Are they serious?

Discussion in 'Superservice' started by Crusty, Apr 26, 2012.

  1. Crusty

    Crusty <b>Just Plain Crusty</b>

    May 29, 2010
    Canton, GA
    Re entering industry. Will get TD school certificate on the 30th. Applied to Superservice 4/20. Asked me for employment gap affidavit this morning. Sent it. A little while ago Superservice recruiter emailed I was scheduled for orientation May 3rd in ATL. with motel and terminal address and list of things to bring. ( live an hour away. Gonna drive down. ) Am I 'in' for orientation and testing or is this more game playing? Any other comments or info on orientation will be appretiated.
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  3. Cranky Yankee

    Cranky Yankee Cranky old ######

    Jan 31, 2012
    Green Bay Wi
    gaps in employment seems to be a big deal now. After owning my own buisness for 38 years i find myself back driving a truck. Transam needed a letter from my accountant saying i was selfemployed. So I wouldn't worry about it
  4. Crusty

    Crusty <b>Just Plain Crusty</b>

    May 29, 2010
    Canton, GA
    The recruiter didn't schedule me until AFTER I sent afidavits. So I'm assuming I'm good to go. That is if I can get this old body thru the physical.
  5. MrEd

    MrEd Road Train Member

    Sep 2, 2011
    Winfred, SD
    Crusty, just be aware that many companies consider orientation to be an extended job interview these days. Not saying superservice is one of those, but it may pay to ask them before driving there. At least you are only an hour away. I have heard of many guys who travel long distances to an orientation somewhere, and then get sent home for silly stuff that should have been noticed by the company before it ever got that far. And that happens to guys who where totally honest on the app and passed the drug test too.
    Crusty and NavigatorWife Thank this.
  6. Crusty

    Crusty <b>Just Plain Crusty</b>

    May 29, 2010
    Canton, GA
    Yeah, Ok. It's just that This level of hoop jumping is gettin' really old. Man, when I FIRST went to school ( 1977 ); I was peddling freight out of the union hiring hall ONE day after graduation! I didn't kill anybody or wreck a truck. Hired on full time carhauler 27 days after graduation. Times have changed.
  7. Cranky Yankee

    Cranky Yankee Cranky old ######

    Jan 31, 2012
    Green Bay Wi
    well i think the real app is the only one they look at the one you fill in during orientation.
    The companies could hardly do it any different with the amount of ppl they bring in thru up or down or whatever . It isnt hard to see why they have to treat everyone as if they are on a job interview
  8. sedain

    sedain Medium Load Member

    Dec 4, 2010
    i would wait until after the 30th???
  9. Crusty

    Crusty <b>Just Plain Crusty</b>

    May 29, 2010
    Canton, GA
    April 30th.
  10. Crusty

    Crusty <b>Just Plain Crusty</b>

    May 29, 2010
    Canton, GA
    First day at SS Ellenwood. MANY papers to fill out! Road test, Physical then cold pizza for lunch. Nice people. Phone interview was strange. Went to the house at 2:30.
    123456 and rubberducky68 Thank this.
  11. rubberducky68

    rubberducky68 Road Train Member

    Sep 9, 2010
    Jefferson GA
    Keep the info coming Crusty.
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