Anyone here completed a lease with STEVENS?

Discussion in 'Stevens' started by chromewheelz, Aug 4, 2009.

  1. Dryver

    Dryver Road Train Member

    Nov 30, 2008
    Sioux Falls, SD
    Obviously that 369K is gross, I don't want to sound negative but it doesn't mean anything. His net profit at the end of the year after every bill is paid is the key number. Find out what that was. I know drivers that roll in that kind of number and still don't make a profit.
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  3. maxwelltie

    maxwelltie Medium Load Member

    Mar 13, 2010
    Brookings, OR
    I just completed my lease (Aug 25). I don't train. I run solo.
    My NET after expenses and before personal income tax was over 71,000.
    I ran just over 154,000 dispatched miles, so I didn't let any grass grow under my feet.
    Total home time was 21 days.
  4. DenaliDad

    DenaliDad Retired Wheel Dog

    Knowing that numbers don't always tell the truth, I did ask him. The final number and the story of how he got there are real. And impressive. He may not have a life - depends on ones definition of "life" I guess - but he does have an impressive income. And his choice may not be the choice another driver would make.

    The point was that there is money to be made legally behind the wheel of a truck.

    Last edited: Sep 3, 2011
    Dryver Thanks this.
  5. DenaliDad

    DenaliDad Retired Wheel Dog

    Which is the way it should be, right? Everyone has to decide whether to go company, lease, or own for him or herself. Your decision might not be the best for me nor mine for the next driver.

    And there certainly are a whole bunch of them out here, aren't there? Seems like almost all of them, but I have to wonder...if leasing is so bad, why do so many continue it for so long, hmmm?

    I guess it's like anything else. Go into leasing with your eyes open and get the help you need; there's a better chance of success.
    Corporal_Clegg Thanks this.
  6. frogmeister

    frogmeister Medium Load Member

    May 28, 2011
    fort worth,tx
    I train on the lease program and only brought home around 50k last year.Now having said that,I also took 70 days off.So the money is there if you do the proper things.Each person has his own way of running his business.
    SpyderRyder and DenaliDad Thank this.
  7. DenaliDad

    DenaliDad Retired Wheel Dog

    $50K income with 70 days off. Not bad, really.

    One thing. Their printed material and website speak about 12, 24, and 36 month leases. Besides the length, what's the difference? Why would a driver do one or the other?
  8. TLeaHeart

    TLeaHeart Road Train Member

    Apr 1, 2008
    casper, wy
    As a solo driver on the lease program I take home 38k with 42 days off last year.

    They only offered the 24 month lease when I signed my 2nd lease.
  9. DenaliDad

    DenaliDad Retired Wheel Dog

    Must have something to do with what the company needs at the time you sign the lease.
  10. maxwelltie

    maxwelltie Medium Load Member

    Mar 13, 2010
    Brookings, OR
    checked out the CARB thing and was told two different answers regarding older trucks.
    First was: If you have no extensions or expemptions, you fall under the 2014 rule. After January 1, 2014, you will not be allowed to operate within California if your truck does not meet 2011 emission requirements.
    If you have a fleet extension (and Stevens does) and run under that fleets authority (and I would), you will be allowed to operate until January 1, 2018. This is because my truck is a 2009. If I had a 2010, the fleet extension would extend until January 1, 2020. A 2009 can be upgraded to meet 2010 requirements for about $1,800.
    So the long and short is if I buy my truck, I will be good as it is until 2018. If I spend an additional $1,800, it will be good until 2020.
    The Second was: 'You'll just be out of luck'.
    Spoke to a Kenworth dealer (he's the one that gave me the price to update) and he confirms (and cited the reg #) of the first answer.
    So I decided to ahead with purchasing my truck (hadn't signed the new lease yet), figuring I'd have it worn out and needing to replace within 6 years.
    So now to find out what my new truck number will be...
    Corporal_Clegg and Dryver Thank this.
  11. DenaliDad

    DenaliDad Retired Wheel Dog

    Good for you!, max! It's like a well-fitting shoe, only you get to sleep in it. And drill holes in the walls if you want! WOO HOO!

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