Auto Truck Transport Corp. - Kenosha, Wi.

Discussion in 'Discuss Your Favorite Trucking Company Here' started by Redneck, Apr 24, 2006.

  1. skinnytrucker

    skinnytrucker Heavy Load Member

    Jan 24, 2009
    U.P. of Michigan
    Guess you haven't heard yet so hear it goes. ATT lost all work in Springfield, OH. and Garland, TX. to Iron Tiger Logistics. They laid off all of those workers and are working with a skeleton crew in other terminals. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news just thought you might wanna know.
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  3. Powell-Peralta

    Powell-Peralta Road Train Member

    Jul 17, 2007
    That sucks. What about lowboy divisions?
  4. biggare1980

    biggare1980 Medium Load Member

    Apr 29, 2009
    Springfield, Ohio
    As far as I know the lowboys are out too, believe Unimark does all that now. It definately sucks for Auto Truck right now. The only thing they have left is Freightliner and Fords. Rumor has it that they are getting Macungie back but I'm not sure yet.
  5. Powell-Peralta

    Powell-Peralta Road Train Member

    Jul 17, 2007
    Not to be a pest, but could you give more detail on the whole situation with ATT like from say, a year ago to now? i'm thinking of making a move and would love to come back to ATT if the conditions are right.

    b) Also, can you tell me more about iron tiger? i don't want to give the guy's name out, but i recognize the guy in the picture when you go to their (iron's) website---he used to do orientation at ATT at cleveland terminal.

    c) You don't/didn't happen to have a beard? i think we may have met at magungie and ran out west until you broke at mercer pa?
  6. ambivalence

    ambivalence Medium Load Member

    Jul 9, 2009
    Cleveland, NC
    Iron Tiger Logistics is probably your best bet. They prefer those with little or no 'union' experience/ membership meaning little or no driveaway experience. Extremely high turnover rate is forcing them to use drivers from Quality, Bennett, Unimark and probably anyone who can supply warm bodies who don't know any better.

    It's almost funny to watch people drive up in ratty vehicles full of pets and garbage, hitch the junker to the back of a brand new truck and then load the pets and garbage into a brand new truck and drive off of the lot with a cigarette hanging out of their mouth - I'm not making this up.

    Many people are quitting on the spot and many more say they are quitting at the end of their current trip as it actually cost them more money than the trip payed to complete the trip. Completely pathetic situation.:biggrin_25526:


    That's Paul Kennedy in the above photo giving a tv away to a 'new hire' for 'job well done'(?) Thinking you are referring to David Parker who, did indeed, transfer over to Iron Tiger. JHT Holdings, the parent company of ATT, ATC, Unimark, Iron Tiger and Active made a lame effort to conceal its role in creating and controlling Iron Tiger. Back in 2003, the IBT (Teamsters) took JHT Holdings to court over similar practices of using ATT to undermine Active's business and labor contracts. The IBT lost the case as the court said such practices are perfectly legal.
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2010
  7. biggare1980

    biggare1980 Medium Load Member

    Apr 29, 2009
    Springfield, Ohio
    I was hired by Iron Tiger on the 20th of last month and so far everything is going great right now. They swear up and down that they aren't ATT but it sure feels like I'm still driving for them. The only difference is the equipment is a different color, they give you a phone that is GPS capable but its a great asset. You use it to clear your load and everything else. No more being on hold with central for an hour waiting to clear your load. Another great thing is your travel is pre-arranged before you get done. I'm sitting in Huntingdon, PA now and I already have my travel arrangements and I still have one truck to deliver yet. They also have a reusable light bar that has L.E.D.'s in them that don't dim down when you hit the brakes at night. Some of the loads have a collapsible crate that they want you to pack the equipment in and you lock it with padlocks. Hopefully that keeps the wrecker drivers from stealing the chains. If you want to know anything else just give a shout.
    P.S. Garland is still a joke, four zip ties to hold the air hose to the truck. More work than what is necessary if you ask me.
  8. ambivalence

    ambivalence Medium Load Member

    Jul 9, 2009
    Cleveland, NC
    Everything that Iron Tiger is doing is what was proposed for ATT before the current contract debacle, which is why all of the 'mandates' were dropped. Less pay, more unpaid 'return transportation' time and no more 'delay pay' I'm told.

    The GPS phone tracks your every move meaning those of us who choose a better route (truck route) over the 'shortest route' will receive constant grief - one current and soon to be ex employee along with a couple of ex ITT drivers have told me this.

    Can't select your own trips? Pre arranged travel itinerary? We know how good those 'rules' are. The IAM 'invited in' to potentially represent ITT employees? Just like they were 'invited in' to represent ATT employees and then worked in collusion to undercut IBT labor contracts? I't a downhill slide with the bottom being another JHT owned company Unimark Transportation.

    Unimark yard in Laredo at the moment is empty with the exception of 4 International Prostar tractors. Another large yard several blocks away is packed with Internationals; a handful of 'contractors' are seen hitching their personal vehicles to single units outside the main gate. It looks as though whoever runs the yard is falling way behind their deliver schedule.

    Iron Tiger Transportation is just another step in JHT's race to the bottom, just like ATT is.:biggrin_25521:
  9. biggare1980

    biggare1980 Medium Load Member

    Apr 29, 2009
    Springfield, Ohio
    I don't know who told you it was less pay, but it's .54 CPM for a four way and the undecking pay is the same. Yeah true there's no travel pay but it helps with your logbook. I've actually gotten a 34 hr. reset before from traveling.
  10. RickG

    RickG Road Train Member

    Jul 22, 2008
    Owensboro , KY
    Be careful with that traveling . There are certain conditions that make it on duty . For example , if you get off a plane or train and go right to work you were on duty traveling . RV transport companies require drivers to log deadhead miles .
  11. RickG

    RickG Road Train Member

    Jul 22, 2008
    Owensboro , KY
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