Auto Truck Transport Corp. - Kenosha, Wi.

Discussion in 'Discuss Your Favorite Trucking Company Here' started by Redneck, Apr 24, 2006.

  1. Powell-Peralta

    Powell-Peralta Road Train Member

    Jul 17, 2007
    Please update.

    Also, how are the lowboy operations doing? The same?
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  3. biggare1980

    biggare1980 Medium Load Member

    Apr 29, 2009
    Springfield, Ohio
    Last I heard, the lowboys were gone. I know of two low boy drivers that were company are working in the yard. The owner ops that were pulling lowboys were pulling for Unimark which is Auto Truck's sister company. I'll check into this weekend when I see my uncle, he's still working in the yard here. When I find something out I'll post it on here. There is a rumor floating around that they are supposed to be calling drivers back here soon. Don't know how true that is but.......
  4. Powell-Peralta

    Powell-Peralta Road Train Member

    Jul 17, 2007
    Wow. This is incredible; Everything seems to be dying.

    This was definitely the best OTR gig i had when i was with them. i would consider going back----if only things would pick up.
  5. biggare1980

    biggare1980 Medium Load Member

    Apr 29, 2009
    Springfield, Ohio
    Same here, you tend to get spoiled driving them trucks. No quaalcom, could deliver a day and a half early if you wanted too, and best of all the breakdown. They did away with the weekend layover which sucked cause thats where I made most of my money. I certainly hope it picks up soon, with the new emissions coming out I'm hoping everyone pre buys like they did in 06. They kept us hopping that summer, ended up staying out two months cause I was running so good.
  6. skinnytrucker

    skinnytrucker Heavy Load Member

    Jan 24, 2009
    U.P. of Michigan
    I really hope you guys go back to work if and when ATT calls you back. I worked there for 4 years. I started when we were out of St. Thomas Ont. and had a real good time. When we were forced to go to Springfield I even drove one of the low-boys for about 6 months. I probably even know some of you guys on here. I was even one of the guys who was trying to get all the guys to join the Teamsters and leave the I.A.M. If you are still wondering I left to go to work as a freight hauler. Better money, more home time, no flying but, I really hate working nights all the time. At ATT I could wake up in the motel in the morning and just get up and go to work when I felt like it. No one ever said you gotta be there by a certain date and like another guy on here said if you get there early nobody said anything about it. I still know alot of guys that work there because i lived in Springfield for a couple of years and alot of the shop guys were my neighbors.
  7. biggare1980

    biggare1980 Medium Load Member

    Apr 29, 2009
    Springfield, Ohio
    What year did you leave there? If you were there for the last election then I might know you. I started in July 05 and am still patiently waiting for the phone call saying they are calling us back. I just cant get back into the swing of freight hauling. I loved being able to drop early and get back for another load, instead of sitting on a load for a day cause it couldn't deliver early. Stay safe out there.
  8. skinnytrucker

    skinnytrucker Heavy Load Member

    Jan 24, 2009
    U.P. of Michigan
    biggare I started in 02 and left at the end of 05. Like I said I lived in Springfield and I was one of the guys that was worked for the Teamsters to help organize ATT. After it was over I got on with Big R.
  9. biggare1980

    biggare1980 Medium Load Member

    Apr 29, 2009
    Springfield, Ohio
    I might have seen you then, as I live in Springfield and was in that yard quite often. I'm actually working on getting a degree in electronics so I don't know how much I will be there once we do get called back. I'll miss it but they took a lot away with the new contract that just came out. I was going through some old papers and found a delay form that I had that was for 21 hrs and I was siiting at home. Not to many companies where you can do that at. Of course they got rid of all that though, a lot of drivers don't believe the money that you used to be able to make there.
  10. pawnature

    pawnature Bobtail Member

    May 27, 2009
    Louisa, KY
    Biggest negative I had working with ATT was dealing with airports and flying. Plus all the cash you had to carry to cover expenses. Constantly hitting the advance which they didn't have any problem getting it to you, all you had to do was ask.
  11. Powell-Peralta

    Powell-Peralta Road Train Member

    Jul 17, 2007


    This is just one reason why ATT was the best OTR job i've had bar none. And still made decent money---as good as any other driving job i've had.
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