Best Overall ELD

Discussion in 'ELD Forum | Questions, Answers and Reviews' started by TurboTransLogistics, Feb 1, 2024.

  1. TurboTransLogistics

    TurboTransLogistics Bobtail Member

    Jan 15, 2024
    Good morning! I was wondering if any of y'all have any suggestions on which ELD is the best overall? I guess I am looking for a solid ELD that will provide some level of vehicle diagnostics, a front facing dash cam, an ELD, GPS tracking, and a wi-fi option.

    I spoke with a young lady at Motive who sounded like she had what I was looking for, but I have no interest in jumping into a 12 month contract without at least taking a look at other options, and asking the opinions of some of you veteran drivers out there. She said the hardware was free, and it would run me $85/month for everything mentioned above. Is that a good price? Can I get a better deal with another company? Any thoughts, or advice on this is much appreciated. Thank y'all for any information that you're able to provide.
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  3. Moon_beam

    Moon_beam Heavy Load Member

    Aug 29, 2012
    Many of the big companies are using Samsara. I don't have anything to compare it to so I cannot say if it is better or worse than anything out there. You can use your own phone. It tells you that you have been speeding but I don't know how to see where it is that I am apparently 16 or more MPH over the speed limit which I don't believe.
  4. hope not dumb twucker

    hope not dumb twucker Road Train Member

    Aug 23, 2022
    I’m a company driver, we just switched to Isaac from Omni tract. I like omnitract better, less buttons to push important info right on screen. Isaac two or three pushes to get where I want to be. I’m getting the hang of it, not thrilled. However it is faster than omnitract. Maybe company didn’t pony up for the faster service I don’t know. Omnitract is my preferred.
  5. WesternPlains

    WesternPlains Road Train Member

    Sep 1, 2017
    I've used several. I'd go with Motive if I were you. Samsara isn't generally too bad. But it's speed. I've been ready to throw it out the window on occasion. Saying excessive speed when I didn't even get to the "ahead speed limit" sign yet. Boss had control. He's picked up on my disliking. Think he's backed off the settings for speed some.
  6. drivingmissdaisy

    drivingmissdaisy Road Train Member

    Jun 10, 2019
    I've used Omni in 2 different companies and Samsara in the new company. Samsara is on a 7" tablet. I find it is handy and works well. Omnitracs did the job, but froze up several times on me. I like the Samsara because it can be used on your phone AND you can take the tablet from the company out of the truck and into your house so you can see your load while on hometime.

    Samsara can do everything you ask it to. It's as fast as the tablet you install it on.
  7. FreightyAK

    FreightyAK Light Load Member

    Aug 7, 2018
    Do yourself a favor and stay as far away from motive as possible unless you like giving your money to a foreign owned corporation that doesnt give a #### about you only your money.
    BIT ELD - The best ELD
  8. rstjean

    rstjean Bobtail Member

    May 9, 2024
    I have been researching isaac and will be switching to them soon. We currently are using peoplenet and it is absolute garbage. Stay away from peoplenet.
  9. snicrep

    snicrep Medium Load Member

    May 13, 2009
    mcallen, tx
    I get speed warnings in consistently. CO. Truck, governed at 67-68. Going down hill I sometimes get speed warnings at 72, and no warnings +75. Company has never told me anything so I take advantage of the monentum.
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