Arrived in texas for upcoming trans am orientation

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by Midnight Mike, Aug 14, 2012.

If this helped put me as your referral :)

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  1. Ukumfe

    Ukumfe Medium Load Member

    Oct 23, 2008
    You could have done something like this..... [​IMG]
    Midnight Mike Thanks this.
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  3. kf4omc

    kf4omc Medium Load Member

    Aug 24, 2012
    Clearwater, FL
    I was thinking about giving it a few weeks to see what goes on. I guess I will have to put up with a T660 for a little bit.
  4. Midnight Mike

    Midnight Mike Light Load Member

    May 18, 2012
    Thank you very much, little did i think that a simple forum some where out on the interwebs would help calm me down ...ill be delivering this load tomorrow extremely cautious and ask for a load going back to one of the yards, hopefully they let me. Ill let you all know what they say and what happens tomorrow.
    Bumpy Thanks this.
  5. Jorihe84

    Jorihe84 Road Train Member

    Sep 1, 2010
    North Florida
    Oddball question but it kinda relates to the situation.

    How dependant are you on the GPS?
  6. Midnight Mike

    Midnight Mike Light Load Member

    May 18, 2012
    Too much ...i was looking at my own gps which had a generic house number address which is what made me pass the entrance, failed to mention that.

    Good news im at the destination i took a big u turn by going down a few more small roads (couldnt turn around where i was after being repaired) and a small highway. Decided to go at it again at night instead of in the morning as their would be less traffic. I sent message to dispatch asking for a load goin back to the yard.

    My big question though is, this "accident" will go against my personal MVR?
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2012
  7. Jorihe84

    Jorihe84 Road Train Member

    Sep 1, 2010
    North Florida
    What did the officer say? Any ticket?
  8. Cranky Yankee

    Cranky Yankee Cranky old ######

    Jan 31, 2012
    Green Bay Wi
    dont worry about that accident now just concentrate on what has to be done
    the other stuff is what it is ancient history is anything after 5 minutes ago
  9. Midnight Mike

    Midnight Mike Light Load Member

    May 18, 2012
    No ticket, but instead a slip stating what happened along with my truck info on it. He told me i needed to call the number and submit some info.
  10. Cranky Yankee

    Cranky Yankee Cranky old ######

    Jan 31, 2012
    Green Bay Wi
    anyone been following this thread from the start can look and see that what we think about when we begin isnt what we need to know and learn
    as the process continues
    for all of you students take note learn from missteps and mistakes we all make as we start this journey
    concentrate on learning your job not on hometime and the shiniest new truck
    there is something to think about every moment of the day
    planning your day with fall back positions if the world happens to not revolve around you today
    find a TS with an hour left to go not 5 minutes
    your paid by the mile those extra 5 miles today will be there tommorow
    and things happen it is called life just dont be the catalyst that brings on the storm
  11. strawberryrhubarbpie

    strawberryrhubarbpie Light Load Member

    Jun 16, 2011
    Ft Myers, FL
    Midnight Mike, I'm so happy you did not abandon your truck. I had a few bumps in my first 8 months with Schneider that shook me up a bit, and I wanted out of the truck bad. But I just had to take a deep breath and calm down and I was ok. Missing the entrance to a customer happens all the time, you just have to keep calm and keep going straight until you find a big place to turn around. The small scratches won't go on your driving record, but Trans Am may make you get them fixed out of your maintenance escrow.

    I just finished day 1 at orientation here in Olathe, Kansas, and I am not very happy, let me tell you why. First of all they had us (the ones that knew they wanted to lease) go over to finance. There were like 10 of us. Nobody explained to us what was going on. Then a lady came out with some slips of paper in a bowl, and told us to pick a number, so we did. Then she gave us a list of trucks and said 'ok go look at the trucks'. So I assumed that meant to pick a truck. Well only 2 trucks were new, the others were old. Then we had to run around like chickens with our heads cut off trying to find the trucks, there was no organization. I was only able to inspect about half of the trucks on the list, and oh did I mention that they were all locked? So by the time I asked for keys, and was able to open and look inside a few of them, about half of the trucks on the list were taken. My husband says he was looking at one truck and someone walked up to him and said 'that's my truck I already picked that out'. Nice. So I ask the lady if we can just put our name on the list to get a new truck, and she said that we HAD to pick from the list. So by now an hour has passed and everyone is running around and I don't know where all the trucks are, so I just picked one that I had seen that I thought was ok, but I was not completely happy with. But my husband didn't see it so we went out to look at it, but it wasn't there!! So now we have a truck that we haven't test drove and my husband hasn't even looked at but tomorrow we are going to sign our life away on.

    The organization in that company is laughable. The guy that is supposed to be our instructor often stands in the front of the room and mumbles stuff that only the front of the room can hear, and cracks jokes all day. And I feel like we are being rushed into leasing a truck that we don't want, and we are being treated like company drivers not owner/operators.

    Anyway there are other things but I think I'm going to start a new thread. So far I am not impressed with their leasing program or how they handle things at all. At least the hotel is nice.
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