Auto Truck Transport Corp. - Kenosha, Wi.

Discussion in 'Discuss Your Favorite Trucking Company Here' started by Redneck, Apr 24, 2006.

  1. bonecrusher747

    bonecrusher747 Bobtail Member

    Feb 12, 2012
    :biggrin_2551:Im intrested in how much money i shoud expect to earn when i start.. Because I was told from the peeps up in Wisconsin that it payed average of $1200 to $1300 per week is this BS or for real? Because if its BS its not worth my time and theirs to waste on training me and to start off telling an employee lies from the start is not somewhere i want to work. Im not looking to bring home $600.00 when i can make that around here and be home often.
    trucker43 Thanks this.
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  3. bonecrusher747

    bonecrusher747 Bobtail Member

    Feb 12, 2012
    Bump..... Can anyone answer this for me^^^^^^^^^^
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2012
  4. bonecrusher747

    bonecrusher747 Bobtail Member

    Feb 12, 2012
    Can anyone answer the questions i asked?
    Thanks BC747
  5. Calamity Jane

    Calamity Jane Bobtail Member

    Feb 19, 2012
    San Antonio, TX

    ...that is a stretch. I made $45k last year and only came home once every 4 to 6 weeks and then only for 2 - 3 day weekends. I was off for a week last spring to have some elective outpatient surgery. You can do the math. I don't run hard (11/14 with 10 off) but I do keep a steady pace which seems to work better anyway.

    New hires were being told they would start at $75k a year; we just laughed. Glad to see they brought the 'promises' down a bit.
    trucker43 Thanks this.
  6. Calamity Jane

    Calamity Jane Bobtail Member

    Feb 19, 2012
    San Antonio, TX
    IAM stands for 'I'll ask management'. No trouble here as the union just rolls over for the company. Many of us want the entire industry to come back under the Teamster umbrella as it was many years ago. Those were the days of little or no turnover and you had to know someone to get a job. Not true anymore...and we wonder why.
    trucker43 Thanks this.
  7. EdretiredinPhilippines?

    EdretiredinPhilippines? Bobtail Member

    Feb 27, 2012
    South Lake Tahoe, CA
    If the economy picks up, after the last few years of low new truck sales, there might soon be a demand for new trucks and hopefully lots of trucks to deliver.
    trucker43 Thanks this.
  8. zoso1967

    zoso1967 Bobtail Member

    Mar 8, 2012
    green bay, wis
    so, is it a mistake to consider working for ATT? I've read all 21 pages here, i'm debating working for them because i wanna move from the frozen tundra (green bay) to warmer climate (san antonio) for health reasons!!! i dont expect to get rich, but even with minimal miles a week i still make better money then i am currently making!!! i know all jobs have good and bad experiences, so i'm not expecting everything to be as promised!! any and all info would be helpful!!! thank you one and all!
    trucker43 Thanks this.
  9. rclsr1961

    rclsr1961 Light Load Member

    Jul 28, 2010
    charleston, wv
    ATT isnt perferct, but I wouldn't do anything else when it comes to being OTR. The first year you wont make but in the 40s because you are paid at 90 percent. I worked nine months last year due to haveing to be off and made 49 plus no cost health and retirement benefits.
    trucker43 and zoso1967 Thank this.
  10. Warrior Cat

    Warrior Cat Light Load Member

    Mar 17, 2012
    Austin, TX
    I left last month after staying with ATT for only 6 months - that was all I could take. The people who told me they made 'big money' had questionable 'stories' - every last one of them. My second trainer ( first one was completely unfit and a blatant liar) stated he made only $50k in his best year and less in every year after the 'give back' contracts came along in 2007. I spoke to my trainer to tell him I was leaving and why; he stated he only made $45k last year.

    ATT is a complete circus. There may be 'new business' but many people (new and company veterans) are leaving, and for good reasons. What I found most interesting were the sheer number of 'employees' of 'questionable status'. I heard these 'employees' referred to as 'shills', 'house thugs', 'ringers', 'strangers', etc. Their primary purpose seems to be intimidation and manipulation. You mostly just see them around terminals and motels and very rarely out in the field.

    I also found interesting the fact ATT employees self segregate themselves at terminals and hotels. In San Antonio for example, mostly black folks, gays and the 'questionable status' people mostly stayed at one hotel while mostly white folks stayed at another hotel.

    The things I liked about working at ATT:

    very good benefits
    drive new trucks every trip
    stay in hotels every night and fly on commercial aircraft
    flexible scheduling within reason

    What I didn't like about ATT:

    pay looks good on paper but not good in practice - thinking $45k and above would be a real struggle - I made $20k the 6 months I was employed and I 'stayed in the road', rarely coming home

    unfriendly management

    much confusion and misunderstanding regarding dispatching, ETAs, etc

    surrounded by too many people who act like 'house bullies' who have little or no working knowledge of the job despite claims of long term employment with ATT

    heard many peole thinking out loud about why does Freightliner contract with ATT with all of the 'funny business' going on

    Sorry about the long winded rant for my first post. I've read this board on very rare occasions over the years and decided to take a look around tonight. I ran across this thread and had to make a contribution.
    zoso1967 and trucker43 Thank this.
  11. zoso1967

    zoso1967 Bobtail Member

    Mar 8, 2012
    green bay, wis
    Thank you both for the replies! Would like to maybe contact either of you to talk more! Can you private message me please?
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