Bolt Goat goes for the green with SAV Express

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by UturnGirl, Oct 24, 2021.

  1. UturnGirl

    UturnGirl Road Train Member

    Jan 16, 2010
    Smooth sailing for the Goat.
    IMG_20211217_160002.jpg IMG_20211217_155910.jpg
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  3. keebler13579

    keebler13579 Heavy Load Member

    Nov 16, 2012
    Why are you flying home instead of driving?
    bzinger, BennysPennys and UturnGirl Thank this.
  4. UturnGirl

    UturnGirl Road Train Member

    Jan 16, 2010
    You caught it. I was waiting. As great as SAV is, and they are wonderful, they are not a good fit for me. I am going back to TNI.

    After I've had Some coffee, and thawed out from the frozen north, I will give details.
    bzinger, dunchues, Bumper and 13 others Thank this.
  5. BM 58

    BM 58 Road Train Member

    Jun 25, 2019
    I think I read in one of your posts that you were based in the DFW area. Have you looked into a better option than going back to TNI?
  6. BeHereNow97

    BeHereNow97 Heavy Load Member

    Sep 15, 2020
    Wow, I didn't see this coming. I thought all was going well for you. I'll be waiting to read your account as to what happened. Hopefully they were cordial on your way out.
  7. UturnGirl

    UturnGirl Road Train Member

    Jan 16, 2010
    Here's the deal... the folks at SAV are really great folks. At issue for me was how their business operates.

    Without going into too much detail, basically they have a couple of special accounts that provide steady freight. Everything else is brokered through CH Robinson. The result is, you go out from Minneapolis deliver and return with a brokered load. 95% is live load and unload. The delivered loads outgoing from MN are 50% to distribution centers and 50% to retailers. Those are some super fun docking encounters. Because the return loads are brokered through good old Cheap and Heavy, appointments are hilariously unreliable. Result? Sit, and sit and oh yeah, random cancelations. Although SAV honorably attemps to compensate for lost time, it is hair pulling frustration resulting in averaging 350 miles per day day in and day out with a rolling 70...forever... Further more, everything I've been given has been east and west. Life north of 80.

    Now, the Minnesota part I knew about when I accepted the job. My bad. I also knew they were small so not a lot of drop and hook. Again, my bad. However, I was told I would be running north and south to Texas and back or Denver and back. Also, I used to do the rolling 70 until a couple of years ago, when I got spoiled by long runs 6 days a week and a 34 wherever I landed. Some people like the rolling 70, but I came to love the other.

    Here is how SAV responded to my resignation:
    SAV: We could put you on the Katy (Texas) run."
    Me: !
    Fact: they were giving the Texas runs to the guys who refused to accept the crap loads. I was getting them because I allowed it.

    There were also my issues with the total absence of night or weekend support, which is aggravating for everyone, but not a game changer.
    As for the CH Robinson return loads, they could not be helped and I get that.

    SAV, once convinced I had already accepted offer to return to TNI irrevocably , stepped up to the plate like the genuinely classy good-hearted people they are. They forgave repayment of their hiring and orientation expenses and booked hotel, uber and return flight for me, to be repaid with my final check. I got hugs and handshakes and well wishes from everyone. I felt very emotional.

    In summary, I can't say enough good about these guys. A lot of drivers would prefer the SAV model over TNI, especially if they lived up north. It is just not for me.

    As for TNI, they got their kit together. Raised the pay and offered me the remaining portion of a 10k bonus (after deducting the $3500 they had already paid when I first signed on) and the Hooks terminal manager sent me a personal email saying, "Welcome Home". Also, all the changes in safety and terminals were only good stuff, so the shake up I felt coming turned out to not be a problem after all. (Failure to communicate guys)

    My Daddy always told me changing jobs was changing bads.Every day at SAV I had to tell myself. S*ck it up, Buttercup. At TNI I only have to say that when I go for hometime. Hey! What's a 4 hour drive now and then when everything else is happiness?
    After Christmas I will start a new thread,
    TNI: The Prodigal Goat Returns.

    Until then. Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, and best wishes for an amazing and prosperous New Year.
    We love you, TTR family.
    UturnGirl and Bolt Goat.
    Zangief, Vic Firth, bzinger and 21 others Thank this.
  8. BeHereNow97

    BeHereNow97 Heavy Load Member

    Sep 15, 2020
    Yeah, I've never been with a company that burned out my 70 and let me get a 34 reset in every single week either. The only thing I've known as far as OTR goes is the rolling 70. I've had long loads before where I was able to run out my 70 and take a 34 and I have to say, I really prefer that just like you do. I think it really burns me out having to work 21 - 28 days straight without a day off and just running on recaps for forever.

    So I can definetely see how endless recaps would burn you out after you got used to having a day off every week.

    As for the other drivers refusing loads, so what did SAV tell you upon signing with them as it relates to "forced dispatch" and accepting or rejecting loads? Or didn't the conversation come up?

    Because you said you found out at the end of your stay that your fellow coworkers had been refusing the crappy loads and that's why the crappy loads were being dropped on you. So I'm wondering if the conversation about "forced dispatch" ever came up or not with SAV when you hired on with them?
    JoeyJunk and UturnGirl Thank this.
  9. Lonesome

    Lonesome Mr. Sarcasm

    Dec 15, 2007
    Northern Indiana
    Sorry things didn't work out for you at SAV,. As you found out, not every company is a fit for every person.

    BTW, how is Goat handling the change?
    JoeyJunk, Speed_Drums and UturnGirl Thank this.
  10. UturnGirl

    UturnGirl Road Train Member

    Jan 16, 2010
    I knew I could refuse, but I tend to be cooperative. If I had been more determined to stay with them, I could have improved the load choices. My previous dispatchers would deal with me : "Take this crappy load, and I will back it with a plum." I enjoyed a reputation for being a driver you could count on and that's one reason I know I am welcome to return to previous employers. Even Bolt Express asked me back ! Yeah, right, after dumping me and the Goat in the parking lot. Oh please sir, may I have some more?
    bzinger, LoSt_AgAiN, JoeyJunk and 8 others Thank this.
  11. UturnGirl

    UturnGirl Road Train Member

    Jan 16, 2010
    Bolt Goat is in full out party mode. He hates anyplace that hurts your face when you go outside.
    LoSt_AgAiN, JoeyJunk, jsnell and 7 others Thank this.
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