Automatic trucks

Discussion in 'Trucking Jobs' started by krisjack, Jan 18, 2008.

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  1. notarps4me

    notarps4me Road Train Member

    Jan 1, 2007
    Changes? They got this invention called the conventional tractor... look it up in your ahead of the industry dictionary...:biggrin_2559: The mexican truckers will phase out COE's long before you guys....:laughing-guffaw:
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  3. Abu Sa'eed

    Abu Sa'eed Bobtail Member

    Nov 10, 2010
    Well I don't have any shifting experience beyond a straight truck lol and the school I went to trained me on an automatic. Maybe I was behind a manual for 20 minutes the most with a guy who wasn't even an instructor, just a guy who worked for the company. And he didn't give me any training just shook his head when I made mistakes. I have a CDL, but it feels like I don't have one. I have been out of work for 2 yrs now and I am thinking do what I can do for now and learn what I can't do later.
  4. Big Duker

    Big Duker "Don Cheto"

    Sep 18, 2007
    Weatherford, TX
    That's ok cause I was just flicking crap back at you. :biggrin_2559: I'm not even an American. Texan. But we love the US and cover their backs. The nicest Euro truck I ever drove was a Mercedes. Brand new in Iraq in 05'. COE have no idea what model it was. Had the coldest #### a/c I ever saw. 130' outside and 60' inside. Just drive it around base and over to another very close. But it was a nice ride. The Scanias here are just basic. Never leave base. Getting torn up daily by Filipino drivers who are not drivers at all.
  5. uktrucker

    uktrucker Bobtail Member

    Nov 3, 2010
    No worries dude, no offence meant. In fact, I moving to Canada later this year!
    Sounds like it could have been a Mercedes Actros, was it a semi automatic box (toggle gear selector)? Yeah, bet that air con took a hammering! lol
    I know you guys guffaw at the COE but in a tiny country of 60 million people we don't have much choice! Our most spacious effort is probably the DAF (Paccar!) XF105 superspace, a superb truck. Probably gonna get laughed at now too but the dream is to get my own VN Volvo when I get to Canada. I'm open to suggestions though!:biggrin_255:
  6. Big Duker

    Big Duker "Don Cheto"

    Sep 18, 2007
    Weatherford, TX
    I think that was the name , but this was a manual. All synchronized w/ ballistic blanket on rod around sides and cab to protect from shrapnel. Volvo in US can be problem because of service network being very small compared to the big boys. Not sure about CA but I know we have a lot of good Canucks on here that can tell you what to expect. No more football {soccer} either. Now it's hockey or curling. With lots of cold brewsters of course.
  7. bob shinizzle

    bob shinizzle Bobtail Member

    Mar 23, 2011
    tulare ca.
    notarps4 me,,,,,,have you ever driven a twin stick? or even a big truck,,i noticed you have 10,000 posts,,,how do you get time to drive while posting like that?? actualy how long have you been driving class a truck's or do you learn everything you know from sites like this one?,,,,,a "key board trucker"??? what kind of truck do you drive,,,just curious!!!
  8. Big Duker

    Big Duker "Don Cheto"

    Sep 18, 2007
    Weatherford, TX

    He's been driving long enough to know not to swerve to avoid running over a troll like you. Tarps is a driver and that's more than we know about you there new meat. Show a little respect. Everyone is welcome here except troublemakers.
    groundpounder Thanks this.
  9. dwayne

    dwayne Medium Load Member

    Apr 19, 2008
    Eh, I'm going to have to disagree. It's perfectly fine with me if you advocate auto-shifts. I've driven a lot of trucks with both auto-shifts and manual-shifts and I've always gotten better fuel mileage out of manual-shifts. The only auto-shift I was happy with was the Allison HD4560 6spd. The ArvinMeritor ZF 12spd on the other hand was a joke. Just my opinion. All auto-shifts do seem to be maintenance sensitive, and if we're talking company equipment we know "regular" maintenance can be quite irregular. I just think it's a lot more beneficial for driver and company to have something manual. But, we all know opinions are like a-holes. LOL! :biggrin_255:
  10. Big Duker

    Big Duker "Don Cheto"

    Sep 18, 2007
    Weatherford, TX
    Have driven mainly Eaton 10 spd autos. Did have a 6 spd Allison for a week. No real issues with either. My personal choice would be 13/18 spd. As far as main. no real issues. I ran OD freight from TX to ND, WY, UT, CO and other states. Ran with 3 Petes usually. They all got bored at 65 and would go on ahead. And I would always pass them at some dump truck stop. I would spend about $800 on fuel and they were all always over $1200 for same run. Driver makes more difference than any other factor as long as rig is in good shape. I don't push autos over sticks. But most who knock them are talking BS. If it pays enough I don't care if it is horse drawn.
  11. GoalieDon

    GoalieDon Bobtail Member

    Oct 9, 2008
    Nashville, TN
    Don't forget, another major reason for companies making the switch is fuel economy! I have driven 9,10, 13 and an automatic and I do prefer the auto as well. Having played hockey at the college and minor-pro level, my left knee is not what it once was.
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