ATS Lease Program?

Discussion in 'Anderson' started by skullitor, Jun 3, 2007.

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  1. TripleSix

    TripleSix God of Roads

    Apr 10, 2009
    Copied in Hell
    Few? Your van driving buddies dropped the ball and your team lost. Yeah, its the team owners fault because he's the one that hired those no talent players who swore up and down they could play ball.

    You lost your job because you are irresponsible, lazy, and slow. If you were a halfway decent driver with a brain, guess what would have happened? You would never lose in trucking. Never. The name on the side of the door doesnt mean jack. Its always the driver. You dropped the ball. And your doorslamming buddies dropped the ball. Grow a spine and be responsible for a change.

    Yes I know. Top of the food chain trucker. Ive never seen the trucking company that I couldnt make money at. Then again, I'm not looking for someone else to hold my hands and lead me to money. I will line my own pockets.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 30, 2009
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  3. rookietrucker

    rookietrucker Trucker Forum STAFF Staff Member

    Jul 15, 2007
    This thread is locked til further review
  4. franco51797

    franco51797 Bobtail Member

    Jun 14, 2009
    To reply to your last post that you locked me out of.I did not get termed at ats i told to stick their truck where the sun do'nt shine.Trucking is a buisness we as drivers do it to make money.If i am not making money i go where i can make money.Again Ats was when i worked there in 06 and 07 a good company.They are not anymore.And where you are wrong totally is thinking you are better cause you are driving flatbed.We are all drivers i have driven flatbed i have driven vans.I chose to stick with vans because i don't want to be out in the rain and snow tarping loads thats my choice it doesent make you better than me.I have always made money whereever i have worked.Since getting into trucking my income has risen every year.Until i returned to ATS this year.Do i have it in for them?I guess i do.I hate liers and they lie.I saw the freight bills at a customer.They made good money off the loads and told me and other drivers they didn't.As for me burning bridges.I blew the ats bridge up.You couldn't pay me any amout of money to go back there.Losing a driver like me was their loss and the company i'm with nows gain.I just want to be treated fairly and not lied to.There are still companies out there that value good drivers and treat them fairly.As for the trucks parked in their yards.They are brand new most of them.And i have been telling drivers considering going with them to talk to ats drivers on the road and form an opinion.And sorry but it took me a month before i decided to leave and in that month i asked flatbed drivers and van drivers company and lease operaters and none were making money.So why would i switch over to the flat side?And i'd like to know what you consider a decent pay check for spending most of your life in that truck?I feel that if i am living in the truck all week buying my meals paying tolls and washing my clothes home for my 34 and back out after taxes i need at least 1500.00 not happening at ats.I am happy where i am now.i make a steady good pay and sleep in my own bed at night and have weekends off.If i ever decided to go on the road again i would buy my own truck and trailer get my own authority and do it right.i have made alot of contacts over the years that i can get freight from so i would do much better than i ever did with ATS.You guys are happy there?Good for you i am happy for you.But don't try to shove their lease down some poor drivers throat.I have been doing this for years and i can only compare my experiance with ats like a lease driver from swift.Same program different name on the truck.There are no good lease programs out there.Again triplesix you can try to put me down all you want but you do not know me or what kind of driver i am so you really have no right to speak on me at all.I did my job and more while at ATS and got nothing out of it but debt.I don't want to see it happen to anyone else.That is the type of guy i am if i can make another driver think twice and do his research i know he will pass on ats.They are no better than any other lease company.Unless you own your truck outright
  5. TripleSix

    TripleSix God of Roads

    Apr 10, 2009
    Copied in Hell
    I dont have to know you. Ive seen a million others just like you. . Got a joke for you ,"How many truck drivers does it take to change a lightbulb?" None. They'd rather sit in the dark and whine about it instead.

    You started in on me first. .

    I didnt do their lease. I dont like the idea of leasing a truck from a company (ANY company) that I am driving for. I started out as a company driver. I made $1400-1600 a week after taxes as a company driver. With the money I made, I went out and bought my own truck and brought it on to ATS. I know alot of guys who do lease,and the majority dont do well.

    You have 2 kinds of people in semis...truckers and truck drivers.Whats the difference? Comparing a truck driver to a trucker is like comparing the guy wants to fight to a fighter. The guy at the bar who wants to fight doesnt really want to get hurt. The fighter is the person thats conditioned to TO FIGHT. High tolerance for pain, good stamina, timing, striking power.

    Truck drivers are always looking for respect, for hometime, not be treated as a number, to feel "comfy", to be viewed in a positive light by the general public.

    Truckers just want to truck. They arent looking for respect from the company deskjockeys, because the first sign of disrespect from a pencil pusher a trucker will serve notice that he/she will not be talked to any which way. Truckers do not know what hometime is nor do they make requests for hometime. They just serve notice, "I AM GOING TO THE HOUSE."
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 30, 2009
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