Avoid thieves at CR England

Discussion in 'CR England' started by eighteenwheels, Mar 21, 2014.

  1. joseph1135

    joseph1135 Papa Murphy

    Nov 8, 2009
    The Highway To Hell.
    This is the problem, the HUGE problem with lease/purchase and truck drivers. Not all, mind you, but a lot. Especially now. If you haven't noticed by reading the threads on TTR, and by the way, this is only a small percentage of the entire industry, we aren't exactly attracting the smartest people right now. And CRE knows that, along with every other l/p company. We have thousands of people looking at ads right now thinking that jumping ship to the company with flashy trucks or neat ads that promise big money is the best idea ever. People who don't understand trucking let alone how to run a business. And I'm not taking pot shots, but there's a lot of truth there. We're getting away from career drivers and entering into these 1-3 year people, who, many, have no business being out here. And you'll continue to see it until these companies really start putting the clamps down on their hiring requirements. Right now, even at my company, it's whoever can fill a seat. If you can breathe and kinda drive then you're hired.
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  3. Puppage

    Puppage Road Train Member

    Aug 2, 2012
    Absolutely correct. That's the beginning and end of it.
    mje Thanks this.
  4. pattyj

    pattyj Road Train Member

    Jul 19, 2008
    Sioux City,ia
    Companies don't care who they hire as long as you have a pulse and the application makes it thru the insurance.If it were'nt for these newbies that get reeled in hook line and sinker then companies wouldn't be making the profit like they do.Look at the huge profit they're making with lease programs.Many that do come here seek advice but do they take that advice,heck no they don't.So I have a real tough time felling sorry for those folks.Respectfully saying,they deserver everything they get.These newbies are very cheap labor and companies take full advantage of that.Companies know exactly what they'll doing and welmome all newbies.They would rather hire newbies then exp drivers because some aren't so quick to get suckered into their web of lies.But you also get the exp driver that never learns.They jump from one bad company to the next without even giving it any thought.
    mje Thanks this.
  5. joseph1135

    joseph1135 Papa Murphy

    Nov 8, 2009
    The Highway To Hell.
    I feel sorry for some, but not all. Not many, to be completely honest. This is my world. This is what I do. And I love what I do. I take trucking very seriously. Red always says I'm on a very high horse. He's kinda right in a way. But I'm like this because of what this means to me. This road is my best girl. I love her and her curves and the way she will get you if you don't respect her. She's the greatest love I've ever known, except for my children. And I'm watching as companies and steering wheel holders and government destroy this once proud industry. I know that you and I disagree greatly on the whole "Abe" thing. But you gotta remember where I come from. 3 generations of real truckers. I do hold myself in high regards when it comes to being out here, as does almost every company I've ever driven for. Facts are facts. You're not going to make a mint out here. You're not going to outsmart these companies. When you're entering into a lease/purchase deal, you must ask the question "why are they trying to create their own competition?" They're really not. All they are doing is making more money by not paying a driver his fair wages and doing so under the guise of business. And thousands every day fall for it, hook line and sinker.
    carramrod32, DriverToBroker and mje Thank this.
  6. 77smartin

    77smartin Road Train Member

    Apr 3, 2011
    I dunno.
    I feel sorry for every CRE driver I pass...knowing they got themselves into one hecka a mess...and they only have themselves to blame.
    mje and joseph1135 Thank this.
  7. Green-eyed Lady

    Green-eyed Lady Light Load Member

    Jan 15, 2014
    Dallas TX
    I've said this before on another post awhile back:
    If O/O's say they need $1.60 to the truck to break even, how in the world is anyone supposed to survive an 86cpm L/P?

    This industry is THE MOST complex of any industry I've been a part of.
    There truly are 1001 ways you can lose your shirt. My guess, one would have to be born into it or have a 4 yr apprentice program to learn to be an O/O now. AND there would have to be a rigorous screening process to weed out the ones that wouldn't make it.
    joseph1135 and mje Thank this.
  8. MysticHZ

    MysticHZ Road Train Member

    May 28, 2010
    Not even that ... it's a $.90 base ... No fuel surcharge, you pay a flat rate of $1.25 a gallon for fuel, you fuel where they tell you and the company pockets the FSC.

    Then the $.14 hit, then $.07 for the maintenance account with no access or control and have to have work authorized by them and where and last a $.015 for IFTA with no accounting and they use the fleet average MPG for computing your IFTA usage.

    All things aside a lease driver should be able to pull about $800 net - it sucks - on 3000 miles. Problem is it takes about 1800-1900 miles to break even and looking at the miles our OP ran he wasn't quite there. He only ran 170,000 miles in a year, including 6 months teaming ... My son and I ran 150,000 in just 6 months as a team ... problem is when you take time off. It takes 2 to 3 week to dig out of the hole. Or anytime you get behind for any reason it will take 2 to 3 weeks.
    joseph1135 and mje Thank this.
  9. Florida Playboy

    Florida Playboy Road Train Member

    Dec 19, 2012
    No kidding. I wouldn't haul in a cargo van for 86 CPM. These people are doing it in a tractor trailer. Unbelievable.
    joseph1135, mje and pattyj Thank this.
  10. joseph1135

    joseph1135 Papa Murphy

    Nov 8, 2009
    The Highway To Hell.
    That's because the company will pay them .30/mile or under to drive a company truck or .86/ mile lease/purchase. They have no clue what they're getting into.
    mje Thanks this.
  11. pattyj

    pattyj Road Train Member

    Jul 19, 2008
    Sioux City,ia
    It's beyond me why people that don't have a clue how to run a business how to do math work to leasing end up leasing anyway.Not enough questions get asked and they don't read every word of the contract.The majority are brand new drivers that don't have an clue what the industry is really like.Leasing is nothing more then a company driver making their trk payments.From what I have read on here,sounds like the leasees are getting paid far less then company drivers.
    mje Thanks this.
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