium Load Member

    Oct 24, 2021
    I'm not sure exactly what it is, but here's what happened to me. When I first hired on with Schneider 9 months ago, I was 220lb and 5'11. Just last month they finally got around to telling me I needed a sleep study due to my height/weight. I've also been really working to lose weight and am now down to 206. I told them that when I talked to them and after updating my weight, they say I'm no longer required to do they study. At 280, I'd expect they're going to say you have to do it. If you do, it is at least paid for by their insurance.
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