Best Cb Radion On Market.

Discussion in 'CB Radio Forum' started by TANON, Aug 21, 2007.

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  1. LawDawgOh

    LawDawgOh Light Load Member

    Feb 15, 2010
    Is this a CB forum or a place for Ham ops to preach on their soap boxes?

    Anyway:: Im looking to buy a new radio. Last year I bought a General Lee from the last sponser of this forum.. I was less then happy. He told me he would peek and tune and turn the radio up. I paid extra for his "ultra service" He told me the radio would have an output of about 100watts. After putting the radio in the truck it was very clear that I wasnt putting out any where near 100watts. In fact the cobra 29 I took out of the truck sounded and put out better. So I stopped in the CB shop off the circle in indy ( the guy next to the pilot in the trailer) He hooked it up and told me I was putting out 50 watts. Anyway long story short and 100 bucks later The radio was rocking!! I finaly had the radio I thought I ordered in the first place.
    Now I think I want another GL however Im a little gun shy after getting what I feel in my opinion was "hosed" from my last radio purchase.
    What I want or think I want is a General Lee upgraded with the Top Gun Mods, aand a good mic, and if its truely available a " Better peek and tune" then normaly offered from the standard purchase. I dont know what the CB guy did in Indy But it was a HUGE difference!!
    Someone please be honest. Whats the best output I can expect fom this radio? dont get me wrong Im not trying to talk to the moon, but I do want a solid talker and listener..

    Thanks everyone for hearing me out!!
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  3. the man

    the man Bobtail Member

    Feb 6, 2010
    Fort Myers, Florida
    to me
    1 connex
    2 galaxy
    3 magnum
  4. peace62

    peace62 Bobtail Member

    Mar 29, 2007
    Use a legal radio with the best antenna money can buy. Cobra 29 is probably the best AM CB radio out there. Show some pride in the radio hobby and do it legal in spite of what others do. Seek out others who have been in the hobby for a long time. When your ready to take it to the next step, study for Amateur. The possibilities are ENDLESS. The testing is much easiar these days. code requirement is gone. I talk to truck drivers often on Ham. Then, instead of looking for Connex, Galaxy, or Magnum, you will be looking at Yaesu, Icom, or Kenwood.
    funflies Thanks this.
  5. WA4GCH

    WA4GCH Road Train Member

    Aug 12, 2009
    Seminole Florida
    As someone who has over 45 years in radio BOTH on CB and HAM I don't care what you run on Cb as long as your happy with it .....
    What frosts most hams is when you go into the HAM bands with it ....

    To me peeking and tuneing radios is a bunch of junk ... can you get a bit more .... yes but if thats what you want get a kick butt amp ......

    AS A RULE .... CB radios use transistors like the 2sc1969 and thay are good for about 20 watts EXPORTS AKA counterband / illegal radios can run what they want so look up the transistor used in your radio and that should tell you the truth as to what to expect ......

    As for watts out well I like my bird #43 meter it dosn't care if its a cb set HAM radio or something made for NASA .....
  6. FriedTater

    FriedTater Keeper of The Snakes

    Mar 25, 2009
    United State of Texas
  7. peace62

    peace62 Bobtail Member

    Mar 29, 2007
    Hahahaha...what a silly post........

    An "EX-Ham op"? lol, you never were a ham op! You would still be one! What was your call sign?
    I merely pointed out the rules and regulations pertaining to CB radio use! very appropriate for this thread. Has nothing to do with "ham religion", lol. It's about the law. If you refuse to play by the rules then you are not legit and you are a shame to your hobby.
    You sure take this thread seriously don't you? Why is that? Why are you threatened by a ham op such as myself coming here to point out what you should already know and practice?
    I've got a news flash for ya :) CB radio is a topic for anyone and everyone. Anyone who wants to transmit on one of the 40 channels can because it's open to the general public. Same goes for this silly thread. You are no more entitled to this forum than I am. Now if you were posting your freebander illegal radio crap on any of the forums at, you would be banned immediately because they don't put up with illegal cb op trash talk. Only legit radio ops allowed.


  8. WA4GCH

    WA4GCH Road Train Member

    Aug 12, 2009
    Seminole Florida
    Read your post on QRZ ... FT-840 ..... yep still have one and love it it is simple and a clean sounding radio.

    Attached Files:

  9. LawDawgOh

    LawDawgOh Light Load Member

    Feb 15, 2010

    OK Dave, Im not trying to get into this fight and honestly hate the He said she said crap.. But I just want to point out one thing here (well maybe a couple)
    By definition this is a " CB RADIO " forum.. But from time to time to you get the "HAM" guys in here that want to argue and preach their gospal. Kinda Like the " Illegal " export radios you like to argue about. From time to time you will get a CBer with one of those EXPORT radios who will venture off and explore other channels outside the 1-40.. But honestly is it really that much different then what you are doing now? If Im correct there are tons of forums out there dedicated to the HAMs of the world.. But here you are a "Die Hard" HAMer wondering into a CB forum!! Shouldnt we practice what we preach in life?
    If a guy wants to go out and spend the money and put a Export radio in his truck, why do you care? who put you incharge or Policing the HAM bands? Why do you find it neccessary to turn someone in? ( more like make the threat of... because the chances of actually tracking a driver down that is out of his 1-40 is slim to none) Chances are if a CBer wonders over onto your channels he or she will eventually find his way home back to 1-40.

    In closing, you have wondered into our channel, so dont be so suprsied when a CBer wonders into yours..

  10. peace62

    peace62 Bobtail Member

    Mar 29, 2007
    Yes it is much different :) When I come here, I'm not breaking any laws. I have every right to come here just as I do on the CB channels 1-40 because CB Radio is for everyone, it is not just for you are me but anyone who wants to play. Thats why it is call citizens band.

    If someone isn't bright enough to follow the rules, I will turn them in, period, like any responsible radio enthusiast would. I don't make threats. The FCC encourages other radio enthusiast's to help in matters such as illegal radio use and I am more than happy to help out.
    The boneheads that choose to run illegally will often get away with it but as the FCC enforcement logs show, not all do.

    LOL, Stop by at any time :) If you choose to defend illegal radio activities in any way, shape, or form, they will ban you, and not just temporarily.
    If a CB'r decides to transmit on 10 meters without the proper license, I think many of you will be surprised at how fast a local ham will track you down and report you.

  11. LawDawgOh

    LawDawgOh Light Load Member

    Feb 15, 2010
    0 LOL sound that out and it speaks for its self I believe...
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