Averitt Pods Account

Discussion in 'Averitt' started by Kstrong86, Feb 22, 2019.

  1. Michael H

    Michael H Medium Load Member

    Nov 3, 2015
    I just quit the PODS account. Too much BS from a system designed by PODS to screw the company out of money from any angle. "We received your ETA that you would be here, but you never sent in an ETA to pickup anything."

    Yeah, I like to randomly drive to PODS locations for the hell of it. Picking up and delivering loads? Why would I do that?
    Farva Thanks this.
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  3. JC1971

    JC1971 Road Train Member

    Jul 29, 2013
    I imagine PODS will be pretty busy over the next year or more as I see a mass exodus from the cities to smaller cities and rural locations coming.
  4. Life on Wheels

    Life on Wheels Light Load Member

    Aug 17, 2019
    New Orleans, Louisiana
    Can I ask approximately how many miles you run per month or week? I'm really intrigued by the PODS thing and am trying to get some more info on it besides what you read on job postings.
  5. Gdog66223

    Gdog66223 Road Train Member

    Dec 30, 2017
    Coal Town
    My old company I worked for offered a Pods account OTR and it was like $1500 per week take home.
  6. Life on Wheels

    Life on Wheels Light Load Member

    Aug 17, 2019
    New Orleans, Louisiana
    #### that's a lot. Seems like easy work too. I imagine this loads are fairly light so pulling those mountains shouldn't be so bad.
  7. Gdog66223

    Gdog66223 Road Train Member

    Dec 30, 2017
    Coal Town
    Yea its easy, throw like 6 straps and go. You can check the company out Blackhawk Transport out of Beloit, WI. Diane Hendricks owns the company, as she also owns ABC Supply and she owns her own Insurance Company.
    Farva Thanks this.
  8. Life on Wheels

    Life on Wheels Light Load Member

    Aug 17, 2019
    New Orleans, Louisiana
    Cool. Thanks for the info
  9. clownrebel

    clownrebel Bobtail Member

    Jan 23, 2020
    I averaged between 3000-3600 with Averitt. I'm on the same track with Blackhawk but with a little more freedom over my truck. I've been really happy the switch even though I liked Averitt. I know people who hustle and get more miles. You set the ETA, so you decide how you drive. It is an easy job if you can just give the customer what they want. They want all of your pods called in for pickup and delivery with reasonable accuracy. They are a good customer, but they like it done a certain way. It may be a little more work, but it's a an easy job with excellent miles and worth it. In the winter it slows down to maybe 2800 or so averaged for 2-3 months. Last year I had one week that was 2400 miles in the winter and a couple 2800 but most were 3k or more. Mountains aren't too bad. The loads are usually pretty light. The 16ft pods are only rated for 10k pounds. The trailers are 48ft tandem axles. It seems like a steady job. We slowed down a little during Corona but nothing crazy. Back on full swing now. Blackhawk is offering a 5k sign on bonus during leak season (now). I'm not sure if Averitt is hiring outside outside the company. Last year, they offered a 2k bonus.
    Farva Thanks this.
  10. JC1971

    JC1971 Road Train Member

    Jul 29, 2013
    Are the PODS pulled out of the residential neighborhoods and taken to a drop lot with smaller trucks? I wouldn't like the idea of taking a long trailer into a neighborhood with narrow streets.
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