Avoid thieves at CR England

Discussion in 'CR England' started by eighteenwheels, Mar 21, 2014.

  1. joseph1135

    joseph1135 Papa Murphy

    Nov 8, 2009
    The Highway To Hell.
    You'd be right! They don't read the contract!!!! And they sign it anyway!! What CRE is doing is perfectly legal. They let them know in the contract. The deal is they don't read it and they will not release a copy to take to a lawyer or OOIDA to get clarification on it, if most who enter in these agreements even know they should do that.
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  3. pattyj

    pattyj Road Train Member

    Jul 19, 2008
    Sioux City,ia
    Im wondering if England even gives them the time to really look it over or do they want your signature right then and there.
    mje Thanks this.
  4. Dr_Fandango44

    Dr_Fandango44 Road Train Member

    Aug 27, 2012
    Austin, TX
    What's sad about this situation is that it's going to continue, because people have this great desire to be their own boss and will do whatever it takes to do it. So it's no good crying about it down the road.
    Anyone with an ounce of business sense wouldn't even consider their lease.
    CRE like many other companies make it so easy to lease on.
    If it's that easy then theres a red flag right there.
    I understand that the lease on the CRE isn't a true lease anyway. It's more like a rental. The lease never runs out as I was informed, but I stand to be corrected. In which case, you're paying forever. It's never going to be your truck, so you can't even get a chance to buy it.
    CRE will do whatever they can to extract as much $$ as they can. They, in all honesty are the true shrewd businessmen. And as long as guys pony up and lay down on such a deal, CRE aren't going to change anytime soon.
    mje Thanks this.
  5. joseph1135

    joseph1135 Papa Murphy

    Nov 8, 2009
    The Highway To Hell.
    That's why it's our job to let them know. We can't save them all, but Sam and TTR let's us share with those who don't know. Too often though they come here after the fact.
    mje Thanks this.
  6. born&raisedintheusa

    born&raisedintheusa Road Train Member

    Sep 20, 2012
    Wichita, KS
    It is amazing that all this stuff has NOT been reported to or attracted the attention of the Department of Justice.
  7. joseph1135

    joseph1135 Papa Murphy

    Nov 8, 2009
    The Highway To Hell.
    Why would it? It's completely legal. It's ok to do these things. That's why Doug Pielsticker of Arrow or Gary Wills of Merit never saw any jail time. In the trucking industry the cards are stacked against the drivers. That's why you have to research and do your due diligence. Not every company is a bunch of shysters. But there are a few and everyone needs to be cognizant of that.
  8. born&raisedintheusa

    born&raisedintheusa Road Train Member

    Sep 20, 2012
    Wichita, KS
    There is a fine line between being a shrewd business man and an UNSCRUPULOUS business man.
  9. Dr_Fandango44

    Dr_Fandango44 Road Train Member

    Aug 27, 2012
    Austin, TX
    Actually CRE aren't the only ones who could be deemed "thieves". You only have to look at the original lease agreements that Prime put out.
    I remember asking a lease on driver at Prime what his payment was on his truck, and this was over 10 yrs ago. Had told me $900 week. I nearly fell off the dock. I was truly stunned. Talk about deep open wallet surgery. But he thought it was a great deal. Just goes to show. A "great deal" is a state of mind.
    There's some horror stories coming out of Springfield MO too. It's kinda sad really.
    Caveat emptor.
  10. Winkjr

    Winkjr Road Train Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    Marlton NJ
    The Mormon mafia
  11. silverdrifter

    silverdrifter Heavy Load Member

    Oct 31, 2013
    athens georgia
    pattyj don't forget you once was a newbie too just like everyone else we all have to start somewhere
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