Anyone who wants to drive for JCT plz read thanks

Discussion in 'John Christner' started by runningonempty, Jun 3, 2008.

  1. popcorn169

    popcorn169 Road Train Member

    Sep 5, 2011
    state of confusion
    Looks like Trudger did not keep everyone posted of his big accomplishment of bust JCT or maybe he was the one who got fooled.

    From the looks of this lease if I was to go that route it would be with them.
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  3. eptp88

    eptp88 Bobtail Member

    Jun 26, 2006
    Nashville, Georgia
    I worked at Dart for over a year as a lease driver. I got lucky, nice Volvo, ISX450, 7 to 8 mpg on heavy loads better on light. I watched my speed, religious on p.m's, tire pressure saves fuel and watched where I bought fuel. I made good money. Found a great local job so bye bye otr. Anyway, if you run it like a business and not as a company driver you can make money. To be blunt, not everyone is smart enough to own there own business. Darts lease is about $80 a day to start. When I quit mine was 68.50 a day, every day even on your days off... It was for three or four years I don't remember I wasn't planning on paying it off anyway... Local job is kinda boring, still got it but kinda miss the road. Thinking about JCT.. had some friends for work there and really enjoyed it.. We will see.. just my 2 cents
  4. Trudger

    Trudger Light Load Member

    Jun 26, 2011
    Beaverton, Oregon
    Aye, I have not kept up with my here it is. In a nut shell, I have dropped the issue with JCT as it's just not worth the time or effort. With that being said, sources that I still have told me that Daryl (I think that was his name) is no longer with JCT as the lease manager. Evidently he was pissing off a lot of drivers and making it hard to do the leases. From what I've heard things have improved there, but that's just hearsay.

    What I will say is that with ANY truck lease/purchase program...they can work if the right person is doing it, and by the right person I mean someone who can stay out on the road, running their business all the time. Works great for drivers who are single or those who have a spouse that enjoys living on the truck full time. Forget having a family life if you are in a lease/purchase. That's MY two cents on the issue.

    Now, after paying my dues as an OTR driver since 2005, I have a local driving job. I drive between Oregon and Washington, 4 nights a week, paid good hourly pay with excellent benefits. I love having my family time, being home each day and having 3 days off a week. It was my choice to leave OTR for good, but that was my choice. Good luck and stay SAFE everyone.

    Happy Holidays.
  5. bama07football

    bama07football Light Load Member

    Mar 29, 2012
    everywhere but home
    Thinking of going to jct... I was with KLLM for 18 months...and now with Milan... I got approved for orientation.. But wondering if jct is still a decent company...this post is old so please give an update...thanks
  6. Trafficcontrolxl

    Trafficcontrolxl Medium Load Member

    Feb 19, 2009
    Omaha, NE
    It is a good company. Most will get out of it, what they put into it.
  7. bama07football

    bama07football Light Load Member

    Mar 29, 2012
    everywhere but home
    I leased with KLLM it's was great until they bought FFE and then it turned into a crap company... They were concentrated on FFE drivers and quit giving us miles and it forced me into leaving for a company ride and I hate it... I had my truck half way paid off when I turned it in... Gina Bartley at JCT seems like a truthful recruiter.. I hope to start there in about a month or so... I got insurance with Milan and I am gonna get new eyewear for me and my wife before I leave.
  8. Trafficcontrolxl

    Trafficcontrolxl Medium Load Member

    Feb 19, 2009
    Omaha, NE
    Gina is very no nonsense person. You will do well with her. Like I said in my pm feel free to call on me before and once you get here to make the transition as see less as possible. Ask her about me, we work well together.
  9. TrukTuff

    TrukTuff Light Load Member

    Aug 22, 2013
    Anaheim, CA.
    Merry Christmas everyone. I hope you and your families are all healthy, happy, and safe.
    popcorn169 Thanks this.
  10. popcorn169

    popcorn169 Road Train Member

    Sep 5, 2011
    state of confusion

    Thank you. I hope you and your family and everyone else on here to have a Merry Christmas also.
  11. TrukTuff

    TrukTuff Light Load Member

    Aug 22, 2013
    Anaheim, CA.
    0 I pulled a load from pasco, WA. to Temple, TX. to deliver this morning. When I checked in, I found out the load was rescheduled (I knew and informed dispatch ahead of time that this load would be late) for 04:00 on 12/26. So I got to drop it at the Ft. Worth yard, grab an empty, and now I'm waiting to pick up in Sherman, TX. This load will deliver tomorrow evening at 21:00 in Oklahome City.. So it will be Merry Christmas at the T/A!
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