Best Hotspot for OTR Drivers

Discussion in 'Cellular - Voice - Data' started by Robilade, Dec 13, 2023.

  1. Robilade

    Robilade Bobtail Member

    Jul 14, 2022
    Okay, so I ended up using my old phone and got a line just for my job and mobile hotspot with TMobile. So basically, a personal phone and a work phone. The problem is, I like to use my hotspot to stream and I barely do this if I'm actually running but when im sitting due to no load available, I find myself using up my gigs and it slows down. I have the Magenta Max I believe which suppose to be unlimited or whatever without too much interruptions but having interruptions. What should or could I do to better my internet connection? Should I get an actual hotspot device or change providers? I'm open to all suggestions.
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  3. ShayButter

    ShayButter Bobtail Member

    Dec 14, 2023
    So if you want a good recommendation Go to T-mobile and get the home internet box you won’t regret it best choice you could do for yourself
    Robilade Thanks this.
  4. Robilade

    Robilade Bobtail Member

    Jul 14, 2022

    Thank you. I was wondering even if I'm over the road, do I have to have an address other than a PO Box to use the box? I gave away my location to be over the road but I do have a phone line with TMobile.
  5. drivingmissdaisy

    drivingmissdaisy Road Train Member

    Jun 10, 2019
    I highly recommend OTR mobile. I use it, you can go up to 800gb a month. It uses 3 carriers to find the fastest and most reliable signal. PM me for more information. I can answer all questions you may have.
  6. BigTizle

    BigTizle Bobtail Member

    Oct 4, 2021
    I can 10000% confirm that TMobile Home Internet is the best for us drivers, internet wise.

    You need to have an “address” that gets 5G home internet or look up an address that gets it and say you live there. Make sure to get paperless billing ;) but it works. Get it from the store and plug it right into your truck. It’s the best.

    now don’t get me wrong, SOME places are garbage, like petro/TAs because they do something fishy that prevents data, but you go off their property and across the street it works flawlessly. Anywho, some places work pretty good, some work flawlessly, and some areas are sucky, because there is a lot of T-Mobile data usage in that area.

    my buddy turned me and made me get a box and I have been happy since. It sits in the back and just stays on, no issues for the most part. I’ve been getting in most places 100-500 mbps down with 5-60 mbps upload. Gaming is absolutely perfect - it works, no data caps, no throttling.

    Don’t delay, get it today
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