Arrow Trucking Need Info..

Discussion in 'Arrow' started by jessejames, Sep 25, 2007.

  1. 0ptimu5 Prime

    0ptimu5 Prime Light Load Member

    Jan 21, 2008
    Lavergne, TN
    I'm not sure. I'd guess including trainer pay. its only 25 a day that I'm on his truck so that's 125 a week since he takes weekends off.
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  3. psychocreep

    psychocreep Light Load Member

    Dec 31, 2007
    Flagstaff, Az
    Hey Optimus,

    How are things going with Arrow? I'm going to Orientation on the 24th.

    Thanks for any more insight.
  4. 0ptimu5 Prime

    0ptimu5 Prime Light Load Member

    Jan 21, 2008
    Lavergne, TN
    well ty for asking. I tested out last week. I did fine. is a new guy over the people testing out he was very nice. I deadheaded from tulsa to chicago picked up a load going to atlanta then deadheaded home for 4 days. picked up a load in jackson tn yesterday and delivered it to ks today. its rly going good. they keep me busy. and my 04 frieghtliner actually runs rly good. already have my tv and fridge in here so I'm just haven a blast.
  5. judydreams

    judydreams Bobtail Member

    Mar 20, 2008
    rockville md

    I'm a first-time user and want to know if this is even the appropriate place to be. I am a semi-retired person who has worked all of her life. Now, I want to follow some of my dreams. One dream I have had all of my life is to ride in an 18-wheeler across country. Is that even possible? I grew up in the midwest and have lived in the Washington, DC area for over 30 years. If this is not a place to have such a discussion, could someone give me some direction as to the best way to pursue my dream. Thanks for reading. Judy
  6. Baack

    Baack Road Train Member

    May 24, 2007
    Hi try posting a new thread in this area

    Questions To Truckers From The General Public
  7. Drive-a-Mack

    Drive-a-Mack Light Load Member

    Aug 13, 2007
    Eugene, OR via Lincoln, NE
    ..what happened to Optimu5, it's been over 9 months since he told us he had his own truck.. :biggrin_25511: ..I'm wonder'n if he's even still with ARROW as he hasn't mentioned how he's been do'in in his own truck he still drive'n, fired or quit; maybe got laid-off?? :biggrin_25512: Hope he's ok!
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2009
  8. skatefrog

    skatefrog Bobtail Member

    Dec 30, 2008
    Charlotte, NC
    heck yeah, would be nice to hear, i ran w. arrow from mar 06 to sept 07, id still b w. em if my wife didnt need me home so much, even hops as short as 5wks was a bit much for her, been home workin as a diesel mechanic ever since.. gettin the itch really really bad to hit the road again
  9. slow man 2

    slow man 2 Bobtail Member

    Dec 28, 2008
    crossville tn
    are you still at arrow I am supposed to be heading out there on sun jan 18 09 and had a few questions
  10. slow man 2

    slow man 2 Bobtail Member

    Dec 28, 2008
    crossville tn
    what are there trainers like? do they go into background check some more when you get there?Say you did a driving test when in oreintation?
  11. newtrucker77

    newtrucker77 Bobtail Member

    Jan 15, 2009
    Mooreville MS
    hey slow man 2, i was suppose to be there with you on the 19th but to make a long story short, i had to get a cosigner for my school cause school costs $6,000 and they would only approve me for $4500. Leaving me $1500 short, so i got a guy i know to cosign for me, now the recruter told me to make sure i told him he was cosigning for the 6000 not just the 1500 i needed, so i did and he cosigned but was a little relectant and i dont blame him. well school was 3 weeks long and i had about 6 prehires and thought flat bedding was my calling cause i dont mind getting out of the truck and getting some exercise. Well at the end of my 2nd week they give me papers that the cosigner needs to sign to make the loan offical. Well guess what they didnt tell me, the intrest rate is 22% wich made that 6000 turn into 10000 and there isnt no life insurance on that loan either so god forbid something happens to me while i start a career in one of the worlds most dangerous jobs and my cosigner is stuck paying the whole note. So needless to say i had to call arrow and tell them to hold off on buying me a bus ticket cause now i gotta wait till my tax returns wich is only a few weeks away to pay the 1500 my self. But if at all possible please be sure to keep us updated on oreantation and training im sure i will have alot of questions for ya that will come in real handy when i go for myself, thanx buddy
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