ask your questions about prime inc here

Discussion in 'Prime' started by bartage, May 6, 2009.

  1. bartage

    bartage Bobtail Member

    Apr 27, 2008
    buffalo newyork
    i have been a driver/ lease operator here for 1 year and i will do my best to answer your questions about prime to the best that i can of what i know here
    vickilee, HillJack, w0lfy and 3 others Thank this.
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  3. Colonellookout

    Colonellookout Bobtail Member

    Mar 30, 2009
    How long is orientation and what is the percentage of drivers not making the cut during it? Also how many weeks at a time do you stay out once with a trainer? One of their recruiters told me that they had between 60/120 weekly in orientation!! Is it that big of a co. or that big of a turnover? Thanks
    hal380 Thanks this.
  4. LunchBox

    LunchBox Bobtail Member

    May 7, 2009
    Hi, i have been thinking of driving for prime and doing the L/O, do you know anyone from the tanker Division and how there doing right now. miles, pay, ect... And at the end of your lease do you have the option to buy.
  5. Colonellookout

    Colonellookout Bobtail Member

    Mar 30, 2009
  6. bartage

    bartage Bobtail Member

    Apr 27, 2008
    buffalo newyork
    sorry it takes me alittle bit to get back to the page to answer your question every body makes it thru orientation {it lasts about a week}how ever not everybody makes it thru traning lenggth of training lasts any where from 20 thousnd to 80 thousand miles depending on your expeince this is part of th reason turn over is so high length of timeout with your tainer depends on whre he lives and tme he spends out on the road my friend dave goes home 3 times a year but is not the case with all trainers prime also operates 4 thousand trucks so its a fairly large co

    i have a couple frinds in tanker they seem to be doing ok im in refer as a lease we all get the same pay rate witch is 72 percent of line haul and fuel charge miles are down for all of us but when you work on percentage miles dont allways count you allso have the option to buy at the end but i dont recomend it
    Last edited by a moderator: May 10, 2009
    Everett, one37 and hal380 Thank this.
  7. LunchBox

    LunchBox Bobtail Member

    May 7, 2009
    Bartage i seen on another thread you said lease payments range from 711 to 944 a week just for the truck plus other costs:biggrin_2554:.
    On primes website the payments were 650 to 750 a week plus 4.5 cents a mile, whats the 4.5 cents a mile for ?, and what are these other costs ?, Does prime pay for tags and permits or do you ?,. if you break down and dont have the cash to fix the truck does prime help and you pay them back or do you give the truck back ?.

    Sorry for all the questions and im sure ill have more:biggrin_25520: I work for a O/O so i have to run like an O/O and he has about 20 trucks leased to a BIG company so im seeing what hes making off the truck but i have never leased so im trying to find out everything i can before i make this big step becouse $1,000 a week JUST for the truck plus everything else fuel, tolls, oil, ect. is alot of money but i know it can be done. Thanks again
  8. U2Exit

    U2Exit Road Train Member

    Feb 22, 2008
    WA and VA
    some of the info on the website is out-dated.
  9. Colonellookout

    Colonellookout Bobtail Member

    Mar 30, 2009
    My friend is going thru orientation starting Weds. 5/13 U2 and is hiring in as a co. reefer driver. He said they guaranteed him $500 the first 6 wks of training and $600 after that. Does that seem true? Thanks
  10. bartage

    bartage Bobtail Member

    Apr 27, 2008
    buffalo newyork
    yes that is true however he is responsible for his own state income tax because prime will only pay the federal part of the income tax but its garunteed income also if they get more milles than the garunteed pay he gets .12 cents per mile on all miles run wich could get him more pay:biggrin_25520:

    well my total cost per week is about 1100 a week wich includes tolls if any my pament 711 pre pass prmits and plates 34.00 apu rental 65 trip scaning 5 .00 the 4.5 cents per mile is a useagfee paid to the leaseing co for use of truck and atire fund for repair of tires prime will advance you the money for repairsbut most of the big stuff is under waranty so you dont have to worry about repairs the 944 i listed in the other thread is for a brand new pete with no miles mind you that my fuel costs are extra to all that but im kinda hevey on the pedal:biggrin_25517:
    Last edited by a moderator: May 10, 2009
  11. mtl2020

    mtl2020 Light Load Member

    Jun 14, 2008
    Utica ny
    do they hire students i already have my cdl.
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