Avoid thieves at CR England

Discussion in 'CR England' started by eighteenwheels, Mar 21, 2014.

  1. joseph1135

    joseph1135 Papa Murphy

    Nov 8, 2009
    The Highway To Hell.
    Yes but stupid is stupid. If you enter into a contract without reading or understanding it, it doesn't matter how green you are.
    pattyj Thanks this.
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  3. pattyj

    pattyj Road Train Member

    Jul 19, 2008
    Sioux City,ia
    Being a newbie is one thing and im not talking about the driving part to it,im talking about leasing.People don't think before signing their life away.I have never leased.Newbies don't give trucking a chance to see what its like before leasing and then they wonder why they failed at it.I see you're a student,are you going to make the same mistake as many others have by leasing without thinking it thru or are you going to stay a company driver till you get some exp and then decide if that's what you really wanna do?CRENGLAND is one of the worst of the worst they have A horrible reputation even non truckers know that.The ones that lease know they are bad but still lease anyway.They think they're going to make a difference and actually succeed.But its not just England,its almost every starter company that has a bad leasing program or doesn't get the miles and have negative paychecks.A starter company is just that,a company to get your start in this profession.Newbies should focus on just that then think about the leasing with a more reputable company that requires exp.Newbies that lease don't know anything about their company,it takes longer then a few months.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2014
  4. silverdrifter

    silverdrifter Heavy Load Member

    Oct 31, 2013
    athens georgia
    I don't plan on being an o/o at all and as far as leasing anything never liked that much anyway if I cant save up to pay it off when I buy it I don't need it
    pattyj Thanks this.
  5. pattyj

    pattyj Road Train Member

    Jul 19, 2008
    Sioux City,ia
    I like your way of thinken.Some lease because of the freedom but I really don't see where the freedom comes in.Sure you can refuse loads but that's about it I think.
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