anyone know anything about central transport?

Discussion in 'LTL and Local Delivery Trucking Forum' started by ad356, Jul 9, 2020.

  1. Live2drive

    Live2drive Bobtail Member

    May 7, 2020

    Same hours daily. Once you get hired, you're full time with a set start time. End time depends on when you're done on the dock, or when you're HOS runs out
    MACK E-6 Thanks this.
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  3. try4thesky

    try4thesky Bobtail Member

    Oct 15, 2017
    San Antonio, TX
    It used to be set pay per linehaul run and then hourly on the dock. Matty's son started taking more control a few years back and ordered the newer tractors to which Matty put the nix on when he heard. The terminals were in terrible disrepair when I worked there. I was fed up with the crappy equipment (man have I got some stories!!) and the 14+ hours every day and decided I was going to go out in style and told the regional manager at our meeting we had the biggest pieces of #### in the company (Cleveland- Brookpark) expecting to get canned on the spot and go home. He looked at me and said you're right which was so unexpected I just stood there mouth agape and then went and did my run. LOL. The "dolphins" as they called them would routinely log you off while you worked the dock and if you didn't catch it right away you worked whatever time you were logged off for free. I wouldn't have worked for Matty again, but his son seemed to be trying to turn it into a respectable company. I have yet to see a crappy truck or trailer in the San Antonio area.
  4. HiramKingWilliams

    HiramKingWilliams Heavy Load Member

    May 15, 2019
    State of Jefferson
    When I was considering them a few months ago, they sent me a 30+ page application to fill out by hand. They remind me of when I worked for Kmart 20 years ago - about 30 years behind the times. And look where Kmart ended up.
    Texas_hwy_287 Thanks this.
  5. gpf87

    gpf87 Heavy Load Member

    Feb 2, 2017
    Yes , they do that however they have an online application through intelliapp . For what ever reason they never post it
  6. gpf87

    gpf87 Heavy Load Member

    Feb 2, 2017
    HiramKingWilliams Thanks this.
  7. lfod14

    lfod14 Road Train Member

    Jan 9, 2014
    Had some guys I drove with in the beer world go over there, trucks were nice, trailers were either brand new or falling apart with no in between. Terminal was a hole but they paid good and they had set hours right out of the gate, no extra board type setup over there, at least at their terminal. I want to say the started at something like $24/hr which is in line with the others in my area. Used to run into them at stops here and there and they seemed to like it.
    HiramKingWilliams Thanks this.
  8. Heart Less

    Heart Less Bobtail Member

    Jan 19, 2021
    Day 1 today. City driver in Midwest. 6 deliveries & 6 pick ups for 140 total miles. Then 3 hours on the dock at end of the day. Total hours worked = 10 @ $23.50/hr. No OT til after 55 which I’m told they typically send you home just before 55. Biggest takeaway, it took 30 minutes before I found a forklift that worked, 5 were broken. 20 degrees on the dock, ice on dock, manual dock plates with no pull bars. The dock conditions are the reason nobody wants to work here. I doubt I’ll go in tomorrow.
  9. HiramKingWilliams

    HiramKingWilliams Heavy Load Member

    May 15, 2019
    State of Jefferson
    Sounds awful. Reminds me of another LTL company.
  10. gpf87

    gpf87 Heavy Load Member

    Feb 2, 2017
    They finally started offering direct deposit this week !!
    gsmith2332 and jmz Thank this.
  11. JakeStateFaarm9324

    JakeStateFaarm9324 Bobtail Member

    Jun 4, 2024
    This is where im at Im a new grad but I have a family. I will not accept the ish pay they feed new OTR drivers. Sorry I can a regular 9-5 and make more than that kind of money. But they are local and hiring and pay about the same as the Petro jobs I want but everyone jumps on those and they fill up fast. Figure I do one yr then go to Petro company that's pays better
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