*on the list for a brand new truck...
Also I should mention that so far, all the loads have been heavy. Heavy for us is 40k or more. We have had only 1 load that was less then 40, all the others have been 43, 44 or 45. Heavier loads means you are burning more fuel. So let's see what the numbers say on Friday.
Arrived in texas for upcoming trans am orientation
Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by Midnight Mike, Aug 14, 2012.
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Every load I did with my trainer we were right at 80k every time.
Mike, did you end up leaving?
Yes Mike left. He should be at the end of his 2 week notice he put in. As for me I picked out a Maroon Red 2012 T700 that I will get the keys to tomorrow. Hopping I do well. My kids count on me. I keep ya all posted.
its people like midnight mike why trucking turnover is over 100%
he doesn't know anything about the industry but signs his life away in a lease, now he will be charged over 3000 dollars by transam for wear and tear for those 1-2 months on the truck
they might even put the accident in the dac...
at the end of the day he paid a lot of money to go into trucking school and just because 1 bad day hes quitting? oh well
kf4omc is nextlosttrucker Thanks this. -
I am doing very well thank you. Be. sides a few planners mistakes I been getting over 3000 miles a week
Dinomite Thanks this. -
Well I am on my 2nd to last load for Trans Am. My lease is up on the 2nd and I am not going to renew it because I am goin back home for a local driving job and also because I got engaged last month. Had a great run and learned alot. I feel that I do my job well and my skill has improved greatly. If things dont work out at home I will look to Trans Am again in the future.
jomar68 Thanks this. -
refreshing to see someone not bash trans am on the way out
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