ATS Lease Program?

Discussion in 'Anderson' started by skullitor, Jun 3, 2007.

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  1. skullitor

    skullitor Medium Load Member

    Aug 5, 2005
    New England
    How does Anderson's lease deal work?Are they a good outfit?
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  3. MrsTrucker04

    MrsTrucker04 Bobtail Member

    Jan 30, 2008
    Proceed with caution. . .
  4. pathfinder

    pathfinder Medium Load Member

    Aug 25, 2007
    MrsTrucker, could you expand on this please? I really know very little about it. Only what I have read from ATS, and that is usually not the whole story. As a co. driver it does sound appealing, in some ways. Any more info would be appreciated. Thanks!
  5. CaptJack

    CaptJack Light Load Member

    Apr 20, 2008
    Botetourt Co., VA
    Andersons' lease program is pretty straight foreward. At least it was when I drove for them. The lease was for 12 months, not 3-4 yrs. After the 12 months are up you get a $3,200 or $3,400 lease completion bonus that you can apply to a brand new truck to lease, or you can pocket the money and re-lease the same truck you've been driving, or walk away if you dont wanna stay. I leased a truck from them from 3/05-1/06, got good miles and had a great DM. From 3/05 to 12/05 I made over $113,000. Not bad for just over 8 months ( I took a week off for Thanksgiving and 2 weeks off for Christmas & New Year's). The 1st truck I had was a high mileage Classic, and after about 3 months I got to turn it in for a newer 300,000 mile 379 Pete for about another $40/month. Also, you can purchase the truck you lease at the end of the lease if you want. The Pete I had was averaging $70,000 on the truck lot, but I could have got it for $36,000. I had an accident in January was was termed, but if I could get on with them again, I wouldnt hesitate.
    NWMAXI, MoneyCat, seawind and 4 others Thank this.
  6. pathfinder

    pathfinder Medium Load Member

    Aug 25, 2007
    CaptJack, sorry about the bad luck. And thanks for the info on the lease, lease purchase. It sounds like they are actually up front about everything. So far I have only come across one driver who didn't make it work. Every other driver I have met who is leasing or has moved on to buying their truck has said pretty much the same thing. If you work hard you can make good money. Have you ever tried coming back? I have no idea if this is poss. or not, but they are always looking for drivers. Just a thought.
    MikeyB. Thanks this.
  7. CaptJack

    CaptJack Light Load Member

    Apr 20, 2008
    Botetourt Co., VA
    The last time I talked to them they said I was ineligible for rehire. At the time. But maybe sometime in the future, who knows. But it was all easy $$. I made almost $7,000 one week and it was a breeze. I had 3 short runs for the week that paid almost $3,000, then I volunteered to run crane pieces between wind farms in Iowa over the weekend and made a killin. But I ran into a few drivers that would complain that they werent making any $$, but that was because the kept refusing loads and just wanted to sit at the terminals and truck stops and shoot the $%$ with other drivers. I cant feel sorry for drivers like that. They dont deserve to make anything. They just dont seem to understand that ya gotta take the good with the bad. I guess they'll learn one day.
    NWMAXI, MoneyCat and seawind Thank this.
  8. ic40oz

    ic40oz Light Load Member

    Apr 4, 2008
    I have done some research on their lease. It seems pretty straight forward. I communicated with a fellow awhile back that had actually done their program with a pre-certified lease. He made alot of money and his hometime wasn't too bad either. What I think they are doing is... Eventually they want all their company drivers to become lease ops. I have had a few people tell me that, but hell, their company drivers seem to be happy as well.
    seawind Thanks this.
  9. blackf3504dr

    blackf3504dr Light Load Member

    Sep 9, 2006
    Leesburg, Fl.
    Does anyone know if ATS leased trucks are forced dispatch? Their lease sounds like a better then average deal ... But I wonder how they're making out with the high fuel costs, and what their FSC is.
  10. CaptJack

    CaptJack Light Load Member

    Apr 20, 2008
    Botetourt Co., VA
    No, L/O are not under forced dispatch. When I leased my truck from them I would get 5-6 load offers to choose long as I was in a good freight area and it was before noon. You will always get the best loads first thing in the a.m. If I was in a low freight area I would either take whatever I could get to get out, or sit till the next morning (depending on what time of day it was) and see what was available.
  11. blackf3504dr

    blackf3504dr Light Load Member

    Sep 9, 2006
    Leesburg, Fl.

    Thanks Capt., do you remember what their FSC was ?
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