Arrow Trucking Need Info..

Discussion in 'Arrow' started by jessejames, Sep 25, 2007.

  1. 0ptimu5 Prime

    0ptimu5 Prime Light Load Member

    Jan 21, 2008
    Lavergne, TN
    yah its like a 1 day training for securement and they test you on it maybe 2 days if you need it. It isnt hard or anything.

    and yeah for now I am staying. I dont know whats going to happen but in these times its rough and not worth the risk to hop arounds lots of drivers looking for jobs why put myself in a place where i have not work when I have work right now lol. But who knows what will happen in the future.
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  3. boone315

    boone315 Light Load Member

    Feb 28, 2009
    black lake ny
    They are not hireing any new l/p drivers, I imagine they are just going to let the few they have phase out
  4. 0ptimu5 Prime

    0ptimu5 Prime Light Load Member

    Jan 21, 2008
    Lavergne, TN
    dont know why they would get rid of lease they make tons of money off ppl who lease from them
  5. boone315

    boone315 Light Load Member

    Feb 28, 2009
    black lake ny
    I do not know why either, maybe they were losing to many drivers over it or were scared of getting sued for ripping them off
  6. 0ptimu5 Prime

    0ptimu5 Prime Light Load Member

    Jan 21, 2008
    Lavergne, TN
    lol well it isnt anywhere near as bad as PRIMEs lease and prime stays getting ppl to sign that paper.
  7. kajidono

    kajidono Road Train Member

    Jun 1, 2009
    I love flying past shiny new Prime trucks in my dirty flat top. Sometimes I'll stop to grab a soda just to run by them again :biggrin_25520:
  8. 0ptimu5 Prime

    0ptimu5 Prime Light Load Member

    Jan 21, 2008
    Lavergne, TN

    lol man paying 850 a week on a lease has got to suck a big ole hairy fat one

    FORMER ARROW DRIVER Bobtail Member

    Jun 22, 2009
    fairfield maine
    take it from me and all the outher drivers who worked for arrow. arrow is a no good company. arrow has a hard time paying there bills, paying for road service, paying for equipment for trucks and trailers. i am a former arrow driver and i sat 3 weeks at a hotel in scranton,pa due to a bad transmission, after 3 weeks of sitting the shop forman called me and said they were not going to fix the truck out on the road they had the truck brought back to tulsa for repairs where the truck sat 4 months b4 any work was ever done to it. drivers have sat 4 or 5 days waiting for a tire bill to get paid. i sat almost 2 days waiting on arrow to pay for $84.00 worth of lumber so i could get loaded. yeah arrow is a grate company my ###... i dont see them being in buisness much longer and yes arrow filed for (chapter 11) bankrupsy in 2009. and the newest truck in arrows fleet is a few 2007 kenworth t-600's might i add are junk. i had a 2005 international 9400 i put alot of money into that to make it the best looking arrow truck in there whole fleet lol my old truck was 5172 cant miss it with all the chrome and chicken lights lol....
  10. kajidono

    kajidono Road Train Member

    Jun 1, 2009
    I think I saw that truck. Were you still running it when they cut back the Idle Aire? That was right before I quit. I took that as a sign (one of many) of things to come.

    I can't quite remember my truck number, have to look at my old logs. I probably had the best 06 t-600 in the fleet. Ran great, pulled like hell, got 9.5mpg pulling an empty trailer, and 7.5mpg fully loaded. Even had aftermarket speakers. :biggrin_255: The guy before me hit something though. It pulled to the right for 60k miles or so, eating steer tires all the way.

    I never had to wait for repairs unless they had to order the part in to wherever I was. Got the a/c fixed under warranty and blew the air line coming off the compressor one night. That was it other than the tires. They even paid the tolls for the ferry I took, twice, no questions asked. $143 per trip.

    Then things started going downhill and I got while the gettin was good.
  11. Drive-a-Mack

    Drive-a-Mack Light Load Member

    Aug 13, 2007
    Eugene, OR via Lincoln, NE
    oregon workforce had a couple of trucking positions open here if ya wanna relocate to the northwest.. oh, were still sleepin' under the blankets here at nite, around 60, low humidty, no a/c .. 75/80 daytime, humidity around 25%! ... :biggrin_255:

    This job opening is located in the Eugene, Oregon Terminal

    Requirements: One year class A CDL verifiable driving experience within the past 3 years. No more than two moving violations in the past 3 years. 21 years old or older to drive interstate. High school diploma or equivalent desirable.

    Job Duties: Drive chip truck to various sites throughout Oregon and Washington. Home every day. Load material into trailer by bunker, conveyor or front end loader. Maintain optimum load weight, level and tarp material in trailer to secure for transit. Maintain truck log according to state and federal regulations.

    Hours: 40 hours per week. Monday through Friday.

    Pay: $160.00 to $200.00 a day.

    Benefits: Medical, dental, vision, and 401K.

    Employer Will Perform: Background Check, Drug Test, DMV records check


    Job Summary: Requirements: Ten (10) years off highway / logging road lowboy driving experience. High school diploma or GED. Available for some overnights and weekends. Clean safety and driving record, no more than 1 moving violation in 3 years.

    Employer Note: References required.

    Job Duties: Heavy equipment lowboy driver for rock crushing and drilling company. Haul over height/over weight equipment weighing up to 150000 lbs. using boosters and jeeps up to a 10 axle combination. Driving long distances to destinations in OR, WA, ID, NV, CA.

    Hours: 60 hours per week. Job Classification: Truck Drivers, Heavy and Tractor-Trailer

    Driver License Information Required: Commercial C Drivers License Driver License Endorsements Preferred: Hazardous Materials

    Compensation Salary: $17.00 to $19.00 per Hour ...Depending on Experience, Negotiable, Depending on Qualifications

    Benefits Offered: Medical, Vacation ...Additional Benefit Information: Room and Board when overnight is necessary
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2009
    Baack Thanks this.
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