Logicbomb, your adventure sounds like mine at Arrow Trucking. Worked there 1 month in"04. Orientation in Tulsa, then car rental to Laredo to pick up a truck.Filthy, worn-out 650,000 mile junker. Sleeper curtain was a motel blanket, had to find my own tarps amongst the junk piled up around the terminal, then they had holes. Took 'em 3 weeks to get me to Ca for my regional run that I had hired on for. Regional was Sacramento/Bay Area to L.A. and back. Could never have enough time to make the turn legally. Ended up quitting them.
Arrow Trucking Need Info..
Discussion in 'Arrow' started by jessejames, Sep 25, 2007.
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you can rent a car and drive home. I sure wish i had a cb, still looking.
Just wondering how many weekly miles Arrow drivers are getting? Thanks
obviously it varies w/ every driver. Freight is moving more it seems. When I deliver a load I have to hurry to get a shower and meal before the next load starts. That is why when I start again I am gonna go two months tell I get time off. Maybe in the winter I will take more time off since loads will be much slower.
I think it varies...there's a couple of Arrow drivers parked where my husband parks his truck for hometime that he was talking to. They said they get loads, but have long periods on the load. For example the one has a load going up into Massachusetts, doesn't deliver until Tuesday morning...800 mile load and 4 days to get there. Guess no worries in log violations, eh? lol He indicated that was typical for him. Not sure how long the other driver has had his load for.
I ran for Arrow for 6 months back in 07. When they brought that guy over from Swift, I knew what was going to happen. I got out before the inevitable. Dispatch was a mess before he showed up. A lot of the loads I got just because I was willing to run from LA to Brooklin and back.
txranger28 Thanks this. -
Anyone else been given a pre-hire with Arrow?
Any updates on Arrow? This has to be the least talked about company on this forum. lol Is it really that bad?
hey TX. what are you wanting to know? ive been with arrow since jan 08. i dont know how all arrow drivers are doing but there driving my butt off. they even called me when i was on my 34 and begged for me to take a load. then i went home and i was home 2 days on a 1 week home time and they called asking if i was willing to take a load going from tn to Washington. I have had tons of loads. in a year and a half with arrow ive never needed a 34 till this month so atleast im working.
Baack and txranger28 Thank this.
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