Best Cb Radion On Market.

Discussion in 'CB Radio Forum' started by TANON, Aug 21, 2007.

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  1. Carolina Thunder

    Carolina Thunder Medium Load Member

    Jan 28, 2007
    Coeburn V.A.
    I know people will think i full of sh but the truth is...Galaxy,Connex,Ranger,Gen Lee,Super Star,Magnum,Stryker are all either built by the same company or share the same internail parts and toys so these days all radios are just about the same inside and out.

    Its not the radio as much as it is the tech that works on it because a stupid tech can make a $500.00 radio sound like a $50.00 POS! On the other hand a really good tech can make a $50.00 radio sound like a $500.00 radio so i would be more concerened about where is the best tech!

    So why buy a $500 Galaxy when you can get a $200 Connex that sounds just as good?
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  3. bluechevyv

    bluechevyv Light Load Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    irving tx
    ok BIG QUESTION?????? i have looked up alot of these so called cb radios and i see alot of them are 10 meter . they look like cb's and have the same buttons and knobs and everything so they are not cb radios? i dont think i want to pay for a ticket from the fcc or the dot for doing something i aint suppose too. so my real question is can i get a good radio like a galaxy or ranger with ssb and get heard out 5 + miles or do i have to have someone screw with it to make it a mack daddy over powered pos i have to listen to all the time???????
  4. socal

    socal Medium Load Member

    Feb 18, 2008
    Los Angeles CA
    No tickets from the FCC. I prefer Galaxy radios I have a 44 I have had for 14 years and just bought a 99 from sparkys cb shack and once set up right the first time they run for ages with no problems. Should be able to talk 10 miles all day with a good set up. Then you can talk and not get walked on every time somebody keys up.
  5. WA4GCH

    WA4GCH Road Train Member

    Aug 12, 2009
    Seminole Florida

    They are sold as EXPORT or 10 meter radios with the understanding you will not use them in the USA ......

    Does the FCC realy care ..... NO.
  6. peace62

    peace62 Bobtail Member

    Mar 29, 2007
    The FCC DOES care. They just don't have the capability to cite everyone breaking the law. They pay more attention to bigger fish. In the FCC enforement logs, people are being warned about using illegal radios, some are being fined.
    If someone wants to use citizens band, they should buy a citizens band radio, not these export/bootleg 10 meter radios are that being sold, then modded for CB frequency use. I hear them all of the time at the truck stops.
    As stated earliar, even if you have an Amateur License, these bootleg 10 meter radios are still illegal. They are not "type accepted" by the FCC.
    I have a 148GTL in my pickup, no mods, puts out legal power. Thats the way it will be because I don't want to lose my ham license, and I have respect for the hobby and I want to play by the rules.
    My advice to people who are into the CB radio hobby is this.., If you want to talk around the globe, then get an Amateur Radio license. Leave the junk behind! Play by the rules!

  7. WA4GCH

    WA4GCH Road Train Member

    Aug 12, 2009
    Seminole Florida
    All my radios are legal.. CB, MURS and HAM ....
  8. Turbo-T

    Turbo-T Road Train Member

    May 31, 2009

    While I concur with what you posted, I believe the reason they're often sold is because they offer more features for less. For example, most exports come with echo, roger beep and of course a tad bit more power. To take regular CB and add all of that you'd usually end up spending more.

    Do you also run a 10 meter radio in your truck in which you monitor to see if any truckers are yacking away at the truck stops?
  9. bluechevyv

    bluechevyv Light Load Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    irving tx
    think ill get a good ole cobra for now and work on either a galaxy or ranger later. i want to play by the rules and get my ham later in life so im walking the straight line.
  10. Gadfly

    Gadfly Medium Load Member

    Aug 18, 2006

    Actually the crappy, so-called "10 Meter" radios are not illegal for hams to use ON 10 and 12 Meters ON 10 Meters. "Certification" for amateur radios is not done---at least in the sense that commercial, civilian equipment is. Hams may use most ANY radio ON the ham bands so long as they meet certain, basic spectral purity requirements and bandwidth specs. The channelized "10 Meter" radios may NOT be used by anyone ON 11 Meters (including hams), nor may a ham convert any radio for "dual-use" so as to operate both CB and ham with ONE radio (tho it would be nice for the ham). CBers also may not convert these things for CB and use them legally on CB OR go up onto what they often think are "extra" channels and "company" channels. These are assigned to other users and can subject unlicensed users to $10,000 fines.

  11. gashauler379

    gashauler379 Bobtail Member

    Jan 19, 2010
    circleville, ohio
    The best radio I have had is a galaxy 66 but someone stole it. I just bought a stryker 490 an it really put the fire in the wire. I
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