Anyone who wants to drive for JCT plz read thanks

Discussion in 'John Christner' started by runningonempty, Jun 3, 2008.

  1. 123456

    123456 Road Train Member

    Oct 22, 2010
    Now THATS ,

    speaking from real experience !!
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  3. Trudger

    Trudger Light Load Member

    Jun 26, 2011
    Beaverton, Oregon
    Actually I'm getting ready to have a government agency declare them an employer in there is no contractor relationship JCT screwed up I'm call

    ing them on it
  4. flightwatch

    flightwatch Road Train Member

    Jun 22, 2011
    Somewhere in Texas
    I'm sure JCT is shaking in their bootstraps. Do you honestly think that you're the First person that thought he was going to stick it to the man?

    News Flash: JCT is an employer. They employ many people in various office functions. They also employ a few drivers. Mr. Christner is not a dumb man, and he didn't make millions of dollars by practicing illegal business tactics. He also has a team of lawyers that will protect him and his business from people like you. Those lawyers are going to make sure that JCT is legit. JCT's l/p program is 100% legal because you made it legal when you wrote your name in cursive on the last page of that contract.

    Cinch up your belt, be a man, and move on with a lesson learned. You are risking a countersuit from JCT by trying to be some kind of vigilante. Just FYI.
    Jarhed1964 Thanks this.
  5. Jarhed1964

    Jarhed1964 Road Train Member

    Jun 22, 2007
    Charlotte, NC

    Which agency? Who is the contact? What is the date of said declaration?
  6. Trudger

    Trudger Light Load Member

    Jun 26, 2011
    Beaverton, Oregon
    I'll keep you updated
  7. GAlanFink

    GAlanFink Medium Load Member

    May 8, 2012
    Bucks County, PA
    If you're not a recruiter for them, or getting paid to promote the company, maybe they should be paying you for this.

    I drive a Freightshaker (2013 Cascadia)... I'm 6'6" tall, can stand up in it and have plenty of room for my things... there's two of you so not being able to move around is because of that, I'm sure. I'd like to have the XL Classic but being that I haul liquid freight, being able to take on 53k is certainly desirable and that XL Classic probably has a few extra pounds to consider (I'll have to look into it).

    The company I work for (Foodliner/Quest) is right up there with yours. Excellent benefits, top notch equipment (did I mention that 2013 Cascadia?) and since we are food-grade transport, the trailers too are kept in top condition (wave to the trucks at the scales as you drive by or be waved through at the scales because you're loaded live and legal). The last full DOT I took was at Donner's Pass and came away with my window sticker for 2012 (was driving a 2006 Columbia at the time). The new drivers usually start in an older series but it's in decent condition... at least mine was.

    Pay bonuses for on-time deliveries come quarterly, accepting all loads is a bonus too as is driver recruitment (to the tune of $1500 which I split with anyone that uses me as a referral... we could both use the extra money, right?).

    Glad to see your hubby has a great navigator... stop using Mapquest... it's going to bite your gluteous maximus (your butt) one of these days with false directions. Google and Yahoo Maps are the best on-line maps (Microsoft is supposed to be good but not having used them, I can't say... I have been bitten by Mapquest which sent me to a road location that didn't exist... imagine THAT issue in a 75 foot rig). One mistake is all it takes, right?

    I purchased a Garmin Nuvi 350 at the recommendation of my IT savvy Brother. You can get them (I bought a backup for only $75 on EvilBay) for several hundred dollars cheaper than the 'Trucker' versions and, they have 'Truck', 'Bus' and all the way down to pedestrian as vehicle choices. I watch my bridge and weight restrictions but 99% of the time, it's good with my tanker (12')... you 13'6" folks do need to stay on top of things a little more.
    What I like about this Nuvi is that it has a memory card slot so I can upload my MP3's and have driven cross country without ever hearing the same song twice (serious Led Zepplin fan here and Classics). It doesn't have a big screen but will prompt you 3/4 mile to 1/2 mile depending on your speed before the next exit. Pretty cool thing to have and the wife can always verify the route, right?

    Glad you're both happy with your company... I am too. Drive safe and keep your record clean... Companies never complain about a driver that never complains. God Bless America and on a final note:

    ROMNEY/RYAN in 2012... let's get our country back before it goes Communist.
  8. flightwatch

    flightwatch Road Train Member

    Jun 22, 2011
    Somewhere in Texas
    You know they wrote that over 4 years ago right?
  9. Jarhed1964

    Jarhed1964 Road Train Member

    Jun 22, 2007
    Charlotte, NC
    Can't tell me the agency?
  10. LMB

    LMB "Olde Goat"

    Aug 12, 2007
    Rocky Point NC
    I would like the answer to that one
  11. Jarhed1964

    Jarhed1964 Road Train Member

    Jun 22, 2007
    Charlotte, NC

    There won't be one. He's full of hot air. No agency, no agency contact, and a wild story about having a "government agency declare JCT an employer". I've heard some wild stories in my life, but this one takes the cake. I wish I had the power to "have a government agency" declare ANYthing like this fella can.

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