Does anyone have any recent info or experience with the Pods account? I saw an old thread but that was from 2017 I believe. Wanted to see if I could find out about average weekly pay and miles if possible. I know they are out roughly 2-3 weeks at a time. I’m entertaining it at the moment. Right now my take home is about $750 a week and trying to see if this would be better than that.
Averitt Pods Account
Discussion in 'Averitt' started by Kstrong86, Feb 22, 2019.
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I was trying to find a position open so I could do a copy/paste from the website, but nothing is open right now. (at least that I can see)
I'll keep trying to find something out, but I don't know anything new other than what you have already read. -
Did you end up coming to Averitt? I'm on the pods account, and I'm happy to share anything.
Kstrong86 Thanks this. -
They will probably start hiring again in March or April. Look for an open position in Tampa. It might be listed as Dedicated Supply Chain.
Aamcotrans Thanks this.
Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. They probably just had a better truck in Nashville. They get a lot of the new trucks or good turn ins there. PODS drivers usually driver very nice equipment. I got my truck that exact way. They thought I might get it in Orlando, but I picked it up in Nashville. Then I bobtailed to ATL to get my trailer and get a little additional training on the paperwork. It was a little slower of a start than I would have liked, but typical of Averitt, people are really nice and they give you a chance to ease into your job. I was down there for two days. Trucking companies are usually so shady, I can see where you'd be like "oh great, here we go again with the BS." Lol. But it's not like that. In some of the big companies, they micromanage and have nonstop communication. Here, they don't always explain stuff and they kind of expect you to just go with the flow sometimes. If you get through a couple months of that laid back southern attitude, you start to build trust. It took me a few months, lol.
I prefer to understand what I am getting into. I dislike being shuffled from spot to spot to spot following the trail intensely. I probably would have quit as well. If Suit Poobah Jr was inclined to explain the overall goal and the whys for going hither thither and yon all over the place before starting actual work with a loaded trailer then it's better. Otherwise they will have to find another driver.
Western flyer and Kstrong86 Thank this. -
Well just for clarification, your truck would be in Nashville, since (IF you were still doing it) PODS trucks are the 4 number and truckload are 5 (the 4 just delineates the difference between "special" use and the rest of us peons. And by special I mean, shuttle, team shuttle, PODS, dedicated, etc...
And going to Atlanta (Fulton yard) is where the PODS leadership resides. There is a corp person in Cookville, but ATL West is the main body for all coordination and dispatch as is my understanding of things.
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