Biting the Bullet and Finally Doing It

Discussion in 'CR England' started by we4redheads, Oct 14, 2010.

  1. we4redheads

    we4redheads Bobtail Member

    Aug 1, 2010
    Decided to take the plunge and make my deal with the Devil. I'm heading to Burns Harbor on 10/18 for training to drive the Big Trucks for CR England. I've been researching things for weeks now; and, have read all the good, the bad, and the ugly about CRE. I'll attempt to keep up the commentary on my experiences at least through Phase 2. Not sure I'll be able to; but, I have a laptop with a STRONG wifi antenna and McDonald's are around every corner.

    I'm not all that well known around here(this forum); so, I'll give a bit of background on myself for any who may be interested. I'm a 42 yr old father and husband. I've been out of work for 13 months since being phased out by AT&T in favor of a $1.75/hr phillipino. Not bitter about that one at all. I've got an old-school work ethic and bust my hump at everything I've ever done. I'm a noob to being in the driver's seat; but not new to trucking in general. I've got about a dozen family members and friends that currently drive the Big Trucks. My wife realizes fully that she'll only see me about a week total out of the next 6 months to a year. SHE says she's a bit sad and worried about keeping things going on the home-front solo; but, I personally think that 3 weeks out.. she'll be partying with her mom and sisters and hiring male strippers for Tupperware parties.

    I've got it narrowed down to 3 courses of action depending on my personal experiences and impressions starting with the initial training:
    1)They are as full of it as all the comments I've seen starting from Day 01. Then, I'll finish training and take my cdl and run. My credit rating has gone from 675 to 530 in the last 18 months; so CRE can't screw it any worse than it already is. I've still managed to keep a house that I only have a $485 mortgage payment on.
    2)They are on the level or successfully manage to pull the wool over my eyes in training. I'll do whatever I have to do at least through the end of phase 2 so that I can get some time behind the wheel learning this craft as well as I can in 3 months. Then I'll decline the offer of a lease or to drive team and see what happens then.
    3)I find that I can make a living wage with them. Drive for them for 6 months to a year and see if I can parlay that experience into working for a company that will have greener pastures.

    I've worked for schuyster outfits before; so, know how to keep myself safe. Little paranoid things like a digital camera to take screen shots of the QC; a personal digital recorder with a 32gb sd card that records voice with the push of a button and is so small that it'll fit in my hand w/o being seen(it can just about record the sound of a fart from the next room); and a cell phone that can record phone calls again with the push of one button. I WILL NOT get screwed over without having proof that it happened. Note: I did NOT say that it WON'T happen.. just that it won't be my word against his no matter who's that "his" may be.

    The pluses I DO have on my side I think are very usable ones. I work my butt off. Period. I'm pretty street smart and have little or no gullibility. I'm smart enough to find out about; and, use just about any system I'm subjected to to my advantage.

    With all this being said, I hope I can get online for a few minutes every day or so to update this thread with how things are going for me at Burns Harbor and beyond.
    smokies276 Thanks this.
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  3. Millisjcw

    Millisjcw Light Load Member

    May 27, 2010
    Well good luck, let me know when you get done with your training if they are gonna give you a company position, whatever u do dont lease, i have had guys who told me they jus straight out told them they not gonna lease and they where given company positions....i stay 20min from burns harbor and im thinking about going there, but they gonna be my last choice, 1st im a try central refrigerated and then millis transfer
  4. we4redheads

    we4redheads Bobtail Member

    Aug 1, 2010
    As far as I've been told, you insist on a company position and they either show you the door or manufacture a reason to let you go. I don't need to make very much to pay the bills at home and to take care of myself; so, it won't take much to please me.
  5. chompi

    chompi Road Train Member

    Jun 21, 2008
    Deland, FL
    Out of the 450,000 trucking companies in the US why would you go to England? Just wondering why all you new guys think your only options are England, Swift and Werner? Is this what the trucking companies are brainwashing you with? Just a little side note; you guys know that the schools get paid by these companies, right? Also, do you think it is a real good idea to work for a company that has to spend millions of dollars in advertising to get you to work there? Doesn't something seem a little wrong? I know this is a lot of questions but you may want to take the time to answer a few. At least for the benefit of yourselves. England is no different than a Harley Davidson motorcycle shop. They teach you how to ride for an exorbitant fee and then sell you an over priced motorcycle that they know will make them even more money when it constantly breaks down and you bring it to them to fix. Then when you can't make the payments anymore they take it back and wreck your credit. Guess what guys, no different at England.
    Big Duker Thanks this.
  6. Gears

    Gears Trucker Forum STAFF - Gone, But Not Forgotten.

    Aug 20, 2009
    Welcome to the forum.
    Using all those covert items you mentioned... seems just a wee bit overboard as far as I'm concerned.
    I suggest to all folks starting out... do your research and stick with your chosen company. There is no "perfect" company out there, there's going to be some bumps in the road, you have to expect them. You seem to have your "outs" already planned and that's probably the route you'll take as it's the path of least resistance. What good is anything without a commitment?
  7. Millisjcw

    Millisjcw Light Load Member

    May 27, 2010
    very true, im making them my very last gonna try central & millis 1st
  8. Corporal_Clegg

    Corporal_Clegg Road Train Member

    Oct 9, 2010
    :biggrin_25516: Dude, lay off the Harley Bashing. Thats over the line !!!
  9. we4redheads

    we4redheads Bobtail Member

    Aug 1, 2010
    The biggest reason why I'm going to England is the fact that they actually said "yes." A year ago, my plan was to get some go-nowhere job here(western michigan), save my shekels, and put myself through the community college here to get my cdl and then start putting my app in. 12 months later, still no job, no real steady income(i'm a paid "volunteer" with a company transporting medicare recipients to their doctor's appointments), 4 kids that are driving me bat-###### insane, and a wife that's suffering because we don't have the cash to take care of our family the way it should be. We're not in danger of losing anything.. I mean hell.. our mortgage payment is only $485; but, life has been pretty grim here the last year.

    To make matters worse, I have a felony on my record from 1994. Yes.... 16 years ago. I've gotten to the final stages of the pre-hire process with about a dozen non-driving companies since I've been here. All is peachy right up to the part where they get the background check back. And EVERYONE here does background checks now that you can get one for 30 bucks on the internet. Before anyone asks, it was for forgery. Was writing checks on a checking account that was closed shortly before I kited the checks. I was 25 then and full of pi$$ and vinegar and really aggravated the guy at the bank when I ran my smart mouth and he ended up pressing charges. Never have tried to make any excuses or deny it or try to sweep it under the rug. Not really ashamed of it either.. I'm not that person anymore.. haven't been for nearly 2 decades. The penitentiary has a way of smoothing out a smart mouth if you're intent on staying out of it in the future.

    I know there are companies out there that are open-minded about a checkered past. I've applied to them. Which ones? All of them. I have to keep a spreadsheet of the "starter" companies I've applied to in the last year to just keep track of who I've applied to and who I haven't. I do searches every day on the internet, yellow pages and friends who drive of new companies that I've not already heard of.

    So.. to the original question.. why England? Frankly.. because I know how to take "yes" for an answer.

    To the previous comment about the measures I can/will take to cover my back. They may be a bit overboard. I just wanna be safe. I'm pretty sure I'll be okay with my trainer once I get to phase 2. A high school friend of my mother-in-law is a phase 2 trainer for them; and, I'm going to try hard to get him to be my trainer. He sounds like a stand-up guy and seems to be the kind of dude that I'd get along with.
  10. we4redheads

    we4redheads Bobtail Member

    Aug 1, 2010
    Here's my token Harley bashing comment for the day. What do Harley's and hound dogs have in common? Both have the initials H.D. Both sit real pretty in the back of a pickup. And both will leak on your carpet if you leave them in the house overnight.
    rookietrucker Thanks this.
  11. we4redheads

    we4redheads Bobtail Member

    Aug 1, 2010
    Isn't central owned by another member of the England family? As for Millis.. if I had the $500 they wanted up front.. sheesh.. I might go buy a new pair of shoes or something first. Haven't been able to since mid-2009. :biggrin_2556:
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