Boyd Bound 05-02-11

Discussion in 'Boyd' started by M2k, Apr 18, 2011.

  1. Misippy

    Misippy Bobtail Member

    Jun 27, 2011
    Clinton, MS
    thanks, M2K...we'll be into touch! Have a good un!
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    WRIGHTRACING Heavy Load Member

    Jan 3, 2011
    Iuka MS/Muscle Shoals AL
    Didn't know that, just knew they had the terminal in Birmingham AL...Could be that they don't have a lot of freight coming through your area, so it would be tough to get you home.
  4. hytekrednek

    hytekrednek Light Load Member

    Dec 10, 2007
    Rock Hill, S.C.
    We do have terminated in greenville. Just small one for usg plant there though.
  5. M2k

    M2k Light Load Member

    Jan 17, 2011
    So far my Boyd experience has been positive, fellow boyd drivers ive met have been positive and upbeat and havent told me of and serious negatives theyve experienced with the company,theyve also been very helpful with securement week of load securement class only scratches the surface of challenges you face.

    Ive been solo a month now ,.......... my miles started at around1600 1800 and last week i ran 2600,i can definately feel the might not be much to an experienced driver but it wore me out.Mainly because of planning.I can handle 11hrs driving in a day if needed.Ive noticed that the chain securement jobs wear me out the most.

    I need more practice on narrow backroads..............made alot of drivers mad one evening driving40 50 on 55 mile an hour road.........made it to the shipper on time though:biggrin_25520:

    Daggone gps peeez me off at least once every 3 days...............:biggrin_2552:
    Ive been home every weekend since ive went solo.
    So far the positives out weigh the negs..............................
  6. M2k

    M2k Light Load Member

    Jan 17, 2011
  7. plentygood

    plentygood Road Train Member

    Apr 24, 2011
    Like my CDL instructor told me "don't worry about them people behind you! they ain't going to pay your speeding ticket and their not going to help you turn around if you miss your exit"

    PS. Congrats to you and "Nice Truck" dude :thumbup:
    rubberducky68 Thanks this.
  8. rubberducky68

    rubberducky68 Road Train Member

    Sep 9, 2010
    Jefferson GA
    Nice truck. Congrats. Keep us posted on your miles. I am curious to what you Boyd drivers are averaging weekly.
  9. M2k

    M2k Light Load Member

    Jan 17, 2011
    Thanks alot Plentygood!

    Thanks Rubberducky

    I think the miles vary pending on the driver, 2 trainees who i started with say they havent been gettin miles but they say they been havin problems running certain miles on peoplenet and cant get there on time,i dont really understand what they mean though.I think if they give you big miles and you cant get the delivery completed in satisfactory time they will ease up.Thats what i got out of what they were saying.But who knows.

    My first 2 3 weeks were low miles 14 to 18 hundred then theyve been 2000+ since ,my miles actually could have been better but it seem like every week some shipper or consignee drains my hours at there stop so i wind up losing time i could have been rollin.

    Im comfortable with 2000 miles,
    This week was 2200 and lost alot of time early in the week waiting for a customer.Yesterday i picked up a load that i brought home for the wkd its a 800 mile i was off thurs day late to saturday late.

    I really couldnt tell you what the average driver gets because i dont know but every time i send in my empty call i dont have to wait long before im movin to my next load :biggrin_2551: :yes2557:
  10. hytekrednek

    hytekrednek Light Load Member

    Dec 10, 2007
    Rock Hill, S.C.

    That's good man. Keep it up. The main reason u don't wait long is the elog. That combined with on time/early del helps. Try bein on paper logs Some of us gotta wait sometimes still. Also the miles will depend on home location. Until they started hiring so many Georgia drivers I was upper 2000 on regular basis. Now I gotta run north m Midwest to het miles. Which I don't mind at all, the flat ground helps that fuel mileage out. Keep up the good work n we will b seeing u out there sooner or later.
  11. runningman0661

    runningman0661 Road Train Member

    Mar 5, 2009
    Clover, South Carolina
    If that GPS isn't specifically for trucks it will get you in some bad spots. Use it as a tool, but don't rely solely on it.
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