Begin day 1 on 8 NOV 2010

Discussion in 'CRST' started by Rosson76, Nov 2, 2010.

  1. free2frog

    free2frog Medium Load Member

    Sep 15, 2009
    Indianapolis, Indiana
    Go ahead and get the CDL manual and read up on it if you want. There will be plenty of time to read it at cedar rapids and the test is not that hard if you have common since. Keep in Mind if you Quit or get fired before your 8 months are up you pay almost 4k for your training if you stay for 8 month then you will get a letter saying you have completed your contract and now they have to inform you that under fedral tax laws your training is valued at 1500.00 and you owe them an extra 78 dollars for taxs but they will deduct it out of your check over the next four weeks. Been there done that and have moved on to a better company ( In my opinion ) CRST has been around since 1963 I think and has what 10 at most 1 million milers
    Rosson76 Thanks this.
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  3. Rosson76

    Rosson76 Bobtail Member

    Oct 29, 2010
    Dayton, OH

    Thank you for the info. I actually decided to go with my original plan with CR England. I don't mind the $87.00 dollars for the taxes for training, but I did speak with my Wife's cousin today about CRST. Apparently he has been trucking for awhile and he started out at CR England. He said England is a great starting company and that I should stay as far away from CRST as possible. So far, CR England has kept in touch with me.....recruiter, dispatcher, management, and yesterday the trainer called me. Despite all of the negative forum's, I feel confident going with England now. Hopefully my 12 years with the Air Force.....discipline, formal schooling, college, etc....helps me to succeed in the trucking business. Hell, I made it through basic training, Fort Leonardwood Missouri (MISERY), Regional Equipment Operating School at Fort Indiantown Gap PA, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Kuwait, Afghanistan!!!! I think that I can make it through 90 days of training here in the states. Thanks again for the info.

  4. michiganflatbedder

    michiganflatbedder Bobtail Member

    Dec 3, 2008
    Garden City, MI
    Wife and I will be in cedar Rapids monday also. Anyone going also just look for the fat guy with the skinny and say Hi!!!
  5. EZ Money

    EZ Money Road Train Member

    Good luck guys! You got to start somewhere...

    I had a 1 day orientation Monday.....It was the longest day!
    Before that the last time i had a guy in a truck giving me a road test was in 1984...
  6. Maxx Stone

    Maxx Stone Bobtail Member

    Nov 4, 2010
    California, PA
    so hows it going so far?
  7. michiganflatbedder

    michiganflatbedder Bobtail Member

    Dec 3, 2008
    Garden City, MI
    We finished orientation today and from what I have seen and heard, finding a compatable codriver is the big problem. I'm glad I don't have that worry.
    Everything else sounds good and from talking to current drivers, the miles are available if you want them and are on time...etc

    I have been to many orientations and this one was very professional and detailed.

    I have 2 more days of lead driver training then we will be ready. I am going to train my wife and then after her 28 days... Show us the money.
  8. zyk285

    zyk285 Medium Load Member

    Sep 14, 2010
    North Carolina

    Im confused, are you going w/ CRST or CR England?
  9. dixiedog

    dixiedog Bobtail Member

    Nov 12, 2010
    camden arkansas
    :biggrin_25521:Hey Rosson 76 I am prior Air Force as well my cdl school starts in feb but uncle sam paid for mine not sure who i want to start with guessing Kllm, or maybe schnider good luck
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