Before there was Republic Services there was BFI

Discussion in 'Waste Removal and Garbage Truck Driver Forum' started by Mike2633, Feb 2, 2020.

  1. snowbird_89

    snowbird_89 Road Train Member

    Aug 21, 2009
    This is a great thread. I remember the BFI trucks when I was kid in the 1990’s.
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  3. TrashisCash1992

    TrashisCash1992 Bobtail Member

    Nov 7, 2022
    I am a Canadian out of Western Canada, so things might be a bit different from where I am.
    The BFI in my area bought from local vendors. It was not uncommon to see a WhiteGMC/ Volvo with a FEL Wittke, or Universal Handling body, although you would occasionally see C&O Ultralights(Dempster) and other manufacturers.
    The FEL's had adjustable forks so that they could adjust for underbody or side forks. Most BFI bins had underbody forks.

    Waste Management trucks were Maroon and White, until around 1998-1999 when they merged with Laidlaw Waste Systems. After that, everything turned green.
    Mike2633 Thanks this.
  4. Mike2633

    Mike2633 Road Train Member

    Jun 14, 2013
    At Home on The West Side
    Waste Management here in the US merged with USA Waste and that's when they went from maroon and white to green. Same time period 1998-1999
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