Auto Truck Transport Corp. - Kenosha, Wi.

Discussion in 'Discuss Your Favorite Trucking Company Here' started by Redneck, Apr 24, 2006.

  1. Powell-Peralta

    Powell-Peralta Road Train Member

    Jul 17, 2007
    All of 05 to the middle of 06. Maybe i pulled the plug early, but i had other things i had to do.

    i never really noticed first off, any transsexuals---maybe they were very passable? As far as gay men, well i suppose there probably are many working there but i never noticed any who were "out".

    What is a "bent nickel?"
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  3. Powell-Peralta

    Powell-Peralta Road Train Member

    Jul 17, 2007
    So anyways, were they, the drivers, actually women/ "women"? i mean i knew most of the women drivers and one even treated me like a son. All of them seemed like women to the point where i couldn't tell if, in fact, they had switched over.

    NOTE: i don't have a problem with any of this, i was just curious.

    Details, i need details.

    White Road Commander, i believe:
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2009
  4. skinnytrucker

    skinnytrucker Heavy Load Member

    Jan 24, 2009
    U.P. of Michigan
    I heard Jim Geek from the Macungie terminal is now the T.M. at Springfield. For those of you that don't know, this is good news for Springfield drivers because Jim is very protective of the men that work for him. He has had a good reputation of keeping foreign drivers out of his terminal so his guys work before anyone else.
  5. biggare1980

    biggare1980 Medium Load Member

    Apr 29, 2009
    Springfield, Ohio
    That is great news, I hadn't heard that he was there. I'll have to ask my uncle next time I see him. Last I knew the manager's name was Andy Kupa, but then again that was a year ago. That door there is a revolving door that never quit turning. But if Jim is in there maybe it will now.
  6. FreedomFirst

    FreedomFirst Bobtail Member

    Jul 13, 2009
    IF Jim Geake is in Springfield its because they broke up the clique in Macungie. Its kind of funny the way they thought they would secede from Auto Truck ,and become there own little Teamsters terminal island. Jim took care of his BUDDIES first ,but he welcomed everyone to his terminal. Everyone got a fair shake after his buddies which is what screwed the rest of the Macungie drivers in their own terminal,BECAUSE the other terminals all took care of their own! I lived it after a while you get tired of doing favors with loads that were way late ,and customers were screaming. This happened because he didn't want to force anything on anyone,but expected his guys to do favors. Good luck in the other terminals they sure were not bashful about screwing the Macungie drivers.
  7. Powell-Peralta

    Powell-Peralta Road Train Member

    Jul 17, 2007
    1) i never had any problems with jimmy or his brother (they were brothers?). Then again, i only went to magungie i think 2 or 3 times.

    1a) i'm not saying it didn't happen, but i didn't really notice any of the game playing/favoritism etc. But then again, my philosophy was that any trip was mileage and i didn't really care too intently. Well, i did care but i didn't get too hung up about it if it was not a "gravy run"----i.e., 3000 mile boom load.

    2) Sooooo...... i was still wondering about the transsexuals.
  8. ambivalence

    ambivalence Medium Load Member

    Jul 9, 2009
    Cleveland, NC

    You weren't with ATT long enough to notice anything IMO? Sadly, you missed out on all of the homosexual-transexual-gay-bi-race issues you are so keen in catching up on. I suggest you reapply with ATT or ITT so you can experience your 'freedom'.:biggrin_2554:
  9. Powell-Peralta

    Powell-Peralta Road Train Member

    Jul 17, 2007
    Was this really being talked about? i left april 06.

    i heard nothing of the sort---just the teamster/iam debate thing when they were trying to get in. Personally, i didn't care----i figured any union was better than no union---if the majority wanted the teamsters then fine with me.
  10. ambivalence

    ambivalence Medium Load Member

    Jul 9, 2009
    Cleveland, NC
    The Geake Brothers went back to Pennsylvania as Mack announced it was consolidating all of its manufacturing operations there. One rumor is ATT is taking back the Mack account while the other rumor is the Geake Brothers have been asked to go to work for the cut rate Iron Tiger Group division now in place at Macungie.

    The cut rate Iron Tiger Group division of JBT holdings (also the same parent company of ATT, ATC and Unimark) has taken over the Navistar account beginning this month (Garland, TX and Springfield, OH). Very few decked sets and mostly single trucks being driven out by Unimark drivers, Quality Transportation, Bennett, etc.

    Recent conversation with a Unimark driver indicated he was being paid .50 per mile for a single with the first tank of fuel included - he was on his own afterwards. Unimark 'drivers' have to pay $52 a month union dues just to come on ATT property and receive no union benefits. He had already made three trips and hadn't made a dime after expenses. He was quitting after his current trip/assignment.

    Regarding transsexuals; both male to female 'trannys' quit years ago. Of the two female to male 'trannys'; one was fired for a traffic accident while the other continues to work. I worked with her-him(?) recently and listened to 'its' bragging about getting 'laid' while out on the road. I wanted to ask how a female to male 'tranny' gets 'laid' but kept my mouth shut.:biggrin_2556:

    The IBT took JBT Holdings to court many years ago to complain about ATT being used to cannibalize business from ATC; the IBT lost as it was ruled such practices are apparently legal. Now, ITG is cannibalizing business from ATT - incredible and pathetic.
  11. Powell-Peralta

    Powell-Peralta Road Train Member

    Jul 17, 2007
    Mainly i'm wanting to know if it is busy yet? And are they hiring? i thinking of making a move company-wise. i was out of cleveland but i'm willing to relocate even to laredo/portland etc.

    2) Did/does one of the female to male "transitioners" happen to have blond hair? You know, of all my time there, i never noticed any gender transitioners there. Which, i suppose is a good thing for them.
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