Anyone who wants to drive for JCT plz read thanks

Discussion in 'John Christner' started by runningonempty, Jun 3, 2008.

  1. L.B.

    L.B. Third Generation Truck Driver

    Jul 23, 2007
    Middle GA
    I do more than 2000 miles in four days. He sits too much, that's why his pay settlements suck
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  3. mrktwiz

    mrktwiz Light Load Member

    Dec 2, 2010
    Ben Lomond, CA
    I just want to thank the OP for this thread, I am talking to JCT tomorrow and their has been some real good information here. I am somewhat apprehensive to take the jump to Lease Operator but right now I have to step up my game to my final goal of O/O and this looks promising. I know their will be hard days and problems but then I don;t know of any job I have ever had that went perfect 100% of the time.
  4. mrktwiz

    mrktwiz Light Load Member

    Dec 2, 2010
    Ben Lomond, CA
    Any updates from the OP? I am almost through the paperwork and now they want to schedule me for my orientation?
  5. mrktwiz

    mrktwiz Light Load Member

    Dec 2, 2010
    Ben Lomond, CA
    Guess the OP gave up on JCT??...:druid:
  6. Trudger

    Trudger Light Load Member

    Jun 26, 2011
    Beaverton, Oregon
    Ok, I've had it with JCT and the children they have working there. All I'm posting here is to be considered my opinion on the matter for now. I've spoken with Shannon numerous times about the staff at JCT not doing what they are supposed to be doing. I've also spoken to Mr. John Christner on the phone myself. I think he's a pompous arse and a fraud. Yes, he has built JCT up to a very large and profitable company, but on the backs of hard working American drivers who are lured in with false advertising, lies, the thought and hope of the American dream and a well-formulated fraud network. I'm doing all I can to prove these matters with the Federal Government.

    As I've stated before, Mr. Christner has built an empire by defrauding drivers for several years now. For one, he considers drivers to be "independent contractors" and as such expects all of his bills for running that "lease to own" truck to paid by the drivers. However, the drivers are really employees as far as the government is concerned according to the IC/Employee TESTS that have been developed. The primary focus is on CONTROL. WHO has control over when, how, how much, in what manner, etc. work is to be performed. JCT doesn't even "ALLOW" stickers, decals, YOUR company name if you have one, etc. "operated by abcdef trucking, etc." to be placed on their trucks. They want the appearance to their customers to be COMPANY, all the same. Now, other big name trucking companies have realized this and don't forbid the markings, they just charge you a fee to remove them if the time comes. JCT says no way, no how, period. CONTROL. THE only things YOU can control are where you fuel the truck and what route to take, period. I'm working hard to prove JCT is an employer.

    John Christner has the mentality that IC's can be told when, how, where, etc. to do their contracted work. Even his wife, according to him has similar issues with the woman she "hired" as an IC to clean their home. She comes at 8 am, which is what his wife wants, but the cleaning woman, who is an IC, wants to come at 11 am instead. Mr. Christner told me that he told his wife, if they can't do what she wants, when she wants it, that she should just severe the relationship and move on to the next. THAT is exactly how he does it at JCT too. You don't do it all their way, you're "gone."

    I'm disgusted with people like John Chrsitner who continue to make tons of money with this scam, avoid payroll taxes and have all of THEIR expenses met with IC's. It's just on paper, I don't believe it's legal.

    Oh...and to customers of JCT like WALMART and TYSON, SHAME on you! Working with such a company that treats their employees this way. They are just as guilty by giving JCT and the white collar fraud scammers the money to continue brining in victims of their scheme.
  7. LMB

    LMB "Olde Goat"

    Aug 12, 2007
    Rocky Point NC
  8. Jarhed1964

    Jarhed1964 Road Train Member

    Jun 22, 2007
    Charlotte, NC

    I hired a guy and his wife to come clean the office I rent three times a week. We are an Insurance/Investment office, so we are trying to maintain a certain image. The deal that was made included them showing up at 6pm on those three days, not one minute before. They also must be dressed neatly (they have dark blue polo type shirts with their company name on it, and clean khaki shorts or khaki long pants), be reasonably shaven (for the guy), and have hair neatly groomed (female), with no visible tattoos.

    Had they decided that they could not or would not meet those standards, I would have looked for a different cleaning service that was willing to.

    It's just business. Find another company.
  9. Lyle

    Lyle Light Load Member

    Apr 13, 2012
    Trudger i think is not happy with trucking period. Knight trans twice then may then CRE then western express and now JCT. What are you looking for, there is no perfect company maybe trucking is not for you
  10. Trudger

    Trudger Light Load Member

    Jun 26, 2011
    Beaverton, Oregon
    The people you're speaking about have their own company with their own company name for cleaning your office that is different than hiring an individual. ...and to the other, most trucking firms suck. however, icy and christner are defrauding drivers.
  11. flightwatch

    flightwatch Road Train Member

    Jun 22, 2011
    Somewhere in Texas
    JCT made you sign a contract before you went to work for them. Everything having to do with the relationship between you and JCT was contained in there. As a matter of fact, Sheila spends a half a day during orientation going line by line with the contract so that you, the driver, knows exactly what you're getting in to. You had the opportunity to walk away no harm no foul, but you signed the contract and got that shiny new Freightliner.

    You have nobody to blame but yourself.
    Jarhed1964 and LMB Thank this.
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