Yes, there is good money in trucking , but it should be better ! But do the math : you can work 70 hours a week, average 10 hours a day . You load and unload or PU and Del , Fuel and pretrip or posttrip . So, lets say you can drive 8 hours a day . At $.28/mile with an average of 60 miles an hour , that's $134.40 a day , before taxes. A 5 day week would be $672.00 , if you work 7 days that more . But on average , miles per week with most companys is 2000-2500 . So 2500 x $.28 = $700 . After taxes you make maybe $400-500 . More than minimum wage ! You can run more miles and you can make more ! Depends on company ! Do your research and talk to drivers ! But your not going to start on top ! As for per diem , that is for meal allowance. If they allow it , you don't have to keep reciepts ! If not you have to claim on taxes for meal expenses.
Assistance In Finding A Good Company???
Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by Johnnb, Jun 6, 2007.
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It,s very unfortunate that teachers make such a lousy income in the USA. In Canada they make really great money, at least 60,000 a year. If I was an American interested in going into trucking I would move to rural Penn. or NY. I just can not believe how inexpensive R.E. is in these areas. A really nice little frame house in Corning NY for example can be had for as little as 65,000 dollars. I was checking out houses in Rapahannok Pa. while my wife was making a delivery and I came across a beautiful Victorian house completly updated for 140,000 dollars. It seems to be the same all over the USA heartland, very inexpensive houses. As far as changing jobs to trucking goes I think that it is a great thing to do if you understand what the trucking life is like. Being a teacher you could possibly find someone to ride along with during the summer while you are on vacation. My wife quit being an engineer and became an OTR trucker and she just loves being out there on the road. My youngest son was a glazer and changed to trucking and he just hated it and spent less than a year on the road before going back to tradesmen work. There is nothing like being out there on the road to find out if you like it or not.
When the average government employees hourly wages beat the local private income of the people who support government by taxes is three to six times that of the tax payer, there is something directly wrong with the concept of freedom. In fact freedom has been forfeited for the luxury of a government wage of which will eventually bankrupt the support structure.
Teachers are paid very well. The problem lies in inflation and not in wages. Others who are paid far more are paid too much and those who think the State Librarian should earn far more than the Governor of the State has lost the sense of reality in structure based upon common sense.
The highest paid government employee should be the President and the highest paid State employee should be the Governor of each state. All pay should be based upon this top end and should be scaled down from there.
Now, when it comes to the trucking industry, it is a shame so many are blind to the fact Free Enterprise and Free Market went out of the Small Business person (owner Operator) when President Carter deregulated the Transportations industry; converting the Owner Operator into nothing more than an Asset Provider with no chance of ever getting ahead.
Good loads are always offset by unexpected expenses and bad loads. Debt is there from year to year and tax deductions are just smoking mirrors to the reality you still have to pay out to stay alive and there will never be enough as long as people are so blind.
Free Enterprise and Free Market only work were people have their eyes and ears open. That is why some make millions while others go bankrupt by retirement or shortly after.The United States is doing everything it can to develop into the Socialist Nation of Canada. We need more government jobs for everyone with all the perks and benefits paid for by taxes. Makes one wonder doesn't it?
Yes, Trucking is a great life if you don't mind being in the lower class of income brackets and never have a home life. The years pass and when you get to retirement; if you do, then you wonder where it all went and what it was for. It definitely was not about money.
Cost of living and cost of luxuries our out priced. The future holds hunger for many as we see oil top $130 per barrel based upon those in the world who want to see the United States buried; i.e. Iran, Venezuela and others. The enemies of Freedom are those who care not for the rights of Man. Will we bomb Iran soon? Probably! If not us, Israel will for self protection. What about Chavez in Venezuela? He needs to go away and very soon.
My advice to you is don't do it, if you can possibly find something else to do. The industry is in turmoil right now mainly because of fuel prices.
If you do become a driver, I would only advise that you plan on becoming an O/O as soon as you can and as soon as market forces permit. Of course this all depends on how much money you need to make. Some, but very few company drivers do very well, but only after years of experience.
I would also advise that you specialize. Go into tankers or heavy haul for example.
I pulled reefers for my first year, but after moving to a flatbed I have been much much happier. The difference between working with fans and reefers or flatbeds is like night and day. With reefers you will work all hours of the night and day. Same with some dry van work. With flatbed you get loaded and unloaded and usually are not sitting and waiting for hours while some guy is on his lunch break.
I could go on, but this is enough I think.
If you have kids, do yourself a favor, get a job where you can stay at home.
I have four small ones and miss them very much. -
The socialist nation of Canada is doing pretty good don't you think? At a time when economies all around the world are in trouble Canada's economy is red hot, Unemployment is so low that we have to bring in immigrants to fill really good jobs. In Alberta there is such a shortage of workers that McDonalds has to pay their employees 15 dollars an hour to flip burgers. Did you know that the Canadian federal government has posted huge budget surpluses for many years in a row? How is that possible in what you refer to as The Socialist Nation of Canada. Why is it That American and other foriegn corperations buy up Canadian firms as fast as they can if this is such a bad place to do buisness. Toyota, and Honda have built huge Auto plants here in Ontario to build cars to export to the USA. Maybe some companies see an advantage to to setting up shop in a socialist state where they are not responsible for supplying their employees with benifits that the state already does. you should never equate socialism with an anti buisness envrioment the whole world knows that Canada is open for buisness and we actually have a bigger problem with trying to control foriegn investment and protect Canadian companies from being taken over by foreign investments. You have to control the size of the public service and get the maximum output from your employees. I once worked for Atomic energy of Canada which is a crown corperation owned by the government. They were the most penny pinching, tightwads that you would ever want to meet. Sure the pay was good but they really expected results from their people and never if they could help it wasted anything. So socialism just might not be so bad as you think and in fact can provide an environment that is not just better for workers but for imployers and investers also.
The world banks are cluttered with bad paper (no value) and inflation continues. Sooner or later the bubble will burst just as it has in the US.
What amazes me is how everyone looks at TODAY and thinks everything is just dandy, but when the stuff hits the fan, the crybabies come out of the woodwork. Why did they not know and why did they not do something to protect their future and family needs?
Yes, the Canadian Market is drawing attention at the moment, but don't forget, the world continues to turn and so do markets. Unfortunately, US Citizens have been so blind, complacent and apathetic for so long, the damage cause by those in positions of trust and power have created a situation that we will not dig our way out of soon.
When will the Banks fail and cause the Amero to be currency of Canada, the US, Mexico and perhaps Columbia for a start. NAFTA anyone?
Enjoy the sunshine while it is there. At least Capitalism is working for a short while as the Socialists in Canada seem to be sleeping. Perhaps we can loan you Obamma or Clinton? Why not take both? -
Socialism is the expenditure of wealth to care for the needy, the lazy and the ignorant who do not know any better.
Capitalism is the garden of dreams as that is the only place wealth is generated to fund Communism and Socialism.
You are experiencing Capitalism flexing its muscles within your Socialist System, but that can not last.
The US is losing because US Citizens don't want to do what they must to have what most only dream about.
If you consider Socialism as an alternative in a positive way, well, you know my feelings from the explanations above. Socialism is for those with no dreams of consequence.
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