attention all CR England haters:
Discussion in 'CR England' started by racerdad, Oct 4, 2013.
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Actuallyit was the first one I found that was free, well promoted, seemed like the largest and most organized, etc. Since then I've realized that largest and most organized may be an oxymoron, and have also learned about that class action suit among other things. It wasn't until I listened to all you great folks that I received such good advice. I don't have any family or connections in the industry so I'm going in blind.
Thank you all, and keep it coming! -
My reason for not liking cre. "Lease, train, drive" if you're buying(leasing) a truck before you even know how to drive it...or wording in a lease agreement you might want to re evaluate
Go with Central Refrigerated. The drivers I've met from there had only good things to say about them.
Wish you all the bestSkydivedavec Thanks this. -
Open forum. Post on it at your peril. make demands on how you want replies formatted all you want. Most are going to reply how they want. Sorry to tell tou that.
Now on to your question. Swift, stevens, knight, usa, pam, central, prime all are up front if I remember correctly. There are others out there. They are not hard to find at all. Any truck.stop will have a board with hundreds.of companies.on it. Craigslist is full of ads with this info. And hundreds of posts.on this forum.
Sounds like some one wants their research done for them. I found tons of info with google and craigslist before I even knew this sight existed. That was two years ago. I would never have thought to post on an open forum making demands on how anyone replied to my question and sure would not have got on anyone for breaking "my rule" -
I went to a truck driving school the cost was $3K, it was money well spent. The school also had some low interest loans. Out of about 25 guys, as near as I could tell only two of us were paying our own way, the rest of the people had some government agency pay their way, there were a couple of welfare mothers, some ex-druggies, some people that had spent time in prison and were getting off of parole. Me and the other guy use to joke about it all the time, "Man, are we the only ones paying our own way?, Maybe we should have committed a crime or something?". When I started as a trainee at Werner, they paid me about $450/week (I actually forgot the exact amount now) --- and they had tuition re-imbursement so if you stuck with them for one year the tuition would be paid. It was not a bad way to go, but the trainers don't really train --- they pretty much do team driving from the get go, so it is really good to have the driving school experience. If I had it to do over again I would probably look for a school that used longer trailers (53 foot vs 40 foot) and did not have trucks with syncro-Transmissions, but on the plus side they trained us well enough that most of us got our CDL's in about 2 months. BTW, one of the many reasons I quit was because when I mentioned to my trainers that I expected to be making about $50K a year my first year and certainly by the second year they could not stop laughing. Both of them said I should probably expect about $600/week for the first couple years, and since I was only planning to do it for a few years before getting Social security, at my age that kind of salary I decided it was not worth my time. If it was a really fun job, I might have done it anyway, but I would not classify the entire job as fun, even though driving a truck is kind of fun.
Skydivedavec Thanks this. -
With regard to my wanting someone to do my research for me, this forum is probably the second thing I came across while just beginning my research and holy smokes what a resource! I don't know how it is in real life yet, but it appears that trucking is somewhat of a brotherhood. I love that about the biker community and hope that exists in my future career.Skydivedavec Thanks this. -
I drove an old Ford Louisville in an agricultural setting for a few years many years ago so I'm well aware of the joys of driving truck. I do enjoy it, and that's why I'm now entering the field. Thanks for the advice quitter.Skydivedavec Thanks this. -
Racerdad, I admire your attitude but the reason those programs exists is because it ends up costing the government less money in the long run. People released from Prison who aren't able to get a job, will more likely than not return to a life of crime to support themselves, but think about it what choice do they really have? Welfare mothers are often stuck being welfare mothers unless they can get a job, and to get a reasonable job you need a skill. Truck driving is something that pays sort of OK, and the training costs are fairly reasonable. You don't just get government assistance for truck driving school just because you applied for it, first need to commit a crime, then be a model prisoner, don't violate your parole.. or maybe end up as a teenage mother, with no family support and have a baby that would starve if you don't go on welfare. At the truck driving school the low cost loans were available to everyone though, and if Werner hired you they would pay back the training, so you should have no problem with that, right?
As far as a brotherhood goes it is sort of like that, I guess everyone who has spent time in solitary confinement belongs to a brotherhood. I felt the brotherhood thing, but mostly it is for about one minute at the fuel Island, when you might say hi to someone, or when you are waiting around for hours at the loading dock. Mostly I would say it is a solitary life style with hours on end of being alone. It can drive you crazy if you are not a solitary man. I have brothers that are policeman, fireman, school teachers, I would say they all have a strong brotherhood than truckers. Trucker seem to have a stronger brotherhood than the profession I was in, Electrical Engineer. Engineers tended to really keep to themselves -- at least at the places I worked.Skydivedavec Thanks this. -
No problem with loans quitter. I'm going to go visit a couple local schools to inquire about that possibility this week before I commit to a "CDL mill" type company. As a land surveyor, I have worked with the same personality types as what you mention with engineers, sort of a parallel career path you and I have had. I am definitely a "solitary man" as you suggest, which is part of the attraction for me.
Skydivedavec Thanks this.
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