Best Cb Radion On Market.

Discussion in 'CB Radio Forum' started by TANON, Aug 21, 2007.

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  1. peace62

    peace62 Bobtail Member

    Mar 29, 2007
    Not a lot of 10 meter action in my area unless there are sun spots of course. The FT-840 is my first HF rig. I used the 840 for about 3 years as my primary SSB radio and have received good reports from all over the world with it. It should have the AM filter installed though, make a huge difference on AM. I've owned the FT-950 for about a year now. What a great rig! Alot of radio for the money. No regrets.

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  3. WA4GCH

    WA4GCH Road Train Member

    Aug 12, 2009
    Seminole Florida
    When I bought mine about 10 years ago i got the AM, CW filters and FM boards with it one very nice radio.
  4. red_eye

    red_eye Medium Load Member

    Dec 30, 2009
    belpre, ohio
    You are right, that is a small difference.. but it does get me that extra 4 or 5 miles..which is nice, when talking to a local on base..getting directions to a mom an pop place in the middle of bfe... :) lol
  5. bluechevyv

    bluechevyv Light Load Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    irving tx
    ok i am bitting my #####. i am going to pick up a new 10 m for work. i have thought long and hard about it and right or wrong i only want a radio i can talk with ppl on ch 19. care less about if i can talk to others on any thing other then the 40 cb channels but i do seem to need the power out on that part of I20 from dallas to birimingham with the mild hills and trees i can only get out about 1.5 miles and i have cked the swr . i have started a new post about the truck i drive to find out what will and will not work.
    here is the link.
  6. WA4GCH

    WA4GCH Road Train Member

    Aug 12, 2009
    Seminole Florida
    In that case got a good CB and a kick butt linear to back it up
  7. Turbo-T

    Turbo-T Road Train Member

    May 31, 2009

    I think to most, it's a "feel good" thing...then again I have also heard it said that most radios are below the 4 watt spec out of the box and are not quite 100% efficient as to give some leeway in case Uncle Charlie does an audit....and that a peak and tune, when done right, puts them at the 100% efficiency they need to be.
  8. poppapump1332

    poppapump1332 Road Train Member

    Jan 2, 2010
    I have a cobra29 that dead keys 12 watts on the bird meter Ive had it since 1996 Ive never had a problem with it radios need to be peaked and tuned cause from the factory there not very efficient also there is a difference between 4 and 18 watts on the receive end you will shorten the life of your radio if you have it turned up as far as it will go.Ive seen radios from the factory only doing 2 watts and hardly any mod.
  9. red_eye

    red_eye Medium Load Member

    Dec 30, 2009
    belpre, ohio
    those are good radios.. :) an as long as you have good finals..that are made for more watts.. they should last just as long.. I have mod'ed mine with better finals an heat sink.. but you are right.. if you turn it up ..they will burn out.. and even quicker if you are long winded.. lmao..
  10. jerrydriver

    jerrydriver Bobtail Member

    Jan 20, 2010
    Same as it's always been.....the radio with the best antenna and a driver who knows he needs to listen 10 times as much as he talks....
  11. peace62

    peace62 Bobtail Member

    Mar 29, 2007
    There are some things a CB'r will never be able to grasp. That is why they are a CB'r!

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