Arrow Trucking Need Info..

Discussion in 'Arrow' started by jessejames, Sep 25, 2007.

  1. Dustin Oats

    Dustin Oats Bobtail Member

    Jul 1, 2009
    elmo, tx
    Arrow is not a bad company if you want to spend all your time at the ta's and petro's waiting on them to pay for simple repair bills. their layover pay isn't worth crap. 50 dollars after 2 days thats craptastic. they want you to tarp freight that has been and will continue to age and sit outside. and they are forced dispatch. and they do run recap tires which they say saves them money. wrong, it costs more in the long run and on top of that they are a safety hazard this time of the year. and don't let them tell you that they will pay your ticket for running in colorado with chains during chain season, because those cables are not chains and arent accepted by colorado d.o.t. thousand dollar fine. no thanks frieght can sit. got a bad safety rating with dot, last year 25% of 67k trucks that got dot'd were arrow and got shut down. and don't get sick while being on home time or you might not have a job
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  3. steelersfan

    steelersfan Medium Load Member

    May 9, 2009
    It has been proven that recap tires, when properly maintained; are as likely to fail as a new tire. Check it out.
  4. kajidono

    kajidono Road Train Member

    Jun 1, 2009
    I see they dropped the layover pay. It was $75 after 48 hours starting after the first 24.
  5. Thepolarcat

    Thepolarcat Bobtail Member

    Jul 6, 2009
    Jacksonville, Flordia
    Sometimes you will stop just to run by them again. That was a good one. LOL Next time when I, see a Prime Truck, I'll be thinking about of that joke.:biggrin_255:
  6. cool breeze

    cool breeze Bobtail Member

    May 22, 2009
    Anderson, SC
    I just finished school and right now Arrow is my only offer on the table. If anyone can share some of their first hand experinces (good and bad), it will be greatly appreciated.
  7. Allow Me.

    Allow Me. Trucker Forum STAFF Staff Member

    May 28, 2009
    Rancho Mirage, Ca.
    I worked there in "04 for 1 month. West Coast regional. Took me 3 weeks to get from Tulsa to Laredo (to pick-up truck) to east coast runs and finally to Fontana area to do regional. Laredo terminal was a joke. West coast regional was basically L.A./Fontana area to Sacramento/East bay area. Unload in the morning, take all day to re-load, then make consignee by early morning 400 miles away. Legally of course. (NOT !) The only time I ever quit a company by dropping their equipment/load on their yard in the still of the night just after I got direct deposit at midnight and emptied the account quickly. Left a note on the drivers window saying "I quit". Now this was in '04, they may have gotten their act together since. And this is just my story. :biggrin_25510:
    cool breeze Thanks this.
  8. boyhowdy120

    boyhowdy120 Bobtail Member

    Jul 4, 2009
    Don't know if anyone is still reading this thread, if you have any questions about driving for Arrow out of Tulsa OK, I could probably answer them based on what I've seen over the last three years of driving for them.
  9. brandond

    brandond Light Load Member

    Sep 25, 2009
    Bounce between TX and OK
    Well for starters, they do not give you miles at all. They act like they are in rashins or something. You will sit, with people getting angry when you need small simple repairs made to your truck or trailer waiting for them to pay you. Instead of putting another tire on a trailer in the Houston terminal, they sent me to a tire shop, where I ended up dropping the trailer and it took them 4 days to finally pay for the stupid tire. The trailer had to sit there until they paid for the tire. And Arrow would not let me get another trailer or load until that trailer was able to be picked up by me. Evidently if you take it, you pick it up when it comes to dropping equipment off for repairs. They will pay you pay for that $50 a day I think, after 2 full days. Detention pay, dont expect it because you wont see it. Even the breakdown pay I think went down to $25 or something like that, thats what I read about a week ago on one of these threads. OTR or regional with Arrow, you will not make a whole lot of money. I got 7 loads during the month I was there. Avg driver I spoke with said they only got 1 a week if that. Most of them dont have homes cuz they couldnt afford to keep them driving for Arrow. I personally only averaged $100-$175 per week on my checks. You will have to take an advance on top of that, (my pay statement counts the advance being included in my pay) which when I was there was $75.00. Equipment is nasty. Nothing will be cleaned really when you are assigned a truck. Dont plan on a new one. Youre a newbie, you wont get a new one. And, they also have nasty terminals. Tulsa and Houston anyway. Have not seen the other one. Tulsa and Houston are both disgusting though. I am glad I left, and never will return to Arrow. Thats my account of working there.
  10. kajidono

    kajidono Road Train Member

    Jun 1, 2009
    Wow. I suspected they were going downhill when I left in 07, I guess I was right to run for the hills. Sounds like everything has gotten worse. That's sad, really. They used to be a pretty decent company.
  11. brandond

    brandond Light Load Member

    Sep 25, 2009
    Bounce between TX and OK
    Yeah, and my information is recent as december 08 to jan 09. Doubt much has changed for the better since I was there.
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